Seabreeze, now you are getting crazy by saying "Care to expalin how Jesus resurrected himself from the dead while he was dead, without being God."
Jesus did not resurrect himself simply because he was dead.
Ps 115:17 "The dead do not praise Jah;Nor do any who go down into the silence of death."
If the dead can't praise Jehovah, then they can't resurrect themselves.
In John 2, Jesus did not predict that he would raise himself.
The Jews asked him "What sign can you show us,
Jesus said Tear down this temple, and in three days I will raise it up.”
He did not say that he would be resurrected in 3 days.
It was John who added " he was talking about the temple of his body."
Tear down this temple, his body by killing him, and he would raise the new temple.
Jesus' raising of the temple meant the starting of the spiritual temple in action, by having the perfect sacrifice and then his presenting of it to his Father.
He wasn't saying that he would raise himself from the dead. And his body was not raised up.
I don't understand what your purpose is. You mentioned Gal 1:12 about Paul receiving the good news.
Your teaching that Jesus is the creator and that he raised his body from the dead is not consistent with that