I strongly object to display country information. While I understand the 'cool' factor, there are potential dangers. In the case of those still "in" who live in small countries with relatively small Witness community, that makes them sitting duck targets. In these small countries, everybody knows everyone, and it wouldn't be so difficult for a keen über-Witness with a witch-hunting tendency to take interest in some member just because he/she is from the same country and start investigating. It's a receipe for disaster, and a paranoia booster for those still "in" who have a lot to lose if they become exposed. Plus, it may be a deterrent for potential new members to join. Please think about the benefit / cost of such feature.
If you *must* have it, at least make it OPTIONAL, so that each member may enable / disable such feature from the user profile; and give the option to enter a more generic location, for example: North America / South America / Central America / Africa / Europe / Middle East / Southeast Asia / Oceania ...