>In a situation of total freedom and unconditional love, there is no judgement.
That is not love. Love is being upset when injustices are made. When Hitler killed 10 million people (6 mil being Jews) you hear that and get upset, because in your heart you have a sense of justice. If you make up a god or higher spirit that has no problem with the extermination of millions of people that is not God but rather the devil.
>The spirits of people whose heart is fixated on sex would all meet and continuously have or attempt to have sex w each other.
The spirits of those types that all want to blow up the World Trade Center can all go and hang with each other and talk about how they wish they could do it again. Man you are living in a fantasy world SS! I know why you think this way. You have to try and appease you conscience so you can look at filthy magazines and do sinful things wihtout having to be bothered by guilt. You appease your conscience, that God gave you as a warning system, knowing that you are crossing into a territoty that you shouldnt and you feel guilty. You attach yourself to a belief system that lets you freely be devious and not have to sweat the guilt. I was there man. I know it all too well.
>Evidence for reincarnation has been studied quite a bit. Raymond moody wrote about his studies of it. Hypnotherapists commonly run into it. Monroe institute has encountered a lot of it. Froeyd (spelling?) and jung believed in it. Actually, the majority of the world believes it.
Unfortunately, truth is not a popularity contest. And no, the majority of the world does not beleive in reincarntaion.
>There are traces of it in the bible.
No there is not. Unless you twist scripture. Jesus said you must be born again. Not again and again and again.
>If you studied it, your confusion would dissappear. Of course i don't have that many answers, but i'm looking
SS I truly hope that you are searching for truth. If you do then you will run right into Christ. Not religion, not church, but Jesus.
Mohammed- 'My teachings lead to the attainment of truth'
Buddha- 'The truth has been revealed to me'
Jesus- 'I am the truth'