Suicide (and depression and suicidal feelings) are a growing problem generally, due to the pressure of life today - finding and keeping work, paying bills, maintaining relationships, developing your own self-worth and identity, etc.
I just saw a news report literally minutes before reading this thread, that suicide in 2022 was at the highest level in the USA since WWII.
So it's no surprise it would also be a growing problem in the JW world too.
As for JW judicial procedures, if they do begin to see a lot of people 'using' talk of being suicidal to try and 'dodge' being DFed (as they see it), they will probably adjust their procedure.
To be fair, that's no different to secular organisations such as police, courts or other bodies doing the same - adjusting their procedures to prevent people trying to 'get around' them. As an example, for years, British police had a policy not to engage in a car chase with criminals on motorbikes if they were not wearing a helmet, for safety reasons. So of course, lots of crims started ditching their helmets after committing crime so the cops had to stop and they could get away. So eventually, some police forces changed their policy so that they now use 'tactical contact' to lightly nudge the bikers off (a bit like a softer version of the US PIT manoeuvre). Now, surprise, surprise - bike crime has fallen by 50% in some areas.
It's just a cat and mouse game, and I'm sure the org will just see it that way if they feel the 'suicidal' clause becomes a 'tactic' in judicial cases. Eventually they'll either just say "disfellowship anyway" (as EasyPrompt says) or they'll introduce some other test or procedural hoop to make 'genuinely repentant' ones go through.