When I was fighting for my life fighting this beast of a cancer which required a thirteen and a half hour surgery and three surgeons that is when I found out that the org was a sham. ( Thank you Simone) Just before I went under the knife I had been crying because of what I had just found out. I'm still here today more powerful than ever saying to the joho's that come to more door " please come in". The last one left putting her hand in front of my face saying look it hun if anyone knows more about this religion is me. " All I did was try to ask her what she thinks of her org now with all the pedophilia law suits going on world wide and selling off of their kingdom halls. She said it was all fake news. Then she said she had to get out here and slammed my door. I followed her to her car group and asked why she did that and the car group was not happy with her. I then said maybe I need to call their headquarters and ask them since when did they get so aggressive and she sat back in her seat and shut her mouth. Then I said to them all if they can behave and not be so rude I would love to have them come again. They said they would be back so we will see.
JoinedPosts by newsheep
If you speak against the Governing Body you will be punished.
by punkofnice inthis was a comment from the meeting(tm) on sunday.. the person that told me about it, is very confused about the validity of the corporation.
somewhere between a pimo and a pimi-lite.
the thing that angered me was that this person has cancer.
Changes In Canada
by LetTheTruthBeKnown ini am surprised no one has mentioned what is going on in canada.. maybe they have but i missed it.
so here are some of the facts as i know them.
ontario only.. sault st. marie had their six congregations whittled down to two.
Two in Kitchener that we know of. We use to be in the Elmira congregation and moved to the hall that is empty in Lansdowne, Ontario. Lansdowne was no more than roughly twenty years old. It was built due to the Prescott congregation getting broken up due to a major pedophile problem in that hall. Some went to Lansdowne and some went to Brockville. The guys down here are pissed that they have to travel forty minutes to Brockville and some to Kingston which is even further. Elmira was also pissed. Some had to drive a half hour to Fergus, some to Listowel which is forty minutes away and some to Waterloo which is five minutes away. All the elders got to go to Waterloo, even those that were suppose to drive the farthest chose Waterloo because it was closer yet all their families were in that hall. Go figure.
New KHs Still Being Built!
by blondie inhttps://www.thereminder.ca/news/local-news/new-home-under-construction-for-jehovah-s-witnesses-1.23964617.
flin flon, ca.
according to statistics supplied by jehovah’s witnesses canada, about 85 jehovah’s witnesses live in flin flon, with around 100 people coming to each of the group’s biweekly meetings.. “we needed a new hall because the congregation has outgrown the old hall,” said congregation elder kelly flodell in a press release..
Hard to believe they needed a new hall but yes there are about a hundred that goes there. It was a very small hall and in really good condition We went there the one year with some friends who we had worked with at the bethel farm in Ontario. Kelly Flodell is the cobe there and his dad and mom (Lloyd and Vivian) are at the bethel permanently in Georgetown, On. The parents came from Saskatchewan and were so nice to us. For many years they were farm managers at the bethel farm just outside of Georgetown, On. It was Lloyd who couldn't figure out why bethel did things the way they did but you would always here him say we have to follow direction. Kelly's sister, Wendy is married to Larry Ericson who was the meanest circuit overseer you would want to meet.
It was Kelly who had taken Mark Sanderson aside when he was really really young and told him he better know what he is doing partaking of the emblems. That Mark wasn't even an MS yet and in his late teens partaking of the emblems. Heard this story over and over from Kelly. Kelly must have slowed down with his business ( Accord Restoration in Creighton, Saskatchewan) if he's there helping build his hall. His business always had him flown all over cleaning up disaster or cleaning up the mines. He was hardly at his meetings. He was no rinky dink business. He got paid extremely well and did very well in life.
Kelly also had come in second place in the prairies or Canada not sure for arm wrestling as well. There is nothing in Flin FLon. An old precious metal mine shut down for good due to cancer causing agents that were found in the air as well as in food and on peoples clothes.
The brothers and sisters were really nice as well as fun times to be had with lots of fishing and snowmobiling. Their door to door took them to the reserves which Kelly liked since you would have to drive four hours and spend little time there and then come home. I remember Kelly telling us that when he would go out there he would first check to see if they were drunk and if so then they would move on to someone else. Out of all those years of preaching there was only one woman and child they had found that was interested. But Kelly told us it was too far for them to carry on a study with so they had to leave it up to Jehovah to help her. I thought then why go out there just to get her hopes up high and leave her hanging. Obviously Kelly didn't have enough faith in what he had said or else he would have thought Jehovah was using him to get to this woman.
It was Kelly's dad whom we had gone to and explained what the elders were doing at the hall and how they were trying to get rid of us to shut us up by dfing us but had nothing on us. Nevertheless, Lloyd watched it all play out as to what we were telling him and couldn't help us. Even though he actually drove an hour out of his way to try and help us get to our meetings again that's all he cared about. Once we were kicked out we saw a totally different man in him. Lloyd was like a teddy bear to all but once we left we saw him at a funeral shortly after and he had turned into this horrible ugly personality with the dirty looks yet out in the parking lot his wife Vivian had given was hugging my df'd spouse feeling real bad as to what had happened to us. I hope one day they will wake up, such a sweet couple.
We pray for the governing body
by StephaneLaliberte insince when has it become cool to pray for the gb?
i noticed that at the begining of my fade back in 2015, it had already been there for a good while and was already getting on my nerves.
i means, i grew up in it, but can't remember much further than the 90s and i don't remember this being always in the payers.
I am so glad to hear I wasn't the only one. I wasn't even awake yet and we had an elder, Dion who was really really long winded with his prayers. Even his father would echo these very same words. The one night he had actually prayed through Jesus and the governing body at the end of his prayer. My eyes opened wide I looked around and not one person thought it was odd. After that his prayers would be like that and I just couldn't accept going along with that so every time he gave a prayer I would go to the bathroom. I would go to the bathroom as well every time a resolution was passed. Wanted no part of the money begging rituals. So glad we're out!
Seeking advice
by Mizalisa ini'm not a jw, nor was i raised jw.
for the past three years i have been involved with a man who was raised jw, who at first told me he no longer believed as they did, but who, it has become clear over time, has not told his family or religious community the truth.
he has strung me along for years, never introduced me to anyone in his life.
Not so fast guys. I would think yes, she would be viewed as worldly however I think she would also be love bombed as a potential newbie to the cult. There would be tons of family and friends get togethers since she wouldn't be baptized they would be counting tons of the their time on her. Now that I would be afraid of. Fake friendships and fake love. You would only be loved by your boyfriend or his family and friends while you put the cult first in your life.
What does that mean? Weekly meetings at their hall, you would have to go out in service door to door, help build halls so they would be sold and then you would have to rebuild more halls, sit back and be told constantly not to have anything to do with worldly people such as yourself, your friends and family, don't listen to apostates when they try to tell you the dangers of this cult like protecting pedophiles, don't get an education, and so much more,,,,
Your life will be hell
Antichrist definition - according to the glorious ones in Warwick
by The Fall Guy inantichrist - nwt p. 1693 glossary of bible terms - "all people, organizations, or groups that falsely claim to represent christ....can properly be called antichrists.
well this proves that the org can't be the antichrist, because they've never claimed to represent christ - only jehovah!
's can now breathe a sigh of relief)
Does the anti-Christ tell their followers that all authority have been given to them that they are now in charge of Christ's belongings in heaven as well as on earth? Who told Guy Pierce to say those very words to the world on one of their podcast shows a few years ago? Jesus or the Anti-Christ?
Our congregation will be deleted
by Rattigan350 inlast night was the co's visit.
prior to his part, an elder had a part on following theocratic direction.
it was about our congregation being deleted (there are 2 sharing this hall) and the people and territory being divided up to the 4 other surrounding ones.. they say it is not about numbers but about making best use of resources.
It wouldn't surprise me if the org doesn't wait a few years for the dust to settle and then turn around and say more halls are needed due to growth and so it begins all over again. Building halls and fleecing the sheep. The sheep will believe it as they will not put two and two together.They will have forgotten that they didn't need to sell their old hall in the first place just to have to build again. It's a scam!!!
Last Thursday's Meeting in Elmira, On
by newsheep ini had gotten a phone call from a brother who was really upset.
he said there was a resolution passed that everyone is in agreement to the selling of the elmira hall.
the strange thing is at the congregation picnic an elder told him that a few years ago the deed to the hall was signed over to the org.
It's too bad when it comes to passing resolutions that the publishers couldn't use a ballot box to vote yes or no. You would see more no's then yes's for sure. The org knew what they were doing by making everyone put their hands up publicly so everyone would see each other's answer and wouldn't feel humiliated if they did go against the resolutions or possible df'ing.
More fear-mongering in Nov. 2019 WT
by neat blue dog infirst of all, there's a new imaginary picture of jws during the great tribulation:.
then there's a picture of a jw family refusing to listen to "apostate lies" via pre-programed, self imposed information control:.
the description says:.
Cult! I see fear, fear, fear! Fear is the weapon all cults use.
John 12:42,43,44,45,48
42 Many rulers believed in Jesus. However, they wouldn't admit it publicly because the Pharisees would have thrown them out of the synagogue. 43 They were more concerned about what people thought of them than about what God thought of them.
44 Then Jesus said loudly, "Whoever believes in me believes not only in me but also in the one who sent me.45 Whoever sees me sees the one who sent me. 48 Those who reject me by not accepting what I say have a judge appointed for them. The words that I have spoken will judge them on the last day.
Last Thursday's Meeting in Elmira, On
by newsheep ini had gotten a phone call from a brother who was really upset.
he said there was a resolution passed that everyone is in agreement to the selling of the elmira hall.
the strange thing is at the congregation picnic an elder told him that a few years ago the deed to the hall was signed over to the org.
Diogenesister they didn't even need to pass a motion since the deed of the hall was signed over to the society and the hall was going to be sold. There is suppose to be a resolution to be passed but it was to get more money from the rank and file. I think they were calling it the Global Assistance Program but since there's not going to be a hall in Elmira they must have thought they still had to pass a resolution but would ask instead about selling the hall. It was really stupid since the publishers are already pissed and the elders know it. And to ask them to keep cleaning the hall was rubbing their faces in crap.
We drove by the Acton, On hall and that one is now sold. The JW.Org sign is gone and the building is vacant. That hall was way outside of Acton so now I would think they have to go to Halton Hills just outside Toronto or Georgetown, On. where the bethel is. It was such a tiny tiny little hall in the middle of nowhere but it was close to Toronto so lots of money in sales.
Not only do they want them to feel like they have a say in nothing but I bet you their hand count got sent in as though they were agreeing to the Global Assistance Program. And none the wiser. Sad.