princecharm-so, you've been lurking for awhile and have finally decided to post. thank you so much for showing us all what you have been waiting to say. your encouraging words will be duely noted, and i'm sure all of us will stop whining.cheers from a big whiner.
JoinedPosts by unanswered
What would you have done without the WT?
by expatbrit inimagine that you had never heard of the watchtower.
imagine that your life and that of your families had never been influenced by wt teachings.. i know for a fact that the wt's philosophy on further education contributed to my not achieving what i should have at school.
this is not to shirk the responsibility for my grades; ultimately they were my responsibility.
Angels and the Preaching Work
by Focus inthe following idiocy may be found at
angels and the preaching work.
angels are busy today as before (acts 8: 26; rev.
thanks for the laughs, focus. if i had written the article, i might of added "you turn in your field service record for the month, proud because you spent 20 hours preaching and placed 30 magazines. the angel watching you wonders why you have placed so much importance on such trivial matters. he comments that you have missed the point of the bible completely."
What would you have done without the WT?
by expatbrit inimagine that you had never heard of the watchtower.
imagine that your life and that of your families had never been influenced by wt teachings.. i know for a fact that the wt's philosophy on further education contributed to my not achieving what i should have at school.
this is not to shirk the responsibility for my grades; ultimately they were my responsibility.
expat-interesting question. it's hard to say where i'd be w/out the WT, it was all i ever knew. i feel there are a lot of things i missed out on, but i try not to think about that to much-it just makes me mad. instead i try to be thankful that i got out by the time i did-before i raised a family and while i still had(have) a few years of being young left. now i can make my own mistakes:)
memorial: how do you feel?
by unanswered inthis question is mostly for those of you who still believe in the bible to some extent.
my mother-in-law called the other day to see if rileygurl and i were going to the memorial this year.
we told her that we wouldn't be attending.
thanks to everyone for your opinions and experiences. i appreciate you taking the time to respond. btw, ozzie, i'm half way through COC right now, and while i already feel "deprogrammed" the insight on the true nature of the WT has been very refreshing. i look forward to reading "in search of christian freedom" as well. i don't feel guilty about not attending the memorial, but i think it may be awhile before i am 100% free of the WT "conscience". dark clouds-thanks for the quote,it was very interesting since for a few years now i have been studying the druid culture as part of my distant ancestry. i don't want to leave anyone out, i enjoyed all the responses, so, again, thanks to all.-nate
memorial: how do you feel?
by unanswered inthis question is mostly for those of you who still believe in the bible to some extent.
my mother-in-law called the other day to see if rileygurl and i were going to the memorial this year.
we told her that we wouldn't be attending.
this question is mostly for those of you who still believe in the bible to some extent. my mother-in-law called the other day to see if rileygurl and i were going to the memorial this year. we told her that we wouldn't be attending. she then told us that she respected how we felt, but, if we had a biblical reason for it, she wanted to know more about it:). i was happy to be able to discuss this with her and i'm preparing for a future biblical discussion right now. my question(yes i'm finally getting to it) is how do those of you that still believe in the bible but are no longer witnesses feel about the memorial? do you attend? do you not attend, but feel guilty? or do you believe you have no biblical obligation to attend? i'm still questioning what i think about the bible as a whole, and i'm quite through with the WT, but sometimes these questions nag at me, and i would be curious how you all felt.
So Whats Driving You To Make Posts?
by Englishman inwhy do you bother to post on this site?
what good does it do you?
what do you gain from posting?.
the biggest reason i am here is that i have, and have had for years up until now, three people in my life that i can freely discuss my feelings about the WT and being a former jw with, who understand what i've been through because they've gone through it too. to now have a whole community of intelliigent people who are open to discussion, and have similar backgrounds, is something i value very highly. i like having a place with no muzzles, a place where i'm not looked down upon for questioning and expressing my views. thanks to simon, and all of the rest of you.
Hi Prisca. I am Norm, and I am new here
by Norm inhi, prisca,.
i am norm, and i am new here.. .
this post is primarily for those folk on this board, who post .
norm-i think prisca's opinion's are welcome and valid. i'm not trying to hop on a side here, i just think it was clear that prisca was not trying to make rules, just stating how she likes things and her opinion of what the board should be like. IMHO prisca's status as a long time member definitely gives her the right to do this. just as you, norm, have the right to post what you like. if people don't like your posts, you'll know, but i agree w/ the idea of making more use out of all the forums. i'm glad too, that this is the type DB where the above interchange can happen with civility. cheers to everyone here from a new guy-nate
This is what the Society does to people
by rem ini found the terse, typed letter displayed above sitting on my microwave oven when i got home from work a few months ago.
it was addressed to me from my best friend and brother-in-law of many years.. a couple of days before we got into a discussion over "what was wrong with me.
" i had recently grown a goatee that he thought was extremely 'unchristian'.
rem, trevor, others-there's not much i can say that hasn't been said already on this but my feelings go out to all of you. it makes me sad that this kind of thing happens as much as it does and that a supposedly "loving" org. breaks up so many familys. welcome to the board, rem, i hope the support here helps you with your situation.-nate
When they come a knockin'..........
by nicolaou in1. answer the door naked and carrying weaponry.
(immediate results).
2. pretend to be the slowest talking person in the world and see how long their spirit of christian charity lasts.. 3. answer every one of their questions with "what do you mean by that?
have your boxer/pit bull answer the door and pretend you can bearly hold him back. worked for me:)
Christmas Shopping
by Duncan indear all.
i'm a new chap here, one of the old h2o refugees who seem to have been streaming to this place recently.. englishman suggested i post my "christmas shopping" post as a kind of introductory-hi-and-how-are-you.
hope you like it, despite it not being terribly seasonal at the moment.. i'll look forward to posting here in the future (original stuff i mean, not just reheated "greatest hits" like this).
duncan-when i read your post, i almost wet myself. i'm glad you brought your humor here and i look forward to your future posts.-nate