Eden, are you conflating beliefs with actions?
That's not my intention. I'm merely offering an example of how a belief can be evaluated according to two different angles: How close it adheres to reality ; and how beneficial it may be to mankind.
You only tell the good, positive side of the story--the humanitarian believer--while ignoring the fact that there have also been many atrocities committed by religious zealots who acted according to their beliefs
My point with the example given isn't if Christianity in general is a belief system worthy of respect; rather, if the Christian-themed belief of that particular individual is worthy of respect or not. It's not even very relevant if his faith is Christian or of other religion. I only gave that example out of familiarity.
But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion.
As Cofty would say, "bullocks" - because, by the same token,conversely, it can be argued that for evil people to do good things, it takes religion.