In the past I too used to feel the way you do—why does God require/force us to praise Him? Then I understood such verses found in the Bible are of human origin. All the scriptures are like forest—you will find most of the things wild, yet you will also find stream of pure water, fragrant flowers, and succulent fruits in limited measure. If any verses are true they came by chance, not by inspiration. That means scriptures are of human origin (if it were of divine origin, God would naturally have ensured it contains no error) because they all contain errors also.
Why does God not use scriptures to guide us? Because
1) Scriptures can be manipulated—as has happened to all available scriptures.
Guidance is already available in the form of
experience (yours and of others). Everything that happens has a lesson. For
example, Good and bad people come into your life and leave some experience to
you. Thus good people teach you how to behave whereas bad people teach you how
not to behave. When something gives you happiness, it teaches you to repeat
that action, and when something gives you sorrow, it teaches you not to repeat
that action. Even tragedies teach us a great lesson. It is true that tragedies
can destroy families; and life for some is never the same. Suffering happens to
both good people and bad people. Jonah suffered; Jeremiah suffered; Jesus was
crucified, Prophet Muhammed was an orphan. Within 150 years from now, everything
in our life will perish because 100% of the current population will be dead by
then which makes you realize that everything in life is temporary. Everything
we have been given in life —family, wealth, health, respect — are all given to
us in trust for a given time. Once that time is up, they are all gone, and that
includes our own life. Thus tragedies teach us a great lesson: what you lost
was really never yours. Suppose someone informed you at night when you are
sleeping in your home that your factory is on fire, and you would say to
yourself: “So what? I sold it yesterday.”If it had not been sold, news of fire
would have made you jump and run in maximum stress, tension, shock, sorrow...
etc. It means sense of mine is at the root of suffering. Everything what we
think we own is really just given to us in trust for a certain period of our
life. Sense of mine [which is a temporary truth] makes it hard to digest when
you have lost someone/something. But those who are aware of the big picture
that everything comes and goes after remaining for a while tragedies are not
viewed as tragedies, but as lessons. All we really have is this moment to
cherish and savor, everything else is uncertain.
That means our experiences (not God) should guide us. God has given us a planet
home and made provisions in this home to enjoy life, and experiences to guide
us [it is left to us to maintain it or to spoil it]. God does not require
praise from us (Mathew 5:44-48)