They did treat us like immature, child-like drones. No wonder. We couldn't speak for ourselves, and we couldn't make our own choices about even simple things, like how to wear our clothing, or what movies to see, or what books to read. They controlled us, and they still control a lot of people. This is the cult aspect of the religion. Yet, some people like to be collared and quartered, and held back, because they don't have to "do" anything other than what someone else tells them to do.
The last CO that came through while I was still attending mtgs was a condescending, mealy-mouthed jerk. He pretended to be o-so-nice but in fact was anything but. Each visit made me dislike him more than the last. He stood over us and acted so high and mighty. We were beneath him in everything. Even the area of the country we lived in was inferior to where he grew up. The most telling thing he said that showed his attitude was this, "If you aren't doing everything possible in Jehovah's service, if you aren't giving whole-souled and making sacrifices, real sacrifices, putting yourselves out, then why bother?". I may not have the exact wording right but it's pretty close. I remember him standing with that smirk on his face as if it happened yesterday saying with dramatic pause, "....then why bother?". I said to myself, "He's right. Why bother?" If what I'm doing isn't good enough, then the heck with it anyway. I've killed myself all these years and this is the encouragement I get? Sometime later, I started doing research and just like most others, had doubts in both directions, "they're wrong" or "what if I'm wrong". It's getting better and I guess I really should thank that CO cause he's the one that got me thinking to begin with.
I remember being called in the back room more than once for grooming. Tie is too loud. Hair is too long. Trim your mustache. Cowboy boots are not allowed for service.
Close friend got busted for watching R-rated movies. A so called "friend" in the cong. saw em in his house and went running to the elders. As long as he watched em he couldn't be an MS. They reviewed with him every so often to make suer he was complying. Another close friend who is MS and whos father is an elder watch em all the time. Even go to theater to see em. No one questions them.
Always hid books, magazines and movies when cleaning person came to house cause she was JW and didn't want her to go running to tell on me.
Is this anyway for a grown person to have to live? Kinda like living under the Taliban.