Spacey, Schofield, Evans - The root of the problem in all of them is the same: denial of the true facts or extent of their fault or failings, stemming from egotism.
Instead of just putting their hands up and saying "Yes, I did something wrong, I'm sorry and I want to make amends", the excuses follow the same sort of pattern with such people.
First it's some form of denial like:
"No, I've done nothing actually WRONG, I've been misunderstood."
"No, I've done nothing actually WRONG, it's my haters spreading lies."
Then if the pressure to admit the truth continues, it becomes downplaying and deflection of blame:
"Ok, I may have done something wrong but I just made a mistake, a slight misjudgement."
"Ok, I may have done something wrong but I'm not well (mental health, 'stress', or other vaguely defined 'condition')."
"Ok, I may have done something wrong but I was influenced by [my parents or upbringing/genetics/society/my peers]"
"Ok, I may have done something wrong but I was badly advised by my [friends/partner/business associates]."
"Ok, I may have done something wrong but now I'm being hounded for it by my enemies who want to destroy me."
"Ok, I may have done something wrong but now you're just trying to persecute me because you're prejudiced that I'm [poor/black/foreign/disabled/gay/bi/non-binary/trans - insert minority group I identify with]."
"Ok, I may have done something wrong but I'm not as bad as the people who [rape kids/slaughter animals/traffick people/etc]"