looking_glass ...
I think you'll find some posts from the Aussies (incl. myself) on another thread.
Perhaps Australians - in general - are a little less vocal about stuff. Just a cultural diference in some ways. I think Steve's somewhat 'over-the-top' personality was a little strange to some Aussies when he first became popular (remember he is a Queenslander) and maybe that is why he was first popular in the US; and maybe that is why he married a non-Aussie. Difficult to generalize. However, his divergence from the norm was a good education in itself - in many ways. All cultures change and grow in different ways and at different times and I think the legacy Steve has left to Australia is a good one. But, don't confuse silence with lack of concern and interest. Australian culture has changed significantly in the past few years - a product of globalization I'm sure, but the understated rather than the overstated is probably still more the norm.