I have yet another theory that stems from this curious real story that happened in my country, and I've heard it told in a radio show a few years ago while a writer was being interviewed. He told this story from his days in the military:
Because he had university studies, this man progressed quickly in the military ranks until the rank of Captain. He was transferred to a barracks unit in the south. When he got there, he was briefed by his second-lieutenant about the ins and outs of the military facility. While they were touring the facility, the second-lieutenant pointed to a wood bench right in the middle of the central square where the troops assemble. He said: "You should know, It's strictly forbidden for anyone to sit on that bench, Sir". When he was asked why, he shrug and said "I can't say for sure, but those are superior orders - no one sits on that bench". Intrigued, the Captain insisted: "How long has this order been in place?" "I don't know, but I've been here a few years already and those orders were already in place and my previous superiors were very clear that no one was to sit on that bench, and they weren't revoked yet".
The Captain was intrigued, but didn't insist any further. However, as time went by, he noticed that everyone strictly avoided sitting on the said bench. So, one night while he was on duty and bored, he decided to go through the books of the military unit, and find out when and why the "no-seat" order had been issued. He went back nearly 25 years. Then, he found it! Written by a former Coronel, there it was, plainly stated: "FRESHLY PAINTED BENCH IN THE MIDDLE OF THE SQUARE - DO NOT SIT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE." ......
I believe something similar happens with the beard issue. The roots go back to Rutherford's anxiety to bury the memory of Russell. Ever since those days, everyone wanted to please the "Judge", so it became something strictly enforced in the congregations, even if nobody knew exactly why. The, 'post-hoc' rationalizations came along, such as trying to tie beards with hippie counterculture and communism, therefore, rebellious spirit. It's a story that is entirely baseless from a Bible perspective, and nobody knows exactly how it came to be, or why, except to say it's "superior orders".