Well maybe before abandoning ship to a life boat, you may consider a well outlined letter that explains the top 20 problems with not so much "the truth", because the Bible does contain the truth in spite of human reproaches and confusions, but the problems that all intensified from the GB papal council formation. (1976).
That led to the Bethel inquisition and the shunning revision, and that led to the UN NGO, and a self protection device to keep the con men in control of Bethel and unto it's complete corporate control (now complete), that in the proper set of world circumstances will be in these new owner's hands outside the internal ring that has positioned it for external seizures worldwide.
You may lay all this out in some way written (as far as the basic red flags at Bethel), as you know verbal presentation can often be diverted and dead-ended, a written basic outline will come in handy because the "end of the world" this GB cabal is selling JWs, is not the end of the world, but the end of the national method of banking, financial and investment authority. And in that coming drawn out financial meltdown (limited, but severe), is when Bethel is also going down organizationally due to financial compromise already set-up in the corporate network globally. (The UN NGO was not the only kind of modifications this GB fronted operation is doing at Bethel, and it is also more than a stumbling campaign engineered to also add to the overall distraction of things that can indeed by pieced together from the evidence right from Bethel).
I say this because even if your letter does not work immediately to get through to your husband, when the Bethel crunch begins to go into it's final phase of operations (starting soon), the whole JW organization and all JWs will indeed be facing very challenging developments, that the GB will only be able to sell off as "the end of the world" for only so long (like a couple years), because it is NOT the end of the overall global cycle the world will be entering financially first, it will be the BEGINNING of it - and the red flags are at Bethel and in the engineered JW "self fulfilling prophecy".
And in time, as Bethel takes the actual organizational duress that will turn into financial developments due to Bethels trans-national context, JWs will eventually have to face the truth that the world is not actually ending as Bethel has stated, it was merely going into a financial globalization process that will take years to set the full functioning foundation of, albeit it will be a globally tribulatory period (that must end; Matt24:29). The multi-trillions in national debts worldwide and interconnection to the EU and US massive weak links in that chain, is what has been set-up to aid this monetary and financial international system as the "solution" to the current national finance problems, that of course will underpin greater economic downturns prior to any recovery. (Things will get far worse in a percentage of the world, before it get's better due to the scale of the "problem").
But for sake of rationale, a recovery will eventually come, but the financial means of developing that will need to be revised globally to an international scale financial authority. Before that recovery a tribulatory economic context will develop to some degree for many nations.
Since this must unwind and develop over the next decade, JWs will have to eventually face the reality of what Bethel's engineered errors and self fulfilling prophecies was actually backing, and in that period an explanation of the key developments as covered in what led to the UN NGO will be very helpful, because JWs will at that time have no organizational explanation (and even no organization to a severe degree), because of course no one at Bethel can continue to explain away a process requiring a full decade, when even JWs will figure out NO end of the world will have developed in those first three years. JWs will in time realize something is way wrong with the whole Bethel picture.
A very basic logic Bethel and the GB covers up, is that God and Christ cannot arrive for a final sovereign battle (Armageddon), if in fact no gloalized human world government (8th King) is even fully completed and present, and the UN is NOT at that scope and full world government functionality. Yet. And the UN will merely be the international forum of what must and will in time be a complete world government (and that will take some years). The world cannot "end" prior to that world government's completion and final global sovereign statements (1Thess5:1-3) in the "freedom from care" (Dan8:25) of that recovery that must come, as that tribulatory period must also end as per Matt24:29. (and of course that takes a number of years to actually complete a world government).
In the meantime JWs are told by Bethel the Messianic Kingdom of Christ is coming to fight nobody, because the UN is not a completed "8th King", and the UN itself is no world sovereign. Meaning plainly logically an "Armageddon" cannot arrive when no actual "8th King" rival sovereignty even exists!!
So JWs are being sold a delusion and simplistic premature "the end" anxiety, to aid the Bethel implosion financially and organizationally in this period. And in fact much of the evidence that the GB is not Christian, much less anointed, is also present as they cannot fully hide the truth of what is actually developing as many are now seeing in modern form (2Thess2:3-4). And at the least, your husband would have a list of that evidence, and will have years to see none of what the GB is saying "come true", because the GB well knows it is not true, merely aiding a JW hoax at worldwide scale with premature expectations and a JW "self fulfilling prophecy" of Bethel desolations that can be used to actually cover up the Bethel financial and organization implosions, and JWs will think it is all "prophecy fulfilling brothers!" - for a while, in time even JWs will ave to face the reality of a drawn out final world phase to complete world government, the point of the whole development at it's culmination a number of years into that cycle.
In the meantime soon, JWs will be told "it is all fulfilling prophecy!!". But it will not be the prophecies JWs think are fulfilling. And it cannot "end any day now brothers!" for the overall world system that still must complete full world government, it can only end for Bethel any day now. And when that comes, in time JWs will come to understand what was really going on. (And in fact it is all prophetic, just prophecy also covered up and diverted by Bethel).