I had left the borg long before I saw H2O but hadn't done any research on the TRUTH. After a while on H2O I read CofC and that freed me of the ties I had in my mind with the JW faith.
Ken P.
the title of the thread is more geared towards those who found out the truth about the truth via the internet.
the very first time the word "jehovah" or "watchtower" appeared in a negative light on your computer screen, were you casually surfing the web as a good little jw, or were you intentionally searching for an explanation over something you knew to be wrong in the organization?.
for me, i started visiting h2o back around 1996. i think i simply plugged in "jehovah" in a netscape seach engine and viola!
I had left the borg long before I saw H2O but hadn't done any research on the TRUTH. After a while on H2O I read CofC and that freed me of the ties I had in my mind with the JW faith.
Ken P.
i am curious, what amount people on this board from their experiences of being a baptised & active jw and their subsequent exit from the jw org (for whatever reason or reasons) are now either agnostic, atheist or do some actually still believe in god?.
your honest answers please.. lfcv.
I don't know what is responsible for reality, whatever that is. I know we all face death of our human existance, after that ......................? My screen name tells my view.
Ken P.
remember that awake march 22, 1993 on page 4.......in the left side of the page.
they mentioned that in the eagerness...suggesting dates....they did'nt presume to originate predictions 'in the name of jehovah.. notice: they did'nt say " these are the words of jehovah".
its that they decided all by themselves.. .
Are they or not giving God's food at the proper time? If God appointed them the faithful and discrete slave does this mean they can feed you whatever they want, good or bad food and the master doesn't care what the slave feeds his household? We can only eat food that the slave gives us, but they are only human and can cook up a bad batch, now and then. I guess God is too busy to bring the end now, so we can just wait and wait and wait, but have faith it's soon.
Ken P.
they say,wonders never cease, how true.
man has created many things.
being in the construction business for four decades erecting tall structural steel frame buildings, etc, it amazes me how man has built many awesome structures.
Why it took so many thousands(or millions) of years to start the tecnological discoveries that have happened in the last 100 years????
Ken P.
i have a question to the parents on the board:.
how did you know your last child was your last?
did your family feel complete?.
The big question for me is am I done having sex?
Ken P.
i told my mom that jesus is a jw, and she laughed !!
Did you know there are more than one God? In Genesis the bible says let US make man in OUR image. There were two or more there.
Then the scriptures referes to Christ as a god, so since there is only one TRUE God, he must be a false God.
Then Moses didn't know who the God was in the burning bush, he had to ask his name. Must have been other Gods around then.
My mind just thinking a little.
Ken P.
i left the org a few years ago but my friend in the org wants me to go to her wedding she is marrying a non jw, she has been councelled for seeing him and is on reproof, they dont know she is going to marry him shes not telling them till after, all her family are jw some are going, its a civil ceremony, will they df her if she marries him?.
A little over a year after my JW wife divorced me and was DFed for fornication I married a worldly woman. They were nice to her and tried to entrap her in the JW religion but she was too smart to fall for it. I still believed it at that time but didn't want all the bondage it required. I just faded away and we have been happy ever since.
Ken P.
once you left the witnesses, did you want some sort of revenge?
when you left relationships in your past, did you do something to harm the other person with words or actions?
when you left jobs, did you bad mouth your employer with a hope of harming him/her financially?
I can't remember being mistreated by anyone that required a reaction of anger. I still like the people at the kingdom Hall that I knew when I was a JW. I can remember only one time that I had to restrain myself from whacking someone, she had her arms wrapped around my wife from behind and wouldn't let her go when I told her to. (I won't get into the story)
Ken P.
"Let God Be True" and before that the "Children" book.
Ken P.
<!-- .style1 { font-family: georgia, "times new roman", times, serif; font-size: 18px; } .style2 { font-family: verdana, arial, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; } .style4 {font-size: 16px} --> skeptical of the apostates motivationmy best friend presented a hard-hitting question about former jehovahs.
he believes that many individuals leave the truth because it is hard; and they look for any miscue to escape the organization and their responsibility to god.
That's why I left at first, it was just too much for me to handle. I was running the whole congregation and got tired of it all. You could never do enough to satisfy God.(WT) I later found out the truth about the "Truth". I enjoyed my life so much more after I left.
Ken P.