The teaching that Jesus was tortured and executed in payment for the hereditary sin of Adam, including possible future sins is the best example that religion is doing disservice to God—they simply do not understand such a horrible concept would never originate from God. (Jeremiah 7:31) It is this type of teachings that give births to atheists.
Posts by venus
What if the crucifixion never took place..
by Jayk ini googled it and pretty much my understanding is the same as what i imagine.
no one really knows, your guess is as good as the next.
interesting thought to consider imo..
What if the crucifixion never took place..
by Jayk ini googled it and pretty much my understanding is the same as what i imagine.
no one really knows, your guess is as good as the next.
interesting thought to consider imo..
Account of Adam and Eve is contradictory to the original creation account given Genesis 1 where we find God creating mankind, not just a couple. Even if first couple sinned their sin would not be passed on to their children: "Fathers shall not be put to death for their sons, nor shall sons be put to death for their fathers; everyone shall be put to death for his own sin.” (Deuteronomy 24:16)
If Jesus really lived, then problems are more because it would mean the subject of what is called redemption by the death of the Son of God originated from God. Without any conditioning, anyone would revolt at the recollection of what he reads in the Bible that it was making God Almighty act like a passionate man who killed his son when he could not revenge himself in any other way. I am sure a man who did such a thing would be hanged.
God is too good to do such an action, and also too almighty to be under any necessity of doing it. Any system of religion that has anything in it that shocks the mind of a child, cannot be a true system. But the Biblical concept of God the Father putting his son to death, or employing people to do it, cannot be told by a parent to a child with conviction; and to tell him that it was done to make mankind better is making the story still worse—as if something greater would be achieved through the murder of the innocent [a logic today’s terrorists resort to]; and to tell our children that all this is a mystery is only making an excuse for the incredibility of it.
In The Beginning ... There Was Shunning
by days of future passed inyes indeed, shunning began in eden.
when adam and eve sinned against god, god pronounced a curse on them, handed them some skins for clothes and kicked them out of the house.
there isn't any conversation between god and them after this.. he did converse with cain, but that also ended shortly after he killed his brother.. on the other hand the one that started it all, satan, visited jehovah at his house.
God stopped communicating with humans who turned apostates and God is continuing communication with angels who turned apostates. This shows that account of Adam and Eve is of human origin and also is a parallel account to the creation account given in Genesis chapter 1 where we find God creating mankind, not a couple.
When two things are contradictory, I reject one in favor of the other which is acceptable and natural. For example, Nebuchadnezzar making a positive response to a miracle is acceptable and natural (Daniel 3:26-28) whereas recipients of miracles Jesus performed not coming in for his defense/preaching is not acceptable and not natural. Mary who experienced miraculous virgin birth returning from temple without ensuring the boy Jesus is with her is not acceptable, nor natural.
Truth is for the seekers. There is a place where truth remains hidden for the seeker to experience his thrill—in the vocabulary of different languages. When I was studying in Mount Holyoke, I had the opportunity to mingle with many foreign students and thus to my surprise came to know certain words are like a treasure of truth in at least one language among the vast reservoir of languages which means you have to continue your search for the truth of one word till you get it through different languages. For example, take the word ‘king’ and start seeing the meaning of it in all the languages and you will find it means a person ruling with dynastic root, then suddenly you find in one language, the word ‘king’ is the summarized form of this sentence: “one who brings delight to all of his subjects and keeps them (of various interests) reconciled to each other.” To mention a few other words which my search took me to the truth:
Family = Place where delight results when members get together
House = Building from which you depart forever
Son = One who ensures no dishonor happens to his father
Soul = That which is made of knowledge and acts egoless
Intelligence = Reading between lines/happenings and arriving at intuitive discernment
Diabetes = Sweet urine
Ego = Opposite of construction (egoless = construction)
Personality = That which is visible on the outside, like a mask on the face
World = Place where mostly illogicality is abundant and logicality is too rare; rationality is irrationalized and vice versa
Hell = Me-first attitude
Heaven = Living in awareness of common origin of all humans.
Worship = Engaging in something fully focused as happens during dating and courting
Knowledge = from know (Greek gnosis, Sanskrit gyan), that which causes you to say wo, in awe. Hence Socrates said: “Philosophy begins in wonder.” (from Plato’s Theaetetus). Philosopher Immanuel Kant famously remarked that two things filled him with awe and wonder: “the starry heaven above me and the moral law within me.”
Hi dozy,
Luise Hay, self-help author. used to say in her seminars that if you train your mind giving autosuggestion that you want to die while in sleep, it would happen.
And to everyone's surprise, she herself died during sleep. So what you said " ( if you are lucky ) a comfortable , pain free death in a warm bed surrounded by loved ones" is true.
Hi Hanged Man,
Thank you for that link.
Everything is cycle of Cause and Effect. What science describes in scientific terms, religions describe through mythological characters
Hanged Man,
Nietzsche even wrote a book on the same subject which he named it "Eternal Recurrence."
Truth exists in piecemeal scattered in all isms. Truth is for the seekers. Intelligence [from intellegere, Latin, literally “read between lines”] would actually mean reading between lines, happenings, scriptures, science … and arriving at intuitive discernment.
There are conflicted religions, and also atheism; there are people who remember their past lives and there are people who do not have past lives. Think about the first flower you smelled when you were a child—you can remember its color and even its fragrance now as though you were really there. Yet your body is not the same now as all atoms that made your body then have now been changed which means what holds your body, the immaterial substratum, has not changed! That substratum must be atom-sized because we are called individuals. The word individual comes from Latin individuus [based on dividere ("to divide")] which describes human being basically as something indivisibly and invisibly small substratum on which body is sustained.
Just like our body organs cannot go beyond certain limit, mind, the thinking faculty, can think up to certain extent; beyond this it cannot think. If we stretch the mind’s ultimate limit, we find that the extent of entire cosmos remains still beyond our imagination and intelligence. Therefore, it seems that a greater intelligence than ours must have been working behind the vast, entire cosmos.
Explore in this line—you will reach truth.
Mark 8:36 "What profit a man to gain the whole world...
by kepler in... and lose his soul.
" when jws came to my house years ago to instruct me on "what the bible really teaches", i gathered from the text that doctrine made a distinction between humans and spirits such as angels.
the belief in a bodily resurrection made the notion of a soul either redundant or something that would be extinguished.
True Christianity is all about social altruism (Mathew 25:31-46), and true Christians are found scattered in all religions--even among JWs. Interestingly, Jesus rejected all theological exercises (Mathew 7:21-23). Hence if make mistakes in theological details/understanding, it doesn't matter.
The Creation of Genesis Chapter 2ff
by Doug Mason ini had long held the piece of the jigsaw puzzle which starts at genesis 2:4b – the yahwist’s creation story.
i knew that its authors had never heard of lamarck’s theory of evolution, nor had they read darwin’s “origin of species”.
the authors were addressing their own immediate culture, so i had to transport my mind to their times.
Great post, saved into my computer.