In my 30 some years of being associated with JWs, I came to the conclusion that, generally speaking, JWs couldn't drive worth a flip. The teenagers weren't any worse than other teenagers, they did the same stupid things and raced and wrecked and got tickets. The adults on the other hand were just plain bad drivers. I rode with many different people in service for many years in different parts of the US, and the majority did not know how to deal with normal driving situations. Stopped or slowed down on on-ramps. Stopped at yield signs. Ran stop signs. Stayed in the left lane at the speed limit(Ceaser's law, ya know) while angry drivers passed em on the right, flipping em off as they went by. In service, they would pull out of a driveway, in front of traffic, go 100-200 feet, slowly, pull into the next driveway, without giving a signal while traffic slammed on the brakes to keep from piling into the JW car. That was a normal occurance in service. I got to where if I couldn't drive in service, I didn't go. Not just the embarrasement factor, but the safety factor. There were several people, pioneers and elders, that I refused to ride with in any circumstance. I worked traffic at conventions. You couldn't get these people to move at a decent speed no matter what. It always took forever to clear out a parking lot, partly due to the ineptness of the parking attendents, but also due to the fact that witness drivers were slow, didn't pay attention and kept being a good samaritan by letting others out in front of them, slowing down the whole process. At conventions, I got to where I started sneaking into employee lots, service lots, etc, so as to not have to deal with parking attendants and stupid, idiotic drivers after the session. If you're out on a Saturday morning and you see a mini-van full of people in traffic with you, avoid that vehicle at all costs. It's witnesses in service. And I will guaran-damn-tee you that the driver is talking, drinking a cup of coffee and reading a not-at-home-slip instead of paying attention to traffic.
This has always been a pet peeve of mine. Couldn't tell, could ya?