Hey REM, glad you could join in.
>>Just because you say it doesn't make it true. It may be axiomatic to you, but that's because you accept circular reasoning as evidence. To people with higher standards of evidence, evidence
for god is sorely lacking.
Evidecne for God is not lacking, if it were lacking then 80% of human beings on the face of the earth would not believe in God. There, in your estimation, would not be enough evidence. It is as I said before, what evidence are you willing to accept? Nothing + no one = everything? C'mon! You have greater faith than I do my friend.
>Evolution has had billions of years to come up with these cells.
You cling to the idea that in billions of years, well golly, anything could happen. You use all that time to disguise the absurdity of it all. Tell me REm, how did non living matter become living matter? Let me guess, billions of years right? Oh and by the way, save your remarks about me being ignorant this time, K? I would really like to know though. Non life became life at some point in these billions of years, how did that happen? And why is it impossible for it to happen in a labratory with all our our wisdom and technology? And with our efforts to make it happen.
>Could we be so balanced because otherwise we would not be fit to survive and Natural Selection would not have favored our design?
Like I said in another post, natural selection is a fancy way of saying 'death'. There is no deginer in natural selection. No direction, no foreknowledge, nothing but death. Those most able to survive will go on living, yet you do not realize the implications of this. Yuo have irreducable complexity, such as organs and systems within the body that require many working parts in order for it to function, (such as the design of a mouse trap) and if any of these parts are absent, the function ceases to exist. How can something that requires 5 moving parts, all dependent on each other to perform, evolve, when there is no foresight of design? It is a fairy tale for grownups. See REM, you believe in miracles, just thousands of miracles over billions of years. Miracle after miracle. These 'beneficial' mutations are just little miracle workers. I am going to pray tonight that God would increase my faith, at least to the level of yours. The only difference between us REM is that your god doesnt exists and mine does. Your god is you and you decide what is truth and you cling to what will keep you from being accountable. But I digress.......
>>I wonder how you could back that claim up? Do you FEEL there are no 8 year old atheists, or is that what you know?
I should have clarified. I have yet to meet an 8 year old child that is an atheist. I know children whose parents do not believe in God but the child does. The only reason children believe in the tooth fairy is because we tell them there is a tooth fairy. Then, they grow up, realize it is a fantasy and no longer believe in the tooth fairy. You are not in a situation where you cannot believe in a creator. Even if you reject God and believe like you do. Creation is evidence of a creator, whether it be billions of years of directionless, 'blind watchmaker' evolution, or 7 days by God.
>>I would challenge you to prove your assertion, but I'm sure you realize by now how silly this statement is.
Better yet, how about the next time you meet some children, ask them if they believe in God. Take a Gallup poll amongst 8 year olds. I bet none of them say there is no God.
>>Remember, not all societies are monotheistic. I'm sure you would agree that an inborn belief in many gods is not inborn. Then why would you expect an inborn belief in your monotheistic (or is that triune?) Christian god.
I am not arguing for who God is at this point, but rather that there is a God. Parents can teach their children that Vishu is God, but they already have the interal knowledge that there *is* a God.
>If god is all powerful, then he should be able to reveal himself in such a way that there could be no question - no doubt for anyone - even the most hardened skeptic.
He already has.
>And don't give me the whole "you need faith so he really knows you love him" routine.
I will do nothing of the sort. Have I ever once said to you that you need faith REM? EVER!? No, but I do know that once I put my faith in the evidence presented to me, then I was changed. Don't put the cart before the horse. God is not asking for blind faith.
[Gumby wrote] Well how come the apostle paul didn't get that same relief?
He said what he didn't want to do... he did... because he was a sinner.
The bible say's we have a wrestle within us to do bad.How did you get relieved of all of this fleshy desires all the rest of us christians and others have?
I never said I was delivered from temptation from all sin, but that God has taken away my desires for *those* sins. Trust me, I can totally relate to Romans Chapter 7. The things I struggle with now are more of personality conflicts. There are peoplle I talk with everyday that I do not like. My spirit wants to do good and be their servant and treat them with total love, but my flesh wants to tell them to 'blankety blank'. So I find this law at work within me, whenever I want to do good, sin is right there with me......You know the verses.