JWs and thus former JWs are over represented in black and Hispanic communities, Democratic voters, and people with left leaning political perspective. Which you wouldn’t guess from reading this forum, leading me to suspect that this forum is not very typical of JWs or former JWs in general. People who either believe in God, the Bible, or that the coronavirus remains a huge problem, or don’t support Trump, and are left leaning, tend to keep it to themselves or go elsewhere. The forum becomes ever narrower as a result. - slimboyfat
My feelings exactly. For the most part I have given up participating in this forum because of the political bickering that quickly contaminates the discussions and the lack of basic respect for believers. While I myself am not a believer anymore (I have come to a mindset that is somewhat a hybrid of atheism / agnosticism / apatheism) and my political leaning is, from a european standpoint, clearly moderate center-right, it just bothered me greatly how narrow-minded, and thus unhelpful, this forum has slowly become. If it weren’t for few contributors still being here, and the priceless heritage trove of information from past years, I wouldn’t even bother to come here now and then to read the “latest”.
I have no patience for alt-right rethorics, authoritarian eulogy, telling others what they should be thinking (else they’re stupid or unpatriotic or whatnot) and conspiracy theories, really. To me it’s just a repackaging of the old JW mindset, and I can’t stand it. Plus, me, my wife and my son have gone through so much in our lives that we want more distancing from the JW past and anti-JW activism as time goes by. We have made a conscious effort to get more “normal”. I am immensely grateful for what this forum meant in my awakening, but it’s sad to witness the direction it was lead into and that people I used to appreciate here also took a back seat or left altogether for similar reasons, I imagine.