Well, not a pip from the elder or anyone else after my email. Good. Well, you may well be right and they may be typing the JC summon letter now. Bring it on, I say. Perhaps I'll record the whole thing and add it to the numerous others already online, haha.
The elder will believe the WBT$.
Exactly punkofnice, I must have surprised him, nonetheless, given his silence.
I asked my jw about it once long ago but he had no clue about the date/passover etc... no need to research, the boys in NY already did all the heavy lifting.........
Yes carla, I know a lot of brothers, including elders, who had no clue what they were talking about and if you knew your Watchtower, meaning if you read a lot and remembered a lot of the BS the WT writes you could throw them off balance for their lack of research or unpreparedness...now, is that what Jesus meant with, "I want mercy, not sacrifice." (I don't believe in Jesus as a perfect superhuman son of God anymore, by the way)
The primary thing they have got wrong is the matter of who should partake, of course it should be all who follow Christ,
I agree Phizzy, if I were to follow the bible, a Christian religion, if I still believed it or were even still in as a JW (I'm a fader) I would partake, that is what Jesus clearly said his followers should do.
I figured after sundown Nissan 14 began. I checked Jerusalem's time zone and knew that I was still good.
Yes DATA-DOG! That's my point! LOL
I really do not believe the exact timing is a salvation issue, or physically partaking. I mean, you should if you can, but what if you were in prison with no access to the emblems? I think you heart condition matters the most. Then partaking is an outward symbol of your faith, like baptism.
Also, I do not believe it is a once a year thing. There is no proof that Christians only celebrated once a year, although the WTBT$ makes that assertion.
I agree DATA-DOG, even in my last years in I believed Jehovah and Jesus were much more merciful than the WT would have us believe, especially since I felt I was blessed when my standing in the congregation was in jeopardy because I didn't take BS from the elders. I believed Jehovah blessed me for doing what was right, not for pleasing men. So yes, if I were trying to please God, I believed he would understand my circumstances as you exemplify if I were in a prison cell and couldn't get emblems or something close to them. And I'm not sure I could 'prove' from the bible why it should be an annual observance. Mind you, in my last months in I couldn't prove a lot of WT doctrines from the bible!