You people are SOooooo CRUEL!! Telemarketers ARE real people too. For some, that is the only job they can do - because of lack of typing skills and other physical limitations. It is not fair to THEM to suffer abuse from every person that is called by the company that employs them. It is their ONLY source of income. Come on people! You did not like abuse from the WT, so why do you abuse others. Telemarketers ARE human beings and have feeling too!
JoinedPosts by ubdjudge
Do You Love Telemarketers???
by LB inok, i'm getting worn out from these guys.
i always tell them to never call again and some do take me off the list.
it seems they are getting more agressive.
what brought you out?
by uncle_onion ini was intersted in what brought "you" out.. with me it was the 607 bce thing.
i always followed the org and would have died for it but when i saw the fallacy of the 607 date that blew it for me.
i am now on a quest to try and find something to feel comfortable with.
My relationship with God had always been rocky. When I was in college, I would lie awake at nights worried that He didn’t approve of what or whom I had done that day. Then, the Ambien would kick in. When I woke up the next morning I would be haunted by a sense of vague reproach. If only I hadn’t suffered from ADD, I would have thought about it long enough to realize that my morning anxiety was connected to my nighttime ruminations about God. Instead, I walked around all
morning thinking I had forgotten a really great idea for doing something new with my hair. That really bothered me because everyone wants to live up to their full potential.After taking Beginning Psychology, I realized that my relationship with God was weirdly co-dependant. He pandered to my self-esteem issues with His "I love you no matter how bad you are" stuff, while I enabled His wild bipolar mood swings by turning a blind eye to the floods in Nicaragua and the Holocaust. Anyway, we drifted. It’s not like I rejected Him. I just felt like He wanted space. You know, totally needy constant praying had to stop – and it did after many a tearful confrontation too embarrassing to recount here. That’s
when the crazy sex started. It was constant. First, I did it by teams. Then, by fraternities. Finally, I had to start going off campus just to see fresh faces.One night I was with this guy who worked in a local restaurant called Juan. Juan climbed out of my futon in the morning started crying, "I feel so unclean. What we did was not good before God. I must shower and go to confession."
"Confession?" I sat up and asked. "I didn’t know you were Catholic (We’re not supposed to associate with Catholics, you know). What are you worried about what we did? You’re all going to Gehenna anyway." As a Jehovah’s Witness, I knew that we were the only ones with any real shot at eternal life.
Juan ran out of my studio apartment, but then did something that guys never did. He actually called me. He said he had gone to his priest and that the priest had told Juan he had sinned but that he was forgiven. Apparently, Juan had to say some necklace prayer a million times or something. That seemed sort of annoying, but I guess sort of worth it for, like, eternal salvation or something. Anyway, just as I was girding myself for the "I can’t see you again" line, Juan told me
very solemnly, "If were are going to continue seeing each other, I will have to go to confession several times a week. Do you have a pocket-planner?"Just as I was getting jealous of him stumbling upon this way of sinning and totally getting away with it, I remembered that he was Catholic and going to Gehenna anyway. But what about me? As a Jehovah’s Witness, I was not automatically going straight to Gehenna. Maybe I could work it so I could be routinely forgiven, too. That is what led me to elder Diller. He made me feel totally at ease. While he did have that self-satisfied patience of all elders, he didn’t do any unctuous hand-wringing what I find really annoying. I was very level with him. Told him I didn’t want to go to Gehenna. That was sort of non-negotiable. But then I told him about how much unmarried sex I was having. I sort of fudged on the numbers by dropping a zero off the end. I was glad I did because he looked sort of shocked anyway.
Elder Diller told me that I was sinning big-time. "Duh." I told him, "I knew that, but I was really looking for, like, some sort of magic-wand confession thing."
"We’re not Catholics," he reproved. He said "Catholics" like he’s just eaten a spoonful of spoiled canned tuna. "Yeah, I know, but didn’t we keep any of that cool forgiveness stuff?" "Yes, but you have to mean it. And you can’t just go out and do the sin again," he chided. Well, that shot that down. I floated the idea of just carnally sinning until I got tired of it and knew I didn’t want to do it any more and THEN getting forgiven. He said that wouldn’t work, but, to be honest, I didn’t see the logic in his argument.
"Until you are married, you must stop having sex with men," he said firmly as he glanced furtively at my knees. I immediately wished I’d worn a longer skirt. But the way he looked back at my legs made me realize the Elder Diller hadn’t really minded my fashion decision. Answering my quizzical look, he added, "There is no way around this."
"Well, I suppose I could always have sex with women!" I joked.
"Yes," he said evenly, running his hand languidly down his chest towards his lap, "there is always that.""But the Bible forbids homosexuality Brother!" I blurted out, somewhat taken aback by his suggestion. "Yes, it does," he calmly responded. "But only between men. I invite you to search the Bible for where God said one single word about lesbianism. You see, the Lord
doesn’t mind two healthy, nubile little lambs frolicking about." Elder Diller’s hands had dropped below his desk. He must have had a notepad in his lap because his hands appeared to be busy from what little I could see from my side of his desk. He was just like me; he
wrote with his left hand. "So God thinks two guys together is an abomination, but thinks two chicks together is cool?" I asked."Apparently," he responded, eyebrows raised somewhat conspiratorially.
"Well, so much for those feminists who think God is a woman. I mean, HELLO? Obviously, we are talkin Typical Male here!" "Yes, Jehovah created the lovely lithe form of libidinous woman, with moist inviting thighs and soft heaving bosoms for the delight of her lucky husband. But until that time, there is nothing to say that a lovely lonely
nymph can’t play with her buxom little friends." By now, Diller was writing very quickly. Must have been shorthand.I had to admit that the idea of sex with no spiritual repercussions was appealing to me, and was precisely what I had been seeking when I came to Elder Diller. But sex with a woman was foreign to me and no something I thought I would enjoy. When I told this to Diller, a brief look of disappointment crossed his craggy face. I knew that I had let him down by not showing my willingness to please Jehovah. "I guess I could try," I offered cheerfully, "Debbie, who lives in my building, has hinted around that she wants me. But I still don’t know what I’d do."
"It is probably best that someone who has your spiritual well being in mind, as well as a first hand knowledge of Biblical ins-and-outs, be there to assist. To make sure that giddy, but chaste, lesbian abandon doesn’t spill over into another, technically forbidden, type of carnal sin," Diller said, aglow with caring enthusiasm. He walked around his desk, keeping his crotch modestly covered with his hat.
He placed his creased hand on me in a way that reminded me of how my dear father had touched me when I was a little girl. Before child services found out. That very day, I told Juan that I could never have sex with him. In fact, I stopped having sex with all men.
And since that time when Elder Diller led me to Jehovah, I have never sexually sinned before God. We came close one night, when Diller had arranged to have me and five women from his Guatemalan Congregation
to romp around naked on his bed, but he disengaged before any sin occurred. I guess the lesson that I have learned in coming with God is that when the Lord closes a door (men), He opens more than a window (women). I am so grateful to the devotion to the Lord’s will showed by Elder Diller.I keep asking him what I can buy for him to thank him for leading me out of a life of sin. He always has his video camera running, so I asked if I could buy him some film. But he is so selfless, he always just says, "Dear, you have already done more than enough."
Pre, Post and Mid Umbillicism - finding Adams navel
A question that has plagued many of us in religious and intellectual circles for the last century and has been the subject of debate, and heated discussion across the globe is the presumption as to the exact time and nature in and by which Adam (being in this case the first man to exist) was blessed with a belly-button. ‘How curious,’ you might ask. Yet, this very curiosity has enthralled scholars and theologians so much for the last few decades that they have finally grouped
themselves into three distinct positions.The first position, and it is worth exploring momentarily, however absurd, is the view of the "Pre-Umbilisists." This group believes that Adam’s navel was formed upon the point of his creation. Adam, coming from dust and created in the precise image of our Lord was granted the navel at the time of his "coming into existence." With this in mind, one must note that if Adam was indeed created in the image of God in Heaven, that our Lord must also be blessed with a navel. One might also argue that God at one time had to have had an umbilical cord. If this is indeed the case, our curiosity would lead us to question the
location of attachment for the aforementioned "cord." Some Pre-Umbilisists believe the point of attachment to be located between two star clusters, the Quinn Cluster and Gamma Quadrant Four. This location is hundreds of light years from our planet and was chosen because its coordinates lay within the area scientists have theorized
to be the center of the Big Bang, the point of the universe's creation. The Pre-Umbilisist would argue that the Lord’s umbilical cord was attached to perhaps a planet or a mass in the deep space of nothingness. We could picture, they say, the image of a child-like God, floating about in this space with his umbilical cord attached to some mass. The "point of severing" which is an important term for the Pre-Umbilisist, would have happened at the implosion of that planet or mass. The explosion would have been so great, that the umbilical
cord would have been broken, to float for eternity alone in deep space, and at the same point, our Lord awakened to complete consciousness, fully God and fully complete, with navel.Adam’s navel would be complete and real, yet serve no known purpose were he to be blessed with it at the point in which he was "drawn from dust." He would "simply have it," the Pre-Umbilisist would argue, for
without it, "he would not be in the complete image of God." This series of arguments leads us to the question of "Eve," Adam’s handmaid.It is here, we can bring up the second position, "Mid-Umbilisism." The Fall of Man, we define as the exact time when we, as human beings became aware of our sinful nature. The Fall, as we know, happened with
the creation of Eve. The consequential events that followed led to Adams downfall and the human race as a whole, forever being "separated" from God. The Mid-Umbilisist argues that Adam’s belly-button was formed sometime between the creation of "Eve," and the time in which it took that "Woman" to take the first bite of that most tempestuous apple. The central vision of the Mid-Umbilisist lays within the "taking of the rib." When God saw that Adam was alone, he decided to create a help-mate. He did this by taking Adams rib and moving it in such a way to loose it from his stomach.
The Mid-Umbilisist paints a picture of the protruding rib being pulled from the blank stomach of our dear Adam. Its being forced out in the very area where God intended to attach future children within the wombs of their mothers. The outward thrust created a puncture hole, and thus became, for Adam, the first belly-button. Eve, to the Mid-Umbilisist was and in a sense always shall be "without navel." Even before the fall, they argue that this was God’s intention in creating the "Woman." "Wo-" meaning underneath, below, less
than, and in ancient Greek; inferior to.. the "Man." You see, to the Mid-Umbilisist, women are forever caught in the wake of "Eve." Eve, being without a navel, was of course, less than human, or as some might put it, "not human." So in a sense, are all women, not human.
They are not as their legacy unfolds, to be blessed with heaven, they are void and without a soul. The Mid-Umbilisist would have us believe that woman, at the end of time and at the point of their death, when
they are no longer of any use to man, will be whisked away by the hand of God, as if they never existed, as if they never even happened. The Mid-Umbilisist refers to this time as "the Great Dusting Away." In which those who were not created in the image of God, the women in this case, will simply be erased, as if nothing every happened. They were here to serve man, and incapable of service to God, so they can serve no purpose in the afterlife. Since they are soulless creatures, they can no sooner gain heaven than a dog or a cow.This all leads us to the last position, that of the "Post-Umbilisist." This group of learned theologians and scholars believe that Adam’s navel was formed after the Fall. The very instant when Adam and Eve
discovered they were naked in the Garden of Eden, they were granted belly-buttons. You see, at this point there were no natural births, they were the only two people on the planet. They were not formed naturally, but supernaturally, by God. It would make sense, perhaps
that the "placing of the navel" would be the last supernatural event. The children of Adam and Eve were the first to have natural belly-buttons. When these children slept with each other and birthed more children from incestuous relations, they in turn were given the
placenta, the attachment. The navel was then to be symbolic of pain suffered in child-birth as well as the sinful necessity of incest to populate the planet. The question remains however, Why would Adam and Eve need belly-buttons. Perhaps for the very reason that they were created in the image of God. If this is the case, then the argument presented by the Pre-Umbilisist would need to be re-examined. Questions remain, like, where is the placenta of God, is it floating about in space, did it ever exist, why would God need a navel?
This argument was explored recently in the arena of science fiction. Someone had theorized that there was this great cord like nexus "God’s placenta" zooming through space. Anyone who would pass through it
could enter a state of euphoria, like being in the presence of God. Another matter that remains unresolved is the subject of "innies" and or "outies."What do they mean? Is the inward formed navel a symbol of man’s attempt to reach the "spiritual" by looking "within?" The outward formed navel could mean the opposite, searching for spiritual meaning in the exterior world, a pantheistic view. In either case the
"innie" would be the more desirable. Not only is it generally a more comfortable navel to have, as most of us that posses them know, but in a sense, doesn't having one make us less damned for not being born
having the sign of seeking those material things that exist apart from the soul. In any case, most intellectuals agree that the question of "innies" and "outies" will not be resolved until more significant
issues are addressed.The arguments of Pre, Mid, and Post-Umbilisists are rich in theory and for the most part, lack any original fact. Until the last century the exact location of the Garden of Eden was unknown. Now that archeologists and sociologists have reached a consensus on
deliberating the origins of human life, perhaps we are closer to the day when carbon dating, and geological testing can give us some tangible evidence. We can only hope and wait for that great day when the announcement is made, "We have the lint ball! We have the lint ball!" -
New Elders Handbook
by JEMIMAH inhi everyone.. i have just got back to england after a four week sd course at brooklyn.
during the course we got a look at the manuscript of the new unnamed ks01 elders manual, this time instead of just 3 chapters covering jc's there will be 7 covering everything you can think of and more.
the book will be released to all serving travelling overseers and service deck personnel in aug 01 and all elders in dec01 at the kms .. as soon as i receive mine in aug i will download any relevant points.
Jehovah's Witnesses New Concentration Campus for Divorees: NO VACANCY!
"If we expect the unsaved to live by the Bible, it seemed like a good idea for Christians to finally start doing that, too. And the Bible is clear -- no divorce."The welcoming entrance to the beautifully landscaped Watchtower internment campus for divorced women. Over 1,200 women were relocated to this facility under the church's new "Till Death Do You Part" program. WATCHTOWER FARMS (AP). In a prompt response to the
Dale vs. Boy Scouts of America decision, in which the Supreme Court ruled that private organizations can hate anyone they want to hate, The Watchtower had a surprise in store Friday morning for many residents of Columbia Heights, Brooklyn. Over two hundred so-called "wives" were roused from sleep between 3:00am and 4:30am to the sound of their front doors being kicked in by Mrs. Judy O'Christian. They were then soundly rebuked, allowed a moment to comb out their hair and then taken to Watchtower Train Depot in church minivans. There, they were loaded into boxcars for the 49-hour journey to their new home at Watchtower Farm's Internment Campus For Divorced Women in Manzanar, California. The early-morning suburban raid was carried out by a
Christian SWAT team armed only with semiautomatics and NWT Bibles. It marked the first deployment of Operation "Till Death Do You Part." As CO Johnsson explained in a press release: "The NWT is very clear in Matthew 5:32. A divorced woman is a harlot and adulterer. And if we are going to be kicking homosexuals out of our pup tents, you can bet, as sure as shooting, we are going to be kicking harlots out of our homes!"All of the women rounded up and removed were living in sin as adulterers with second (shockingly, sometimes third) husbands. They will be held at the Watchtower Farm's Internment Campus For Divorced Women until they can be repatriated with the only husband God
recognizes (their first) and the illegitimate offspring of any unholy union can be placed in like-raced True Christian homes. Some of the women objected to going back to their first husbands, but were told they would have plenty of time to change their minds while they made "WWJD?" merchandise that would be sold in the gift shop."We decided to make the raid on Crystal Night, which is the time once a year when our church, out of Christian charity, gives a stem of Waterford (Mauve pattern) to the destitute to start their collection," Elder Donolly toldConnie Chung from a reconnaissance helicopter. "People need to understand that just because you don't have any
food is no reason not to set a lovely table. We surprised these wanton divorcees while they are sleeping. We learned that little trick from Janet Reno. Fortunately, we were dealing with Jehovah's Witnesses, not hysterical,media-savvy Cubans. Initially, I was opposed to breaking
down their front doors because it smacked of bad manners, but when the Lord comes knocking, He means business."
"Now I love Donolly, but she is a little dainty sometimes," laughed Mrs. Judy O'Christian, who was placed in charge of entry into homes targeted for sin-intervention. "He wasn't crazy about my approach at first, but it's like I always say, if you are going to stop folks from sinning you need to be willing to kick a few doors in. My boys are
grown now, but when they were young, I'd slam a foot right through their bedroom door the second I thought either of them was touching themselves in a way that would make Jesus nervous."Seventy-five years ago, Watchtower Bible & Tract Society owned almost 80% of Brooklyn. Over the years, this land has been sold to raise money for projects for the glory of God, such as Bethel's 27-room belle époque residence on artificial Lake Saviorwalksupon. Each deed was transferred subject to a restrictive covenant that required
that the property not be used for sin or in contravention of God's law. Christian lawyer Douglas Crowther, now eighty, recalls: "I did most of them closings and I remember each and every one of them. How could I forget? Every one of those deeds had a fifteen pound black leather Bible stapled to it as 'Godly Exhibit A.'"It was the violation of this restrictive covenant that allowed Project "Till Death Do You Part" to spirit away sinners in the night and restore Christian values to their community. "If we just sat back and let these trollops go about their gardening," said CO Johnsson, "we would be as lazy in our faith as those type of so-called "Christians"
who just let Jews go on being Jews. Sleeping on those 18-to-a-room wooden bunk beds, those harlots don't know it now, but they will be grateful to us come Judgment Day for getting them right with the Lord.
According to the Campus Director, they are acting very ungrateful now, but we expect no thanks in this life. Our reward awaits us in God's glory!" -
"A Helping Hand"
by DevilsAdvocate_DA in"a helping hand".
a young girl, dressed in her kingdom halls' best was running.
as fast as she could to the kingdom hall down the street.. as she ran, she prayed, "jehvoah , please don't let me be.
Interracial Marriages
Everything after its own kind. Racial integrity should be no different than the rest of the plant and animal kingdom. Each species remains true to its genetic pattern as God intended. God called this groupings unified by common traits 'good'. When the fundamental nature of
creation is tampered with, the result is ungodly mutation and confusion. A weed patch does not harmonize with a rose garden. Homogenization of race, language, religion and government is as old as the tower of Babel story. The real evil in the world today is the false god of integration promoted by a godless United Nations and the New World Order. The false teachers of churchianity justify interracial marriages in order to keep the White race blind to
administering God's laws. A segregated White race will protect itself from alien idolatries. The enemies of God have lived in their luxuries through sin. They can only thrive on their compost of lies. But God's Word is sure and unchanging no matter what the haters of "kind after
kind" may say. The fact that God chose a holy and special people to be above all the races of the earth speaks for itself (Deuteronomy 7:6). Truth is not meant to be warm and fuzzy for liberal minded antichrists. Numbers 25 is a javelin lesson for race mixing. Get the message? As Yahweh spoke to the children of Israel (the White race),
"Ye shall not go in to them (all other races), neither shall they come in unto you: for surely they will turn away your heart after their gods." (I Kings 11:2)