I wonder if they started counting 'inactive' publishers that faded. No hour requirement, not df or da, add 'em back as a publisher.
You still have to verify you've done some ministry each month, but now that's as easy as just messaging your group overseer and/or the congregation secretary to say "yes I did some ministry last month". No need to give specifics (unless you're a reg or aux pioneer, in which case you still have to report hours).
I've never heard of having to download a specific app to report it though. Not here in the UK anyway.
So even though known inactives would still not be counted, any JW previously 'approved' for ministry and active could claim they're still doing it even if they're not any more (or if they're only doing very token service like offering one person a tract at a bus stop once a month or something).
It would depend on the congregation you're in I suppose, and how 'zealous'(tm) your elders are. If it's an active congregation and the elders are strict, then you would probably be expected to be seen at groups and out with others on house to house work, and the elders might still chase you for 'evidence' of what you're doing. But in other places, probably not so much.
Vidiot is right in that the numbers the GB choose to report are becoming less and less meaningful, because they are becoming easier to fake or fudge. They are leaving out more telling figures, or changing the way they are calculated to make it impossible to track real trends - in a method not unlike the tricks governments use for things like unemployment and crime statistics, etc.
About the only figure which is still reliable is the Memorial attendance, but that is no indicator of future growth, since many people go to the Memorial every year but do nothing else - the so-called "missing millions"!