Good for you! I wish more people would wake up to their lies and control and say the same thing.... "I f'ing hate you"
Good for you! Peace
after today's watchtower study which was basically a mind controlling article about shunning your loved disfellowshipped ones, i've come to see just how sick, twisted, vile, rotten, repulsive, disgusting, and just plain evil you all are.
so i stormed out.
i don't know if i'll ever come back to your meetings again.
Good for you! I wish more people would wake up to their lies and control and say the same thing.... "I f'ing hate you"
Good for you! Peace
this is a perfect example of how the cult mind-control fear, hate...etc works in the jw mind.. sorry this is going to be a long post.
these are emails from the 2 days worth of conversations, so it's going to be long.. this was a message i got from my cousins mom...this was the first email i got.. i was recently informed of your fathers recent visit to his mother and the volatile conversation he had with her and the apostate things he said about jehovah's organization.
i did not talk to your grandmother and hear from her personally but through and reliable friend whom i trust explicitly that talked with her.
@ Rebel: Yes I do feel better. I've always been the quiet JW, who never talked back and just let everyone else step on me...That's why I said enough and wrote this. She really was my last family tie and I just cut it. I feel I can finally move on now!
Thanks mom....:) I feel so much better now and you know that if this would have happened when I was still a JW, you know I would have been ranting for days...remember the thing that happened between my sister-in-law and I? I was ranting for weeks! Now I don't care...I actualy feel pity for them because I can see now the control WT has on them.
@ Julia: It funny because even the WT stuff that isn't in harmony with the party line they say is apostate...until, they find out the party line said it, then it's back peddling. I like your comparison to the primitive people seeing Spirits and are totally right, very superstitious! I've been telling my hubby that us apostates have become the boogieman hiding under the JW bed's. I actually find it very funny, but at the same time it's sad the fear the JW's have.
@ Kurt: True that! They are like Zombies. I used to get very upset when people didn't like me, meaning JW friends...but now I feel nothing but pity for them.
Thanks for the comments :)
this is a perfect example of how the cult mind-control fear, hate...etc works in the jw mind.. sorry this is going to be a long post.
these are emails from the 2 days worth of conversations, so it's going to be long.. this was a message i got from my cousins mom...this was the first email i got.. i was recently informed of your fathers recent visit to his mother and the volatile conversation he had with her and the apostate things he said about jehovah's organization.
i did not talk to your grandmother and hear from her personally but through and reliable friend whom i trust explicitly that talked with her.
This is a perfect example of how the cult mind-control fear, hate…etc works in the JW mind.
Sorry this is going to be a long post. These are emails from the 2 days worth of conversations, so it's going to be long.
This was a message I got from my cousin’s mom…This was the first email I got.
i was recently informed of your fathers recent visit to his mother and the volatile conversation he had with her and the apostate things he said about jehovah's organization. I did not talk to your grandmother and hear from her personally but through and reliable friend whom i trust explicitly that talked with her. Your mother, it seems ,is in agreement with your father. I am assuming that you and james are also since you are very close to them and you are also inactive. I am therefore going to defriend you and if or when you become active in jehovah's service, let me know..
Don’t you just love how she just assumed everything? Didn’t ask me if it’s true or not…but a reliable friend said "..." so she is assuming we feel the same way….I should clarify, I have been very careful NOT to say anything to any of my JW friends and family about thinking the WTBT$ is full of BS…Up to this point whenever I have talked to them, I still speak the JW lingo so as not to tip them off…So I have given NO indication of my feelings, everyone of the JW has assumed I’m bunched in with my parents.
This is email 2 I got from my cousin….
I guess the apostate thing is going around again. What the heck is going on??? Not so much your name that came up but more of your dads. My mom filled me in on some things she had heard and said she wrote you a letter and defriended you, but i was like, "did you even bother asking what was up?" So i am officially checking in with you, as a friend, your cousin and a concerned fellow sister in the faith, like you asked.
I have been very concerned about john and some posts he has made lately, more like comments on things he has shared. Not overly bad but definitely not something i would expect from a baptized christian. Nothing apostate by any means. And he IM'd Steve a while back about being disassociated or something along that line....we were both wondering what that is all about. You obviously know where we would stand on certain things if he did diassociate himself.
Anyway, write me back when you can and fill me in please.
Lots of love...
So not as in your face judgment as her mom’s email…but you can see how judgmental she is to my husband and she has already made up her mind if John did DA himself…. This was my reply to her…. case you would like to see what your mother said to it is.
“….” I copied and pasted her mom’s email to me so she could see it, I cut it out to save your eyes…
I've been having a really bad time these couple of weeks and I'm just not even going to reply to her (Mom) or deal with her, because she has already made her decision. Because she has already made up her mind and NO MATTER what I say….I’m still the evil person and the lies are going to be believed no matter what because of the fear. I just don't have the strength anymore to deal with this BS. But please feel free to share this message with her.
You of all people know what happened when my family found out I'm inactive. INACTIVE because of a health problem that prevents me from meetings and service.....I would have thought you and your family OF ALL PEOPLE WOULD UNDERSTAND AND NOT BE JUDGEMENTAL!!!!!!!!! (the funny thing is, her family aren’t the best JW’s because of health problems too and they have complained to me about how the “friends” don’t care and there is no love.)
I've come to realize this rumor/gossip mill spreads poisonous lies that people believe at the drop of a hat. I know the conversation my dad had with his mother and he never once said anything apostate to her or against the organization (this is true) who is spreading these venomous lies? Sally?(my Grandma) Laura?(She is another family member) These are the only two I can think of all people know how Sally has treated me and my family.
As far as John posting things that are questionable....don't point your finger at us, because I've seen Steve post things that a Christian’s shouldn't do. But you know what? I didn't judge him on what he does!!!!! And the only reason I’m bring it up now, is because you are demeaning my husband….Does not the bible say…Luke 6:42 “How can you say to your brother, ‘brother, allow me to extract the straw that is in your eye,’ while you yourself are not looking at the rafter in that eye of yours? HYPOCRITE!!!! First extract the rafter from your own eye, and then you will see clearly how to extract the straw that is in your brother’s eye.” Do I need to say more?
I think I do! Romans 1:28, 30 “And just as they did not approve of holding God in accurate knowledge, God gave them up to a disapproved mental state to do the things not fitting…BACKBITTERS, haters of god, INSOLENT, HAUGHTY, SELF-ASSUMING, INVENTORS OF INJURIOUS THINGS”
And to clarify, John and I have NOT, NOT, NOT, NOT disassociated ourselves. We are NOT, NOT, NOT, NOT disfellowshipped. Do I need to scream at the top of my lungs, at the top of the highest mountain for people to listen to me?
Do you really want to know what the real conversation was with my dad and his mom? He finally stood up to her and came down on her, using the bible, because of her treatment to me. And he asked her if she thought the bible was truly God's word, because she was the one NOT following the bible counsel at Matt 18 to settle matters when it came to me......and she was royally pissed off at him....
I'm so frustrated and tired of this GARBAGE!!!!! Yes I am very angry because John and I are getting accused of something we are not....And I have lost my WHOLE family on venomous lies, gossip and rumors.
It's sad, I'm to the point now I don't even care. People can just believe whatever they want, even if it's not the truth. I'm done! Delete me or do whatever you and your family want to do! Seriously! I've been doing some posts since last week about my head hitting the corner of the wall and getting a concussion and having a hard time and you nor your family has asked how I'm doing, I haven't gotten any emails from you to see how I am and THIS CRAP is what I come on here for? No Thank you! As far as I'm concerned you and your family are shallow and your love is shallow, I hear nothing from you for months and as soon as the word "apostate" is thrown out, you jump all over it. WHERE IS THE LOVE? All I see is fear, hate and judgment and those three things do not equal a TRUE follower of Christ! How do I know? "You obviously know where we would stand on certain things if he did diassociate himself.".....You already HATE and have JUDGED him and you don't even know for and your family have already metaphorically stoned us to death, without even giving us a fair trial. I also know this because your mom and Ryan have unfriend us without even giving us a chance, that my dear sister is HATE and FEAR!
I'M DONE! I don't need this headache or harassment!
Believe me or not, but I don’t hate you or your family. I actually pity you and I will be praying to Jehovah for his help to remove the judgmental attitudes, fear and hate from your hearts!
Christian Love!
Yes I know I hit below the belt and was very mean to her, but I know how JW’s think and being blunt and completely clear is the only way they will listen…plus I know where this is heading so I’m not holding back. I’ve held back for 29 years and for once in my life I am taking a stand..
This was her email back to me…
Wow.....i dont even know what to say. I wrote to see if any of this is true, because you never know. I wasnt being accusatory, more of inquiring and if you say its a lie and your not disassociated or disfellowshipped or apostate, then i believe you.
I actually did write you when i heard about your concussion but neglected to hit the send button again and erased my message. It was quite lenghty and I wasnt in a position to retype it at the time. (You could have at least said “hope your okay”)I was hoping to check in on you this week where i am back to my old schedule. I apologize if you feel i havent been as diligent in our relationship as you would have liked. I try make little comments here and there when you post things to let you know i am still involved and care.....i guess you are looking for more? (I do need to interject…I have not received any word from her since Jan…no comments on Facebook, no txt…nothing! So yes I would like more…Plus I hear nothing from her since Jan and this is what she emails me about..BS!!!!).
As far as john goes, you have admitted before he is involved in some off color games and you were working on it with him as he didnt have as good of a spiritual upbringing as you did. Based on what he wrote to steve and comenting on drunk sobrioty tests, little boys moms that go to heaven and saying "hell" in a post this past week, i was a bit concerned but in no way being accusatory at all. I was INQUIRING! (The games John was playing was two yrs ago and guess what they don’t bother me now that I realize the WT has to control over us. And the sobriety test was funny…it was a joke and she’s bring it up? And John said something was “funny as hell”…wow is all I have to say)
This is obviously a sensitive situation and if me asking is going to, which by the way you requested on your post to ask before judging, dredges up a bunch of negative feelings.....i guess i am at a loss of how to proceed??? Just to be clear, there was no judging in my have judged that i made a conclusion based on my mothers letter which i did tell her was pretty harsh and should have checked with you first as these are "rumors". I dont like being called back biting and a hypocrite when that was the furthest thing from my mind. (LIE, LIE, LIE)
With that being said i am not going to address the rebutal comments about steve because i see and know what he posts and if you have been offended by anything please let me know....i cant think of what it could be and have been racking my brain. Instead of taking the rafter out of our own eyes, i would rather be proactive and cut off the limb that is stumbling my brother, which is the loving thing to do instead of making excuses for bad behavior. (Oh god please do this…I want to see it!!!!! "Loving" my ASS!!!!! What I was referring to was her husband has been playing gambling games on Facebook…I really don’t care, but since she is being petty, why can’t I be petty back to her.)
I will have to think in this one and if i decide to defriend it is not because of the rumors. It would be because you obviously think poorly of me and why would you want to he friends with someone like that anywatly
This was my last and final email to her…..
You weren't judgmental? HAHAHAHAHAHA, I will admit your msg wasn't as in your face judgmental as your mom's msg, but Susie hon, you still were very much judgmental. I've been a JW going on 30 years now and I KNOW how to spot judgment because I've been around it my whole life. Don't try to back peddle now and claim to be all innocent.
And yes this is a sensitive subject for me, you clearly don't understand how this makes a person feel when they or their parents have done nothing wrong and get accused of being apostates.....Susie, some of what you have said is apostasy, I'm going to the elders, and now you lose the majority of your friends who won't even talk to you or give you a chance to defend yourself, and you lose Steve, your mom and dad and ALL of you does that make you feel? You've said nothing apostate or have given any indication, but yet to have someone or a group of people now call you one....YES it hurts you deep! So yes I am sensitive to this right now...and you know what, so would you!!!!!!!! So don't sit there and try and lay a guilt trip on me and attacking me personally....that is what you have done...again I've been a JW for almost 30 years and I also know the guilt trips JW do. I'm not allowing anyone anymore to be judgmental or guilt me.
As far as what offended you that John did, did you even watch the "sobriety test? I'm thinking you didn't because you would have seen it was a JOKE!!!! and MOCK!!!! test. Again judgmental without even seeing it. John had a lot of his JW friends say how funny it clearly it wasn't that bad!!!!
Him saying HELL....well damn it to hell I guess I'm going to have to talk to him.
As far as what Steve's some of the games he plays...but you know what...I don't care!!!!! I'm not judging him....
After this is when I deleted her as a friend because I was done…this was her “I have to say the last word” rant…
I agree, you have been around judgemental your whole life, because you obviously have no idea what true love and concern looks like. ( Is that what you call it?) From the moment we were in touch with one another, I felt a closeness with you,that at the time I was going through some hard things and you understood and where there to listen and I in return. I see YOU have defriended me, and that makes me very sad to be honest. I was hoping this whole thing would blow over. You said people didn't give you a chance to defend yourself, well why in world would I ever even write you in the first placce?!?!?!?! (Ah…because you are trying to find out if I really am an apostate so you can shun me…DUH!) You specifially asked if anyone had any questions about this situation to contact you, and that is what I did, I NEVER ONCE if you reread my message accused you. (She is forgetting that back in Jan, the last time I talked to her was just when my Grandma shunned me because I was inactive, and her husband and HER, said, “well if you are df’ed or Da yourselves…we love you but you know we can’t talk anymore” And that was just when I said I was inactive. I guess she forgot about that little bit of judgment.)
I hope this is brought before the elders, not so that you are disfellowshipped or removed from the congregation, but so someone can get down to the bottom of this and thwart the vicious lies, (Oh yes because we all know how loving and caring the elders are) because if this is Satan trying to rip a family and a congregation apart, then Jehovah will find the truth...and then I hope you find some peace of mind. (HAHAHAHA oh yes Jehovah will find the truth…oh there is that evil Satan again trying to break up families).
I feel playing Solitaire Blitz, Bingo, and Words with Friends is a far cry from violent war and sorcery games. (HAHAHA, oh really? What about the slot games he’s been playing also…War and sorcery games…John hasn’t played any of those in over a year..) Granted I have not played the games John has "liked" on his site (I don’t even know what the hell she is referring to here. The only game John has liked is Monster Hunter…it’s a hunting game!), I just see the logo and can see it is not appropriate. You have even said so yourself! maybe you should reread that message thread.(Again this was when I was under mind frelling. It doesn’t bother me now) I never said I was offended, I don't offend easily,(oh cry me a river you hypocrite!) but was concerned, yes. You obviously still have quite a few witness friends, so it doesn't sound like you've lot everyone. (Really, just wait until the rumor spreads to them…then see how fast they leave my facebook..they will spread like cockroaches….That reason is so stupid!)
When things have calmed down and you want to reopen a friendship, then I will let you to be the one to reach out. Until then, I feel a deep and unnecessary loss. (Really? I’m not…you never showed any real concern for me. As soon as you find out I’m an evil “apostate” you would throw me under the bus! You are going to wait for me to reach out and start our friendship again? Susie hon, we can never be close friends while you are still in a mind controlled cult!...It’s not you, it’s them!).
I know I was harsh at some points…but I just can’t stomach the fake love, and concern anymore….I wanted to share this because it's a good example of the JW mentality. I knew what the outcome was going to be with me "calling her out" on things, but I think most of us who are awake to things can show this to others to help them.
professor harlan lane recently published a book that looked at whether deaf people have their own culture.
lane, a psychology professor at northeastern university, has been studying deaf culture and linguistics since the 1970s, ever since he witnessed a deaf duo conversing and was stunned to learn of the depth and complexity of asl.
here is his interview wth the boston globe... .
Dismissing servant:....Oh My God!!!!! I almost spit out my lunch when I saw how you changed that clip!!!!
That is AWESOME!!!!!!!
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Love this song now!
an elder who handled the minor matter with my husband a few weeks ago called to see how we were doing.
this guy genuinely is a gentle, kind, man whom the congregation loves.
he's the one everyone approaches because he never judges or condescends.
The one thing you have to keep telling yourself is they have no power and they have no authority! They are just men, I do know it is very stressful, but at the same to be mean, but if they knew you are an "apostate" even the loving elders would HAVE to follow their own counsel and shun you....
This tactic is all part of the mind control, my cousin just pulled this on me this week. When the guilt trip doesn't work, then they tell you how hurt they are and try to show love, but the fact is they will throw you under the bus so fast you can't even fight it.
It will get better! I promise! :)
professor harlan lane recently published a book that looked at whether deaf people have their own culture.
lane, a psychology professor at northeastern university, has been studying deaf culture and linguistics since the 1970s, ever since he witnessed a deaf duo conversing and was stunned to learn of the depth and complexity of asl.
here is his interview wth the boston globe... .
@ xchange: States! You Canada or States? have a PM :)
@ Jgnat: Signing it is easier, its the reading it that's hard. Just like how speakers have have accents, deaf people have accents's those accents that are hard to "read" sometimes.
professor harlan lane recently published a book that looked at whether deaf people have their own culture.
lane, a psychology professor at northeastern university, has been studying deaf culture and linguistics since the 1970s, ever since he witnessed a deaf duo conversing and was stunned to learn of the depth and complexity of asl.
here is his interview wth the boston globe... .
Good morning everyone.
I would have commented yesterday but I was out of posts.
I'm actually an certified ASL interpreter and yes it is a real language and deaf people do have their own culture....Everyday I have to facilitate between hearing and deaf culture....sometimes I can do this easily and some days not so much, and in my experience the cultural misunderstandings do not happen on the deaf side....99.9% of the time, the cultural conflicts/misunderstandings happen on the hearing side. The deaf in my area, are great to work with and understand hearing culture and try to walk the line so there is no communication break down. The hearing people on the other hand....There are times where the ethnocentric attitude comes in and there is a break down of communication. It's sad because most hearing people I have to work with just don't get it.
Some of the questions I get asked all the time.
1) Oh, where did you learn Braille? "Um what I do is actually American Sign Language, Braille is for blind people"
2) Oh do you have a family member who is deaf? "Um no, I have no deaf family..I went to school to learn how to do this and worked very hard to become nationally certified"
3) Oh is signing easy? "Well signing is easier than interpreting, they are two different things"
4) Are you a student here also (I do a lot of work for the community college in my town)? "No I'm done with school and doing this professionally"
5) Oh, do you get paid to do this? "Yes I am paid to be here" In my head I'm thinking "You idiot! would you work for free? I don't think so!"
This comment always gets me. After doing a stage job or a big class, I always get at least one person come up to me and say "Oh you looked just beautiful up there, and you did such a good job." I've become more sarcastic in my my response. "You know sign language?" "Um no." Then I get a confused look on my face and ask "Then how did you know if I did a good job or not?" Then the person walks away with their tail between their legs.
This is a clip us interpreters think is just funny, because it shows what we have to deal with sometimes with hearing people...
I know the deaf in my area are trying to get the general public educated, but it's an uphill battle with trying to educate hearing people.
I'm not sure who made the comment about American deaf being able to talk to French deaf...the reason ASL and FSL deaf can communicate is because ASL actually developed from FSL. Way back when, a French man Laurent Clerc, came over here to the USA in the 1800's and taught FSL to deaf educators and that is where ASL was down in our day, ASL has many of the same signs and grammar structure of FSL. I can watch FSL on youtube and understand about 80% of the message. British sign language (BSL) I cannot understand any of it. I just wanted to share that little bit of history.
Now about the deaf masturbation video. OMG the deaf in my area love it! They think it's the funniest thing out there. I was horrified the first time I saw it, but now it's famous here in my town. They all (deaf and interpreters) make fun of it and make fun of the JW's. All I have to say is that guy was enjoying himself way too much or he has a lot of "practice" time. hehehehe
okay so i think it might be the concussion making me go on this rant...not too sure.. the girl scouts started selling their cookies yesterday and for the first time in my life i will be ordering cookies.....i mean wtf is so wrong with ordering cookies from them?
i love the thin mint's and guess what?
you can only buy them from girl scouts!!!!!!.
So I have been experimenting. I have been conducting an experimenting with the girl scout cookies and paranormal activity, has been very interesting and enlightening. I have had 4 boxes of girl scout cookies in my home for 2 days is my report.
There have been no books flying across the room, no levitating furniture, no attempts of demons trying to rape me in my sleep.....but there is SOMETHING!!!! A physical reaction to that SOMETHING and it is freaking me out! It's hard to explain, but there is a definite change in feelings.
There is this craving that will just come over me, I can fight it at first, but this power comes over me and I just can't fight it anymore and I eat 1 cookie. I think 1 cookie will be enough, but then the craving becomes worst...and I eat another cookie. I leave the kitchen, but I'm right back there, and I find myself eating another cookie....this....just....won't....stop...the cycle just continues on...and...on...I find myself...sweating....I can't stop!!!!!! It has to be the demons!!!!!
My husband is experiencing the same thing. He told me he started with 1 cookie and before he even realized it...HE ATE 6 COOKIES! This has to be paranormal activity for sure!!!!!
LouBelle: Please join this girl scout cookie phenomenon!!!
star trek claimed to be fantasy and in fact, was fantasy.. wts claims to be the sole truth on earth and in fact, is fantasy.. star trek had spock who solved problems with logic.. wts has a gb who solves problems with bullshit.. star trek had a pompous ass charismatic leader whom everyone loved to watch rant and emote.
wts had three pompous ass charismatic leaders whom everyone hated to watch rant and emote.. captain kirk was always saving his people from new disasters.. wt leaders are always leading its people into new disasters.. star trek made money by always giving its fans the stuff they wanted.. wts makes money by always charging its fans for stuff neither they nor anyone else else wants.. people had fun when star trek came on.. people would rather have a root canal when meetings come on.. star trek was all about making the cosmos a better place for all.. wts is all about making the cosmos a better place for a few and killing everyone else.. people love to go to star trek conventions.. people would rather be in an earthquake than go to wts conventions.. star trek had a transporter room.. people in meetings wish they also had a transporter room.. star trek had lots of insane villains.. wts had judge rutherford and fred franz.
same thing.. star trek also had lots of good guys.. good guys are banished from the wts.. star trek had the klingons who spoke a bizarre language.. wts had fred franz who spoke an even more bizarre language.. star trek had all sorts of devices which could cure most any medical problems, but of course, they were science fiction.. wts had the electronic radio biola which it sold and said could cure most any medical problem, but of course, that was science fiction.. star trek had floppy disks, computers you could talk to and flat screen monitors all of which were about 50 years ahead-of-their time.. wts had vaccines which were called "filthy animal pus", humans hearts which were the seat of all emotions, organ transplants which were cannibalistic, human personalities which were also transferred with blood transfusions and black people turning white by reading their literature, all of which were 100 years behihd-their-time.. if you missed a few star trek episodes in a row, no one came by to harrass you.. if you miss a few meetings in a row, you are in deep shit.. star trek tv shows and movies are still played all the time, even after 47 years.. wts dramas never even play a second time.
Oh my gosh, I love this thread!!!