JoinedPosts by EdenOne
Strange situation
by Gorbatchov inhi folks,.
the rank and file is now in a strange situation.. it is clear that the jw leadership is in for a huge change.
the type / anti type change makes clear that they make a u-turn.. it's clear that with this changes the current doctrine are temporary.
Implications of Dropping "Types/Anti-Types"
by Antioch ini've seen this part of the agm folded in with other topics and poked around, but no really critical discussion of the implications.. .
the hermenuetics of the type/anti-type practice was a big deal to me in realizing the tatt.
i searched high and low for a rational basis for concluding that god was communicating in a type/anti-type format that wasn't special pleading and circular.
Soooooooo ... will this preclude some "new light" that the "sign of the last days" was, after all, only for the first century, and no future second fulfillment is warranted from the text? I wonder ....
AGM 2014 Detailed Highlights - including talks summary.
by Da.Furious init is more likely to be one attack under different names.. gog of magog is not satan but a coalition of nations.
1. what do talents represent?
so who has the 5 talents?
The type / antitype talk is indeed a very significant shift. Out the window goes much of the pre GB 2.0 prophetic speculation ... (mostly due to Franz, but Rutherford and Russell used it a lot too).
Local Kingdom Hall Speakers To Be Replaced By Governing Body Video Feeds.
by donuthole inso we've seen as the current gb is getting more facetime in an effort to reach the hearts and minds of the rank and file.
this took a leap with video feeds at an open annual meeting.
the international conventions are taking this a step farther.. do you think that local speakers at kingdom halls could ever be replaced by headquarter approved video feeds?.
As I said in another thread, I can see that the new TV will result in the demise of the mid-week meeting. Theocratic school can be replaced by a series of instructional videos and "special schools" of one day - for rehearsing - can be arranged now and then at the KH, just a few times a year (say, once every 6 months).
what REALLY is
by Nebeska Nada ini think that is the greatest slap in the face that apostates ever received.. what do you think?.
I think this TV experiment will prompt the deletion of the mid-week meeting in the long run.
The "theocratic school" will become a series of instructional videos, and, at regular intervals, publishers will be invited to "publisher schools", special training sessions of one day at the Kingdom Hall - some sort of glorified rehearsal of what they've learned from the videos.
by Crazyguy inarmageddon is happening oh my god!!!
my tv is crashing and flashing its about to quit, i should have known the great tribulation started a few months ago when the tv started acting up.
all the warning signs and yet i didn't notice....woe is me and my gnashing of my teeth, i may miss the game on tv tonight, its so much worse than revelations said it would be.
Do you think if the Society would stop predicting the end, folks might see them differently
Technically, they haven't "predicted" 1975 or 2000, not even 2014 in writing ... but you can tell they actively promoted the rumours and wild expectations. They seem to can't help themselves, because it keeps the sheep motivated a while longer. You will find a technique they often use in the publications; they will put words in the mouth of "faithful witnesses" or "wordly experts" to say what they don't dare saying as boldly as they did regarding 1914, 1915 or 1925.
No, they haven't got the slightest credibility left when it comes to prophecy interpretation. You may want to discuss also the value of prophecy itself in the Scriptures. That's another discussion altogether.
What does the building of Warwick HQ have to do with the Society's expectation of the end?
by Apognophos inthis topic is a couple years late, but i just wanted to get this off my chest.
i don't understand why people say that the society starting a project that won't finish until 2017 means that the end can't come until then, or that they don't expect the end before then.
this isn't a very logical line of thought.
... for the same logical reason they tell individual Witnesses to refrain from building / purchasing a home on this side of this system of things ...because in all likeliness it won't survive Armaggeddon. What's good for the goose....
by Crazyguy inarmageddon is happening oh my god!!!
my tv is crashing and flashing its about to quit, i should have known the great tribulation started a few months ago when the tv started acting up.
all the warning signs and yet i didn't notice....woe is me and my gnashing of my teeth, i may miss the game on tv tonight, its so much worse than revelations said it would be.
Sometimes if you live for the future too miss the present.
Jehovah's Witnesses ... robbing lives since 1879.
I've spotted a few.
by Crazyguy inarmageddon is happening oh my god!!!
my tv is crashing and flashing its about to quit, i should have known the great tribulation started a few months ago when the tv started acting up.
all the warning signs and yet i didn't notice....woe is me and my gnashing of my teeth, i may miss the game on tv tonight, its so much worse than revelations said it would be.
They said earlier on that last memorial might be our last memorial .... remember?