JoinedPosts by EdenOne
by The Searcher incredit to vidqun for the direction given.. the watchtower november 15th qfr blows the selection process/timing/individuals clean out of the water!.
simply put, ask any witness these questions:.
who is represented by the 'two witnesses' in revelation chapter 7?
by notsurewheretogo indid you see the post on reddit?
unconfirmed naturally and just a rumour but at at one assembly this week it was announced that the 6 members of the gb send their love.. .
there are 7 members of the gb.. .
I remember recently that the people in charge of "" suggested that there were GB member(s) that were awaking for the error of the "two hopes" doctrine.
why didnt God just do this?
by sowhatnow infor one thing, i cant get past genesis, but no matter.. when god told adam and eve if you eat from the tree youll die.
so why did he not simple let them die and not allow the offspring to?.
you see, if i was a god, and i told two people that, id let them die , .
Apognophos, naturally, you're right. We're seeing things from the viewpoint of Paul. Still, that reflects the jewish concept that sin was introduced to mankind by the original sin of Adam and Eve and that's who evil came into the world.
just wanted to introduce myself
by TheMark ini've been a lurker for quite some time and enjoy the forum.
i've reached a point in life where i don't argue ideologies anymore so i don't have much to say.
i've been out for decades and believe i've been mostly de-cultabilized (if that's even a word).. my family is still in and i haven't had contact with them in years.
Welcome Mark!
why didnt God just do this?
by sowhatnow infor one thing, i cant get past genesis, but no matter.. when god told adam and eve if you eat from the tree youll die.
so why did he not simple let them die and not allow the offspring to?.
you see, if i was a god, and i told two people that, id let them die , .
The above reasoning is what led me to see the absurdity of the ransom doctrine, also the flaws of the 'original sin' tale, and the purpoted transmission mechanism of sin. It's just men trying to make sense of evil And misery in this world, nothing else.
why didnt God just do this?
by sowhatnow infor one thing, i cant get past genesis, but no matter.. when god told adam and eve if you eat from the tree youll die.
so why did he not simple let them die and not allow the offspring to?.
you see, if i was a god, and i told two people that, id let them die , .
Even IF the story of Adam and Eve was real (it's a myth, but for argument sake, let's pretend it was real), the reasoning behind it is: Sin is transmitted in some mysterious hereditary way, perhaps genetically, so, when Adam And Eve sinned, their offspring was inevitably sentenced to inherit their sin by birth. The reason God allowed this was so that thefirst couple could generate offspring, thus fulfilling God's will, but, at the same time, fulfilling God's justice, The first human couple couldn't escape the capital punishment they were warned about. No worries, because, oh rejoice! Jehovah would eventually after waiting 6000+ years of human suffering make things right for mankind through the ransom provided by his only-begotten perfect Son, Jesus, even bringing miraculously back to life those who died because of that 'inherited sin.'
Sounds neat and plausible? To most Jehovah's Witnesses it does. However, consider this:
If you ask any Jehovah's Witness if God is the paradigm of the perfect father to whom keeping the well-being of his children is paramount, you will hear a resounding YES! It follows then, that it would be unthinkable that Jehovah would subject his children to unecessary suffering unless there was no other alternative, right? Another resounding YES! It follows, then, that it was absolutely impossible to Jehovah to keep Adam and Eve's offspring from inheriting sin, without God breaking his word of judgement, right? A hesitating YES would follow.
Well, in that case, please explain: How come God was able to protect Jesus, who was fully human, born of a sinful woman, from inheriting Adamic sin, but he couldn't protect Adam and Eve's children from inheriting their sin? If God did it for Jesus, why didn't he do it for Cain, Abel and Set and other children? Because, as far as we can see, God would still be true to his word if he sentenced the first couple to death, while allowing them to generate a perfect offspring in the meantime. And even if Satan challenged that every human being wouldn't keep their integrity towards God, that challenge could be answered just as well (and even more so) by a perfect human offspring, thus eliminating the need for a 'perfect redeemer' that only God could provide.
So, either:
a) God isn't a good father, because he allowed his human creation to suffer unecessarily - it was in his power to stop the transmission of sin, and he didn't. This also caused his Son Jesus to suffer and die as a redeemer unecessarily, because, if every generation after Adam and Eve was born free from sin, and would only become sinner on their own doing, there would be no necessity at all for a perfect man coming from heaven to die for mankind's sins.
b) In order to be sin-free, Jesus wasn't born from a human woman, and therefore he wasn't fully human. Therefore, his life wasn't the equivalent of the perfect human life that Adam lost. This invalidates the ransom ideology.
Which one is it, then?
Jehovah's organization growing like never before: but bible studies are way down. Huh?
by kneehighmiah inso the governing body likes to keep claiming incredible growth.
at the same time they claim bible studies are way down.
are the finally admitting what we've known all along, that they can no longer recruit outsiders?
Maybe by now Tony Morris knows the numbers for the service year ending in August 31st 2014, and they show a decrease relative to the numbers published in 2013's Yearbook.
Jehovah's organization growing like never before: but bible studies are way down. Huh?
by kneehighmiah inso the governing body likes to keep claiming incredible growth.
at the same time they claim bible studies are way down.
are the finally admitting what we've known all along, that they can no longer recruit outsiders?
Don't forget the CONTEXT of the remark: A Zone visit to the US. So, "growth" can be perceived worldwide, but specifically in the US, the number of Bible Studies is diminishing, hence the heads-up.
My Wife Takes the "Spiritual Belief System" Quiz
by breakfast of champions inso i asked my wife to take the "spiritual belief system" quiz online.
now, this is not claiming to be a scientifically accurate system to determine your religious affiliation, but i thought it would be an interesting exercise.. for those who haven't seen it, the questionnaire is here:.
Funny how things change. I took this test a little over a year ago and the top result was JW. Now it's down to 12%. Surprisingly, 100% Unitarian Universalist, 82% Liberal Quakers, 77% Secular Humanism make the top 3 now.
Earth rotates the wrong way. ( no one even knew that )
by kairos ini've heard it mentioned a few times.. the rotating earth graphic in the background on jwtv rotates backwards.. i've mentioned it to the active and they are not concerned at all.. my response is, "it's something they are portraying that cannot be more wrong".. .
two gb members have stood in front of it telling us to trust them.
how can you when they think the sun rises in the west.... .
The earth clearly revolves around the Watchtower HQ.