Datsun rebranded to Nissan ; Phillip Morris rebranded to Altri ; AIG Retirement rebranded to Sagepoint Finantial; Apple Computer rebranded to Apple.
There are usually three main reasons for a corporate rebranding:
1) Elimination of a negative image
2) Attempt to recuperate market share
3) Effort to stay relevant
In 1931, Rutherford rebranded the Bible Students into Jehovah's Witnesses because his organization was struggling to remain relevant after the massive dissent following the death of Russell and the 1925 fiasco.
84 years past, and the time is ripe for another rebranding, because certainly the WTS has too many skeletons in the closet and too much of a negative public image to keep dragging behind them - blood issue, refusal to salute flag and participate on military service, paedophilia scandals, annoying evangelizing tactics, false predictions, refusal to celebrate birthdays and hollidays, family breakups, shunning ...