Lots of ladies I know love no hair at all, maybe because of beach culture here.
I get laser hair removal it's brilliant...but no Brazilian, but I could see how it could kind of sneak up on you....I think having some hair is kind of friendlier??
with all the control they want to have over people's lives, i wonder if going brazilian down there (male or female) would be cause for readjustment???
lol i can see sister a telling the elders on sister b ... lol... i wonder what scriptures they would use to make their point across ... i know that for non-jw this would sound totally crazy but as an ex-jw i know that this is totally possible ....
Lots of ladies I know love no hair at all, maybe because of beach culture here.
I get laser hair removal it's brilliant...but no Brazilian, but I could see how it could kind of sneak up on you....I think having some hair is kind of friendlier??
wth, what is the world coming too.. std diseases are on the increase among seniors in.
retirement communities.
the percent of reported cases,.
Your generation......ViagraViagra
do witnesses really want to go to the meetings?
or do they just go because they feel they must to get into the new world.
or is it just peer pressure or pressure of elders?
Going to meetings, what a nightmare!
Racing home from work, barely time to eat, out again, as soon as you sat down you started to fall asleep...... .the same boring stuff over & over again.and those poor little kids, I can't imagine how families with youngs kids did it.
you lucky, lucky people in cold climates, we never cancelled meetings due to weather and it would be sweltering (over 40celsius ) no air, just weak ceiling fans!
hi people.
in all my life i have only looked in a womans handbag once.
it was close to looking at the arc of the covenant.
My bag also has the GOOD HEADPHONES!!! The ones no one else is allowed to use!!! They are like gold! The ones that don't hurt your ears & cancel outside noise :) I love them.
hi people.
in all my life i have only looked in a womans handbag once.
it was close to looking at the arc of the covenant.
Wallet, sunglasses,
many lip glosses :) always trying to find the perfect shade.....also about 100 hair slides/bobby pins (long hair!)
receipts which must be hidden (also in the back of my car!)
sweets (for emergency sugar hits) & nurofen plus, tampons
thats it, but.....like everyone else, no one is allowed in my bag, so if ever I had something to hide that's where it would go!
i have just joined this website and just wanted to say hello to anyone out there.
i am so nervous,after thirty odd years in the "truth" i feel as though my husband and i have just walked into a room full of smiling strangers and we are just standing here hoping to god someone will come up and speak to us.
scared and excited and hoping to wake up one morning and not wonder what we do now???
Hi Fran, welcome! It's never too late to change your life, this board is great because everyone has been through similar experiences, it's a good place to vent! I'm glad your kids are out........you've got so much to enjoy now, not looking over your shoulder, not being judged all the time, free time for fun stuff!!!
the more you learn about the truth, the less hold it has over you...
I hope you get out & enjoy the world a bit....there's a lot on out here! Welcome again!
i have a new poll at jwfacts.mobi/pollsarchive/ as i am very interested to see what people have moved on to believe.
as this is considered sensitive by some, you can answer anonymously at the jwfacts.mobi/pollsarchive/, or answer on this thread.
this is what i have created in the list, but feel free to add comments, corrections, or options i have missed.. .
recognizing the spiritual needs of many, and the influx of newly interested ones, the beast-tower writing committee has compiled a thorough list of the articles published by the 'discreet virgin class', for the upbuilding of honesthearted ones.
no doubt you will appreciate the many changes that have been made in our articles over the years, and thus have your faith strengthened that those whom jehovah has appointed are carrying out their god-given responsibilities thoroughly.
we encourage you to read and meditate on these articles, and in doing so, we pray that your relationship with jehovah will surely be renewed from day to day.. your brother,.
The light is getting brighter!
i have come here for any advice and support that anyone can give and i really need it now.
i don't talk about these issues with my siblings anymore because they have already told me that they have no advice and can't help.
feelings of anxiety have been overwhelming me the lat 2 years and it makes me feel like a scared little child.
Marriedtoajw, you are good guy!
I know it seems far less important than the major problems you are facing, but you said at the start you had gained weight due to your sedentary job. Could you try some exercise, or yoga, for both physical and mental benefits? You are under so much stress. I find yoga amazing, learning how to breathe and meditate could help you?
Its a small thing, but may help make tackling the big things easier?
i have come here for any advice and support that anyone can give and i really need it now.
i don't talk about these issues with my siblings anymore because they have already told me that they have no advice and can't help.
feelings of anxiety have been overwhelming me the lat 2 years and it makes me feel like a scared little child.
Hey married to a JW,
If I didn't know better I'd say you are my dad, your story sounds exactly like my family. JW mum, very opposed dad. So maybe I can help a little bit by telling what happened in the next 20 years.
All of us kids left the religion in our 20s, and we gradually established some sort of relationship with my dad.
At 70 years of age my witness mother left my dad ( after 44 years ). This was allowed because I think she felt the marriage jeopardized her sanity. They Hated each other and have never spoken again.
They are both so much happier, particularly my dad. You'd think at 70, why bother? But he has made so many friends and is finally having the social life he deserved to have. We haven't spoken to Mum for years, she is entrenched as a JW.
I deeply wish that my dad had left when he was younger, why?
When I was a kid I used to look at dad and see how angry he was all the time, yelling, scathing about the witnesses. This played right into mums hands as she constantly told us this was sadly an example of his worldly ways. Now I see how impossible it was for him in a house run by a JW, nothing like a normal family. When I asked him why he stayed, he said " to provide an alternative for you kids".
I respect this reasoning, but I think what we needed was a rational, sane, calm adult providing the alternative, not anger. I also hated seeing the sh*ty life that he had. Kids want to see their parents happy!!!
I'm sorry if this next part sounds extreme, but I haven't got much time so I'm going to be blunt....save yourself! Get yourself a life! Be happy! Maintain contact with your kids......that is the greatest gift you can give them. Let them know you are there to talk to. It sounds like you have had a really bad time, your kids will be lucky to have a close relative who is not a witness, you will be there if they need you! Good luck!!!!!!