Vangelis, together with french synthesist and composer Jean-Michel Jarre were single handedly the musicians responsible for my interest in synthesizers. My music is clearly influenced by Vangelis' sonic aesthetic.
RIP my hero.
i just found out this evening, may 27th, that the well-known greek musician, vangelis, passed away just last week.
may 17th, in fact.
he was 79 years old, which, well, as you know, is old.
Vangelis, together with french synthesist and composer Jean-Michel Jarre were single handedly the musicians responsible for my interest in synthesizers. My music is clearly influenced by Vangelis' sonic aesthetic.
RIP my hero.
i sent my disassociation letter two days ago!
i couldn't stand it anymore!
so many lies, the exploitation of sincere people, the ridiculous amount of rules and all this protection of pedophiles, plus the life of gb as if they were wealthy dictators!
Parabéns pela decisão corajosa, João.
Congratulations for the brave decision which, ultimately, becomes inevitable once you realize you cannot live with lies anymore. Give your wife some room to breathe, she needs to be given the opportunity to let the dust settle and see things for what they are, objectively and free from excessive emotions. She'll come around, I'm sure.
Are you by any chance in the greater Lisbon area? Perhaps you'd like to meet for a drink?
who are the 144,000?
a critical examination of the teaching of the 144,000 from the perspective of an ex jx considering context and other references .this is from a series of videos called new light where i scrutinise all the major teachings of the watchtower..
I disagree with the approach of "letting the bible interpret itself". It has proven over and over to lead to pitfalls. The very protestant tenet "sola scriptura" didn't result in a unified interpretation, but rather, in thousands of different interpretations, all claiming to be "bible-based". Your best approach is to let the author of a particular text (book) interpret itself. And then consider where is he coming from, what are his influences (in many cases, these influences are to be found outside of canonical scriptures), and of course, what was the motivation of the writer, his political and religious agenda, and to what audience he was writing for.
To simply start off by assuming that the writing hands who wrote the texts that comprise the [protestant] Bible were in harmony with each other is to ignore solid textual criticism evidence and start building over a basic mistake.
Want a simple example? The writer of the gospel of Matthew misreading the Septuagint translation of Isaiah 7:14 to conclude (wrong) that Jesus surely must have fulfilled some prophecy of being miraculously born off a virgin, wholly ignoring the historical context of the episode; and hence how the story of a virginal birth was concocted and gained traction. (The author of Mark, the oldest gospel, knows nothing about a virginal birth story or any other fanciful Jesus infancy stories, btw ...)
original reddit post (removed).
Slim, not exactly my brightest post 😅
Anyways, just stating the obvious, I guess. Someone can advertise doing A, but use it as means to conceal B. A is still true, but then again so is B.
Good to see blondie again, also!
original reddit post (removed).
One can scubadive in warm tropical waters and see sex workers in the same trip. Are those things mutually exclusive? One can plan a trip with a plan A and yet look forward to have side benefits unrelated to plan A. Of course someone with something to hide would state a truth as a way to conceal something shameful. Isn't that tactic implicit in what we all learned on the WT 'school'?
Welcome back Lee Marsh, you've been missed. Sorry to hear about the ongoing health struggles; I hope you come out winning. Keep the spirits up on that bitter fight! I had already a few colon polyps removed and a couple of them had potential to degenerate into cancer, so now every 3 years I take a colonoscopy just to make sure nothing is going awry, because this is a silent killer.
i'm joão, from portugal.. i was a jw for about 30 years but i've stopped associating with them for about two years now.
and, lately, i've decided to dig deep and research about this cult!
oh boy!
Olá João, bem-vindo a este fórum.
Welcome to this forum, from another fellow Portuguese citizen in Portugal.
I also exited before my zealous JW wife did, and what I can say is that everyone is different, and what works for some, doesn't work for others. You know your spouse better than anyone else in here, so work with that knowledge. In general, proceed with caution, because if preserving your marriage and family is important to you, you may want to take baby steps. Keep in mind that their pre-programmed brain can at any time turn against you and choose the cult instead, if they feel overwhelmed. Carefully chosen questions that arouse thinking mechanisms are usually a good way, especially if you don't make it sound as if you already have mentally checked out. The temptation to spill it all out and "preach" is great, but patience is paramount here. Also, keep an eye on external influences - your spouse may confide in another JW what's going on and they may try to undermine you and even turn her against you.
has anyone ever read the new testament- critically- and not theologically?
by theologically i mean not reading the bible with the intention of understanding the nature of god and religious truth.
but instead, reading the bible by analyzing only the facts of what is written, in an unbiased frame of mind to pull out what is actually happening in the written stories.. first of all, if you were to read the nt in chronological order, paul’s 7 authentic letters would come before the gospels of matthew, mark, luke, and john.
Also, consider the fact that Mark doesn't seem to know anything about a resurrection story ... in fact, this was so shocking and embarrassing that some scribes took it up upon themselves to add a spurious "short conclusion" and a "long conclusion" to Mark, in order to at least make it seem that Mark knew something about it.
Also, about Paul and his feud with the apostles in Jerusalem ... I have the feeling that Paul could easily have considered that the apostles framed him in the Jerusalem Temple episode ... that the good (in fact, terrible) advise they gave him order to prove his jewish orthodoxy obedience to the Law was in fact a ruse to have him arrested or killed by an angry mob (remember who started the riot? The "Jews from Asia", possibly the same people whom Paul had unsuccessfully attempted to convert in Ephesus - Acts 19:8-10) Even if it wasn't that the intention of the apostles (I think it's not entirely impossible, if they really thought he was an apostate, in which case they were in agreement with orthodox Jews), at the very least Paul could see the chain of events in that way, and that can explain the extremely harsh tone he employed in some of his letters to refer to the apostles and the "jewish Jesus movement" followers as opposed to his Christ movement followers. (Compare to Phillipians 3:2, where Paul calls these "dogs")
so my jw father is sick.
my mother uses the opportunity to try and preach to my 16 year old daughter.
i simply told my mother to: "please refrain from trying to lure *my daughter* in with jehovah's witness questioning.
There’s a huge difference between telling a fundamentalist parent to refrain from luring a grandchild into her religion, and an institutionally mandated all-encompassing shunning fueled by religious hatred.
It’s dishonest to conflate both situations as if they’re even comparable. They aren't two sides of a coin flip. There’s no ethical dilemma here.