LOL yes wha happened?, do we any umarried members of the GB?
appeal dismissed for failure to file opening brief.
03/26/2013 defendant and appellant: the watchtower bible and tract society of new york inc.. attorney: robert jerry schnack.
LOL yes wha happened?, do we any umarried members of the GB?
a trusted source informs me that the "new light" about the faithful slave is to make its first printed appearance in the july 15th watchtower, which should be available for download online three weeks from now, on around april 15th.. i'm led to believe that the references to the new understanding are made in such a manner as to suggest the "new light" isn't that new at all, which suggests to me that little or no effort is being made to explain the doctrinal connotations.
my source and i are hoping to get a key paragraph posted at the earliest opportunity.
watch this space!.
Waaaaahhh Nooooo!
OK. I eagerly await your post.
Noooooooo! So do I!
(Waiting with bated breath LOL)
hi there, as was suggested to me, i'm starting this thread to say hi to everyone.. my awakening began recently, after the new light on the 'slave'.
i felt it didn't add up and went to check and found out ttatt.
for a while i tried to find evidence of whether the wt might still be god's organization, i needn't say i couldn't.. i had already resigned as a ministerial servant and a pioneer, had already had several issues with the elders and did not put up with their nonsense for a long.
Thanks fakesmile! And thanks GoneAwol! And thanks cobaltcupcake!
In fact, thinking back, our whole life in the jw machine is just a fog. Certain things are highlights or when things went wrong, but on a spiritual level, it was a wilderness full of nothing...and it was only 5 or 6 years ago when we left. Strange, but it feels as if my life is only just starting.
That is so true GoneAwol, a wilderness of nothingness. I like that phrase, I'll use it, if you don't mind. (I promise to send you the royalties, LOL). And with me too some things are highlights of when things went wrong and my life feels like it has just started too.
right, so that was hours ago, so i'm waiting for the replyi'll keep you posted.. the elders have been trying to invite me for the memorial, and the email in question basically said.... .
i d like to remind you about the memorial.
it will be held tomorrow, tuesday the 26th at 8:45 pm in our kingdom hall.hope to see you with us remembering the most important day of this year.i replied...hi brother elder,.
Right, so that was hours ago, so I'm waiting for the reply —I'll keep you posted.
The elders have been trying to invite me for the memorial, and the email in question basically said...
How have you been?
I´d like to remind you about the Memorial. It will be held tomorrow, Tuesday the 26th at 8:45 PM in our Kingdom Hall. Hope to see you with us remembering the most important day of this year.
I replied... Hi Brother Elder, 14 Nisan is on Monday 25 March beginning after sunset and ending on the sunset of 26 March. This is the Examining the Scriptures Daily page for today. And this is the correct Hebrew calendar: These are the references President Obama held a passover celebration on the White House last night, 25 March. week's bible reading started me thinking ... luke 1:1-4.
"whereas many have undertaken to compile a statement of the facts that are given full credence among us, just as those who from [the] beginning became eyewitnesses and attendants of the message delivered these to us, i resolved also, because i have traced all things from the start with accuracy, to write them in logical order to you, most excellent theophilus, that you may know fully the certainty of the things that you have been taught orally.".
now, the gospel of luke appears to have been written before acts, sometime between 56-58 ce.. in the above introduction, luke mentions that "many" (not just one or two) "have undertaken to compile a statement" ( "to compile a narrative" - english standard version; therefore, more than just the description of isolated events or isolated "wisdom sayings".
Thanks Bobcat!
this week's bible reading started me thinking ... luke 1:1-4.
"whereas many have undertaken to compile a statement of the facts that are given full credence among us, just as those who from [the] beginning became eyewitnesses and attendants of the message delivered these to us, i resolved also, because i have traced all things from the start with accuracy, to write them in logical order to you, most excellent theophilus, that you may know fully the certainty of the things that you have been taught orally.".
now, the gospel of luke appears to have been written before acts, sometime between 56-58 ce.. in the above introduction, luke mentions that "many" (not just one or two) "have undertaken to compile a statement" ( "to compile a narrative" - english standard version; therefore, more than just the description of isolated events or isolated "wisdom sayings".
Really fascinating subject for me as well. I love how you guys in this forum go really deep on your research, probably more thoroughly than Luke.
I'll definitely be looking into the subjects, sources, and references you mention.
With the WT Memorial so close, it's ironic to think that I thought I knew everything about Jesus and his life on earth. I'm certain my friends still feel this way.
Thanks guys.
unfortunatley, i still go to many meetings as i am working on getting my wife to wake up.
for the most part i maintain my composure but there have been two or three times when i actually have gotten so upset and the frustration built so high that i have come very come close to actually slamming something down or pounding the table in the literature room, or shouting out how i felt!
has anyone else felt this way?
F —ing hell Brother of the Hawk, that was amazing!
I am glad the sisters applauded you! It serves the elders well for not listening to them.
yep, i was comparing the nwt with the greek, which, incidentally uses words like 'grace' and 'spirit' instead of 'undeserved kindness' and 'gifts of the spirit'.
i pointed out these mistranslations to my dear husband.. then i showed him 2 tim 2:5-6 in the nwt and the original greek (strong's, westcott and hort) as well, where it says jesus became mediator for all and showed him in the wt where it says jesus is only mediator for 144 000. i also showed him an instance in the wt where it raves on about hating 'apostates' and others, then showed him matthew 5:44 "however i say to you: continue to love your enemies and to pray for those persecuting you.".
i didn't have to say anything 'apostate'; just show him the contrasting texts.. then i showed him the "shepherd" book where it says one can get dfd for "deliberately spreading teachings contraryto bible truth as taught by jebovah's witnesses" (ibid, pg 65) and told him that i've deliberately told him something different to the wt teaching therefore in the elders' eyes, i can be dfd.
Oh, amazing Julia! I hope he sets himself free and you can both be happy together without a publishing company to tell us how we should live our lives.
hi there, as was suggested to me, i'm starting this thread to say hi to everyone.. my awakening began recently, after the new light on the 'slave'.
i felt it didn't add up and went to check and found out ttatt.
for a while i tried to find evidence of whether the wt might still be god's organization, i needn't say i couldn't.. i had already resigned as a ministerial servant and a pioneer, had already had several issues with the elders and did not put up with their nonsense for a long.
Alright, I've updated my Gravatar profile and written a bit more of my story.
Funny how it came out as something for non-JWs to read. Perhaps because I feel the to understand how 3 months of intense sleep-depriving research overturned 15 years of Watchtower indoctrination.
It goes like this:
" I'm Alec Holmes, I'm an ex-Jehovah's Witness and an atheist, and cannot reveal my personal information for the time being, even though I wish I could do so, because if I did I would be immediately summoned to a kangaroo court known as a 'judicial committee' to be judged by three elders without a fair trial.
Jehovah's Witnesses are not allowed to publicly discuss or hold different views from current doctrines. Persistent dissenters are 'disfellowshipped' (excommunicated) and shunned forever by friends and family.
I was born in the religion, got baptized at a very young age (early teens) and really believed it was the only true religion. At that young age I couldn't possibly have known I was actually dedicating myself to a high-control man-led organization. I devoted myself, my time, my talent, and my energy going out trying to preach to others what I believed was the truth from the bible. I was a pioneer (a minister who devotes 70-hours a month preaching) for about 9 years and a ministerial servant (deacon) for about 7 years and did my best to please the Watchtower's version of God, Jehovah.
In October 2012, the Watchtower updated their doctrine on the identity of a certain "faithful and discreet slave", a parable from Jesus found in Matthew 24:45-51 and Luke 12:42-48. This slave would be appointed to provide spiritual food to the Christian congregation, it was God's sole channel of communication on earth.
What I did not know was that the Watchtower had changed this doctrine several times in the past. They don't divulge the whole truth.
I had been taught from infancy and had then taught countless others, had given public talks, had even defended out in the preaching work the doctrine that the faithful and discreet slave were the remnant of Christ's 'anointed' brothers on earth. These were no more than 9,000 worldwide in the 2000's and they were 'represented' by the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses, a group of elders made up exclusively of 'anointed' brothers, based in world headquarters in Brooklyn, New York.
What that actually meant in practise is that the Governing Body had the final word in doctrinal matters. If even an 'anointed' disagreed with one of their teachings, that would've been tantamount to disagreeing with God's holy spirit.
The latest change in understanding was that, no, the faithful slave were not the 'anointed' brothers of Christ on earth, no, guess what, it is the Governing Body itself! Eight men sitting in a room in Brooklyn making decisions that affect the lives of millions people in the whole world.
What puzzled me was something I had always believed and had always defended—a truth—had changed so easily, so simply. It didn't add up. I decided to investigate. And found many others online around the world who had the same misgivings as me.
Deeper investigation led me to the discovery that the Governing Body had always been the de facto faithful slave, the only difference is that now they were being upfront about it. The rest of the story needs a whole new post about it.
It was an intense journey. But it has led me to finally knowing the truth about the Watchtower. I have stopped attending their meetings or engaging in any activity related to the organization. I have now two choices before me: be disfellowshipped or leave of my own volition (disassociate myself). Both will lead to my perpetual shunning. I couldn't possibly hide forever, I must be true to myself and to live your life in fear is worse than losing your freedom.
So what I'm doing is biding my time before I come out to friends and family as a non-believing Jehovah's Witness, to then be viewed as dead by them indefinitely.
I'm Alec Holmes and this is my story."
Oh, this is all Satan trying to stop them from serving Jehovah!
*** w05 12/15 pp. 22-23 par. 14 Whom Do You Obey—God or Men? ***
14 In the years since the Nazis’ efforts, others have joined the losing battle against Jehovah and his people. In a number of countries in Europe, crafty religious and political elements have endeavored to brand Jehovah’s Witnesses a ‘dangerous sect,’ the same charge that was leveled against first-century Christians. (Acts 28:22) The fact is, the European Court of Human Rights has recognized Jehovah’s Witnesses as a religion, not a sect. Opposers must know that. Still, they persist in slandering the Witnesses. As a direct result of this mischaracterization, some of these Christians have been discharged from their employment. Witness children have been harassed in schools. Fearful landlords have canceled contracts for buildings that the Witnesses have long used as meeting places. In a few cases, government agencies have even denied citizenship to individuals solely on the grounds that they are Jehovah’s Witnesses! Still, the Witnesses are undeterred