One day I was invited to deliver a part in a symposium on a Circuit Assembly.
I had to attend the rehearsal with the CO and DO (at the time). In some other symposium part, the assigned elder invited an elderly, shy sister was to be interviewed and tell an experience of how she persisted in calling back someone that showed some interest in a tract. The sister told her story that ended up with the house dweller becoming part of her regular literature itinerary. End of story.
The CO wasn't exactly thrilled with it, but was tired and didn't have time to find a better story, so he ok'd it. However, the DO (a major prick) said "well, that's not a very encouraging story, is it? Interviewing someone on the platform with such a small outcome isn't good enough", he scolded the elder.
"Tell me, sister, did you start a Bible study with the person?" The terrorized sister replied " ..." The DO insisted: "Well, are you able to read a bible text to the person when you visit?", he asked. "Not yet ... I only leave the magazines". The DO got frustrated: "Well, do you think that you will be able to at least read one bible text to the person on your next visit?" he pushed. "I ... I suppose I can try ..."
The DO smiled. "Well, then, you will say that your persistence resulted in initiating a new bible study. Now everyone will be much more encouraged, don't you agree?" "Y...Yes, brother DO"
And so it was, on the Circuit Assembly next week she told the story from the platform of how her efforts yielded a new, and ongoing, bible study. *claps*