Black Sheep, I really liked this thread from some days ago, you may find it interesting
facebook the association of anti-watchtower activists.
Black Sheep, I really liked this thread from some days ago, you may find it interesting
facebook the association of anti-watchtower activists.
Some are still on the drawing board, such as our church outreach program - which we hope will effectively turn many congregation territories into minefields of our leaflets if executed effectively.
I see Cedars, I wasn't quite sure what it meant exactly but now I realize I'd be up for that as well. I'll email you that just in case.
facebook the association of anti-watchtower activists.
this is a major find and holding top ranked will get tens of thousands of hits.
get your licks in comments and vote up the good guys.
10 observations about jehovah's witnesses and the book of .... huffington post-it is argued repeatedly that only jehovah's witnesses are truly faithful to god and so they are uniquely situated to understand the contents of ....
Chaserious I was asking myself the same thing, and alas here's is what I found...
*** w09 1/15 p. 32 Highlights From the Book of Revelation—I ***
8:1-5—Why did a silence occur in heaven, and what was subsequently hurled to the earth? A symbolic silence occurred in heaven so that “the prayers of the holy ones” on earth could be heard. This was at the end of the first world war. Anointed Christians did not ascend to heaven at the end of the Gentile Times, as many had expected they would. They experienced difficult times during the war. So now they prayed fervently for guidance. In response to their prayers, the angel hurled to the earth a symbolic fire that set the anointed Christians afire spiritually. Though few in number, they began a worldwide preaching campaign that made God’s Kingdom a burning issue, thus lighting a fire in Christendom. Thunderous warnings from the Bible were sounded forth, flashes of Scriptural truth were made known, and the realm of false religion was shaken to its foundation, just as buildings are shaken by an earthquake.
8:6-12; 9:1, 13; 11:15—When did the seven angels prepare to blow their trumpets, and when and how were the trumpet blasts sounded? Preparation to blow the seven trumpets included giving direction to the revitalized members of the John class on earth from 1919 to 1922. Such anointed ones were then getting busy in reorganizing the public ministry and building up publishing facilities. (Rev. 12:13, 14) The sounding of the trumpets represents fearless proclamations of Jehovah’s judgments against Satan’s world by God’s people in cooperation with the angels. Notably, this began with the Cedar Point, Ohio, convention in 1922 and lasts all the way down to the great tribulation.
Like Punk of Nice/Paul said in another thread, this is vomit-inducing nonsense. I keep thinking that if John really wrote Revelation whilst imprisoned in Patmos, he must have been under the effect of the most powerful mushrooms he could possibly find there. Reminds me of the scene in The Hobbit where Saruman says Radagast is a foolish fellow. Also, reminds of Joseph Smith and the Book of Mormon, the only difference we can know who Joseph Smith was, whereas the bible writers.... Alecgregg, we are deeply sorry for your loss.
you will be with us in our thoughts & prayers.
i haven't got much of a story.
i'm in my late teens, grew up in it, and got out of the society's regime by the skin of my teeth.
nearly go baptized because i firmly did believe it was the "truth" but because of a gut feeling that held me back, that i almost ignored, i didn't sign my blood to big brother.
belated april fools!
no, there's no jc scheduled for me, though i've heard from a friend on the boe that the inquisitor is about to get inquisited himself.
you will see who i mean in this thread: .
Phew, that's OK then.
Yes, I like your thinking, I think the best thing is for your husband to hear and everything they say with his own ears and eyes. Wow, Sparky's amazing!
Yep. Well, I'm sure everything happening has had and thankfully will continue to have an effect on your husband, and I do hope he can see the truth.
I wish you all the best and I feel sorry you have to go through this. Hang in, there, you will make it.
All the best to you, Julia
no, there's no jc scheduled for me, though i've heard from a friend on the boe that the inquisitor is about to get inquisited himself.
you will see who i mean in this thread: .
Oh dear, Julia, I'm feeling sorry for Sparky already...little does he know...
I wish you all the best whatever happens, and I hope you don't have to face the CO regarding your doubts. I see from the previous thread which I'd missed that you know exactly how to hold your ground. Hats off to you!
(Psst, is it me or does your name appear in your post on the thread you mentioned? I'm just saying, in case it was an oversight)
a few days ago, there was renewed interest in a 12-year-old thread which, among other points, argued the watchtower's days were numbered.
several current posters expressed the view that the wts has not been impacted by any "critical mass" and that it speaks to the immunity of the watchtower to any such "critical mass" event.
i thought the topic warranted a renewal for wider consideration - with the "benefit" of "12-years" hindsight - so have duplicated one of my responses: .
This is from a blog run by what appears to be active witnesses, it offers interesting insights. The post is entitled "Are We Nearing a Tipping Point?"
"In the half century or so that I have been part of Jehovah’s people, I’ve never seen a trend like this. Is this in response to the growing discontent of many due to the failure of past predictions? Does the Governing Body feel their assumed authority to interpret God’s word on our behalf is under siege? Is there a groundswell of brothers and sisters who are quietly expressing disbelief and are no longer willing to blindly accept what is being taught?"