>>The ultimate one-size-fits-all brand of truth does not exist. It's a figment of the religionist's Sunday sermon.
Moral relativism is probably the most easily refutable topic of discussion on this board. Care to discuss?
this is my first post and i must say that i have been lurking here from time to time and have been impressed with the content.
back in college i visited the old h2o site many times and this is definitely superior.
thanks to all for the rich content i've been enjoying.. my great mother was a witness making me a fourth generation.
>>The ultimate one-size-fits-all brand of truth does not exist. It's a figment of the religionist's Sunday sermon.
Moral relativism is probably the most easily refutable topic of discussion on this board. Care to discuss?
last night we were discussing the "new light" that was revealed to the gb recently from jehovah.
many of us recall all the co talks and elder parts based on the bible text of how a true servant of jah would not be "inactive or irregular" for years one was required to have at least one hour to be considered a servant of jah.. as the sec in my hall i recall so many times calling up friends to get thier time and hearing them break crying cause they didn't have 60min only about 45min- and they knew that it meant they were not servants of jah.
now with the new light from jw a person with only 14 minutes of time will now be disqualified as being a servant of jah.. it is amazing how many jw will view this arrangement as a "loving provision from jah" instead of realizing that thier service to thier god has been reduced to whether they get 15min or 14 min.
JT wrote > instead i believe that over time more XJW will realize that the best way to help a jw is not to try and take thier cart away without offering them something to replace it with-
I agree. I come to here to offer people freedom in Christ, and to share with them what that means. Not religious oppression, but a relationship with a loving creator..... I get ridiculed, called a fundie, am often harshly treated. But, I will keep at it. Hopefully what you have said will change some peoples views. Thanks
'i have never saluted the flag, and i am 63 years old'.
a former jehovah's witness has lingering effects from a faith that does not allow followers to pledge allegiance to a country, vote or serve in the military.
by waveney ann moore.
Alf said>>Sounds like Mrs. Denison remains a victim of "brainwashing." Whether it is the WT, or her church of christ minister...once a puppet, always a puppet! :)
Hey Raul! Did you leave the Watchtower? Why are you calling it a 'brainwashing'.
this is my first post and i must say that i have been lurking here from time to time and have been impressed with the content.
back in college i visited the old h2o site many times and this is definitely superior.
thanks to all for the rich content i've been enjoying.. my great mother was a witness making me a fourth generation.
Perry, that last post was excellent! Very informative. You are obviously very bright, and that book you read sounds amazing. I might have to pick that up.
Teejay- I would just like to mention a few scritpures relating to your question (even though you weren't asking me!
"I tell you the truth," Jesus replied, "no one who has left home or brothers or sisters or mother or father or children or fields for me and the gospel
will fail to receive a hundred times as much in this present age (homes, brothers, sisters, mothers, children and fields--and with them,persecutions) and in the age to come, eternal life.
and also.....
34 Then he [Jesus] looked at those seated in a circle around him and said, "Here are my mother and my brothers!
35 Whoever does God's will is my brother and sister and mother."
i have read on their website that then are a noncreed religion, and welcome all sorts of views and that they encourage their members to be active in community and charities, etc,.
what do you guys know about this church?
i was thinking about checking one of the churches out around here.
Jesus said 'I am the way, the truth and the life, no one comes to the Father but by me'. Sort of speaks for itself doesn't it?
i am yet another new member to the group because, surprise surprise, being a jw makes me miserable.
i have been raised in the "truth" and have been hating it for a very long time.
the congregation that i attend is a snake pit, full of judgemental, brain-washed witnesses who will report your every move.
Hey BA, I am so glad you are here. The JW's are Pharasees and they 'They tie up heavy loads and put them on men's shoulders, but they themselves are not willing to lift a finger to move them.' Matt 23:4. Jesus says ' Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest for your souls'. Be free from religion and opression and find freedom in Christ. There are only 2 laws to follow, Love God, Love your neighbor as yourself and do what you want. This world will leave you brethless, religion will leave you hopeless, but Jesus won't leave you regardless. Email me if you want to chat. ( [email protected])
Love ya!
12-20-01. governing body.
watchtower bible and tract society.
25 columbia heights.
Well done :) Perhaps you could also ask them why the word Son is included in Acts 20:28 when not found in the original language. Just a thought. Keep up the great work.
due to the proliferation of newbies wishing to call us home to christ or whatever other movement they deem appropiate it might be good to review the following to balance the extreme perspecitves a bit... .
jesus christ, king of the pedophiles.
jesus christ (wld) .
Yadirf, it was directed at the one who posted this. You know what is really sad? People can come up with things about Jesus being this and that, or that He never existed, and everyone lines up to say "Good Job, great post, very interesting'. Yet, someone actually takes Jesus for who He claimed to be and take heed to His words and follow after Him and everyone says 'Stupid Funidie" or just roll their eyes at the 'fanatic'. It 's so strange that Jesus says
This is the verdict: Light has come into the world, but men loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil.
Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear that his deeds will be exposed.
But whoever lives by the truth comes into the light, so that it may be seen plainly that what he has done has been done through God.
and also......
This is my command: Love each other.
"If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first.
If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world. That is why the world hates you.
due to the proliferation of newbies wishing to call us home to christ or whatever other movement they deem appropiate it might be good to review the following to balance the extreme perspecitves a bit... .
jesus christ, king of the pedophiles.
jesus christ (wld) .
The fact that you would post something like that here shows how much integrity you lack. You are ugly
for some odd reason this morning when i woke up the first thing that came into my mind was the suffering and pain that humans deal with on a daily basis.
again i'm not really sure what made me think about that so early in the morning.
(maybe it was a dream i had).
Hey REM, sorry for the delay. Let's pick it back up shall we?
>>Irrational people believe in lots of things without evidence, such as UFO's from outer space,
So 80% of people on the earth are irrational becasue they believe in God? You evolution guys are all the same. If someone does not agree with the theory and I say THEORY of evolution, then they are ignorant, irrational, uneducated, etc. I am not surprised you say this REM, it seems to be the norm with the 'pride of science'.
>If god is all-powerful then he knows what evidence I would be willing to accept; and if he were all loving and truly wanted me to know him, then he would provide it.
Your logic here is flawed REM. If God is all powerful, should He come down and appear to you just because you doubt Him? Does that sound like an all powerful God to you? One that runs whenever a skeptic snaps his fingers? The God of the universe does not need to prove himself to you REM. If you reject the evidence of life itself then there is not much else God can do for you. Imagine the creator of the sun, rushing down to meet your request. Seems a bit silly don't you think? And another thing, in a previous email you mentioned that if God moved a mountain you would believe. I was thinking about that and I realized, no you wouldnt. The humanistic/evolutionary community would have a myriad of reasons why the mountain was moved and none of them would involve God and you would probably be convinced.
>>[referring to billions of years] It's difficult to imagine, but you have to step outside your current frame of reference to understand it. In that timescale, things unimaginable to you are capable of happening.
And this is where faith comes in. This is what you are putting your trust in. I am so glad you mentioned this.
>>Life could have come from nonlife by purely naturalistic means, even though we have not found the mechanism yet
No it couldnt have. It is impossible. I am sure you are aware that anything beyond 10 to the 50th power is considered absurd in almost any scientific circle. It goes beyond any form of probability. Non life becoming life is somewhere in the realm of 10 to the 40,000th power. Would you really put your trust in that? Also, enough about saying there is no evidence for God. You cannot put everything in a test tube to prove if it is real. I am sure you love your family but according to the scientific method, it would be impossible to prove, hence it is not true. Complex design and intricate detail always comes from intelligence.Never from disorder.
>>Interesting that you can believe in micro-evolution and hold this thought at the same time. Cognitive dissonance, anyone? Natural Selection doesn't work in a vacuum. It works with mutations - those are the real creators. Natural Selection picks the most fit mutations. Pretty simple, really.
REM, you are commiting the fallcy called equivication. You say that natural selection is blind, yet in the same breath you claim it picks those fit for survival. You may just be using descriptive language, but you do realize that natural selection picks absolutely nothing right? The ones most apt for survival will survive, but only if the mutation can make it better than the other species. Also, since most mutations are not beneficial, then you would have to start the process all over again.I mean I am no mathemetician, but if only 1 out of 100 mutations are beneficial, then 99% of the mutations would actually harm the gene pool and not help it. Follow me? Since we are on the topic of mutations, how about sharing with me some beneficial mutations that we find. How about a list of , oh, let's say 10. Give me 10 examples of mutations that are beneficial. Ones that are not diseases, cancers, etc. (since you believe that mutations are responsible for complex systems such as the visual and auditory, this should be quite a list. Also, if you don't answer any of my post, please answer this part)
>>If there were an intelligent designer with foresight you'd expect to find perfectly capable species that have survived until this day.
That makes little sense.
>This is where it gets really funny. Do you realize that every time someone has tried to say a particular structure is irreducibly complex, we have found that it really was not?
Can you give me an example?
>>The funny thing is that the jokers you get this 'irreducibly complex' information from BELIEVE IN EVOLUTION. The people you are trying to use as ammo against Evolution don't agree with you! I'm talking about Behe, one of the loudest proclaimers of this theory. Also Dimbski, an Evolutionist, has done some work on this. Doesn't it make you feel silly that you are trying to argue against Evolution by supporting the theories of Evolutionists? lol
I am aware of Behe's belief's. Don't you find it strange though, that these men who believe in evolution are basically saying "Hey guys, there's no way this could have come together piece by piece'. There has to be another explanation. Also, I noticed you called them 'jokers'. Do you notice the pride that you exhume? Think about it REM, whenever someone doesnt agree with you, they are fools. And you accuse me of circular reasoning.**sheesh**
>>Many have said that evidence can only take you so far, but if you have faith, you will find god. This is basically saying you have to have faith (belief without evidence) before you can believe. I don’t find that approach intellectually satisfying myself.
The funny thing is that you already prescribe to this. And you cant even see it. All the information you have about evolution you get from men who have 'studied it'. You put your faith in them and also the idea that someday the missing pieces might fall in together. You are a man of faith.
Out of time....... If I missed anything, bring it to my attention and I will go over it later. Have a great one.
P.S. I spoke with Santa Claus and he said to tell you to quit misspelling his name. :)