You got presents??!! I didn't get diddlysquat!!
Seriously though, I was similar to you. All my friends and the other younger ones in my hall and the surrounding area halls got baptized at 13, 14 and 15. I never felt ready. I figured that you had to be really ready to completely devote your life to doing nothing but service, meetings and studies to be baptized. I didn't want to do that yet. I figured it would have to wait till I was at least out of school. But the pressure from my parents, the elders and pioneers was too much. So at the ripe old age of 16 I was baptized. Everybody asked me how it felt after coming out. It didn't feel any different than before going in. That made me wonder if maybe it "didn't take with me". It was another 20+ years before realizing(or at least admitting it to myself) it was a mistake.