I live in Brazil. Prologos's words are the best description about this country:
People in developping countries have no high expectations, naively believe in the unrealistic promises of the utopian religious teachings, do not expect justice to come in this life, and might feel more comfortable, content than then those having to face the crass competition in the top-earner nations.
The elite here doesn't care so long as their lives go on as usual. This works for them. It is a panem et circenses style of politics.
The vast majority of the population is uneducated, superstitious, and religious. There are many catholics, who also believe in spiritism, and evangelicals. Forbes magazine published a list where a Brazilian evangelical pastor is a BILLIONAIRE, followed by others who are millionaires. They fleece their flocks. A famous pastor was arrested last year due to several charges of rape against church members in church premises and drug trafficking.
The general Brazilian attitude is to just accept things. They protested last year and after the government conceded to not increase 20 cents in the bus fare, the protests died out. Nothing has changed. Public transport continues the same crap it was and so does traffic. The Sao Paulo metro system is woefully lacking. They are still hurrying to finish building more stations for the World Cup but they are still behind schedule. The billions spent are gone and the general problems will continue here. They go back to the time of the foundation of the country. This is why a vastly uneducated population can do little to change them, when the intelligent elite and politicians control and exploit them, whilst deluding them. The evangelical politicians we have in Congress continually denounce homosexuals, women's rights, and liberal values.
So, no. Being in atheist, an antitheist, not only has allowed me to claim my life back from religious oppression as it has helped me to see things with very different eyes. Only weeks ago my sister had a minor surgery and lost a lot of blood, due to my family's JW stance. She is now anemic. I shudder to think what would have happened if this had been a major surgery. In her case, and in that of many others, being a believer is bad for your health and many times lethal. Not only am I much happier, but I can also take my life in the direction I want, having freed myself from the shackles of lies and deception, I can make my own purpose in life, pursue my own goals, and give something back to the world.