Shoot a couple of looters and they'll think twice about stealing a case of beer.
hey now!
after such a tragedy???!!!.
shoot them!!!
shoot them all!!!.
Shoot a couple of looters and they'll think twice about stealing a case of beer.
hey now!
after such a tragedy???!!!.
shoot them!!!
shoot them all!!!.
New Orleans Visitors Bureau
after such a tragedy???!!!.
shoot them!!!
shoot them all!!!.
eh this is an old Iraq Qar cartoon and I couldn't help myself..
since so many misguided people don't acknowledge the wonder, beauty and magnificence of the invisible pink unicorn, i was wondering if she has an opposite number?
any deity worth it's salt ought to have, indeed has to have, an enemy to blame stuff on.
any nominations?
I found him!
we're awaiting the arrival of kwintestal and heart2heart as they make their long trek back home.
they'll be having dinner with us tonight.. in a couple of hours' time... and i know their computer access has been almost non-existant over the last several days.... so how about sending them a virtual hug and a big hello, which i will print out for them before they set out on their journey again!.
let's make it a nice big thread!
Howdy and have a good time!
i am somewhat taken back.
after 10 years of my sister refusing to tell me where she lived, i got a message on my answering machine from my brother ( who i haven't talked to in years ) saying that ma has moved in with my sister and gave me the adress.
wow, i am honored!
eh Apostanator at least you didn't get a bannanagram...
hope you get to see your mom...Take care and let us know how it goes....
after such a tragedy???!!!.
shoot them!!!
shoot them all!!!.
Those caught with "stuff" other than food or things needed for survival, should be jailed.
especially if its Bryan's new plasma tv!
to a beautiful round-faced angel named megan.. .
born at a few minutes before 5:00 pm and weighing in at a light 8 lb 10 oz.
and i say light because her brother last year weighed in at 9 lb 10 oz.. .
WOOOOHOO!! Congrats Lady Lee!
ok, since i missed out on developing when i was 14-18, i'm gonna need help with girls, friends, keeping them, and just having fun.
recap for the past week:
one day i hung out a with this dude from fish camp.
Mayeb you could ask everyone in the class if they would be interested in an email study group..that way you get more possible help from different angles
i'll be off to england for a while, somewhere in the south.
anything i shouldn't miss while being there?
is it true they don't serve beer after 10:00 pm anymore?
There's only a few countries in the world that serve beer stronger than Britain
HA! And I still outdrank you all bwahahahah!!!!!!