So come 2006, ya think this guy will admit he was wrong?
JoinedPosts by undercover
New Date for Armageddon?
by NeonMadman ini had an interesting chat with a jw on yahoo messenger yesterday.
of course, he was using "theocratic war strategy," at least at first, and pretended not to be a jw, but someone who was asking a lot of questions about them.
he opened the conversation by asking if i wanted to discuss 'the meaning of life'.
JW's NOT Pacifists!
by pettygrudger in
there are news reports at the moment going around about a women basketball player that turned her back on the flag to protest the iraq war.
her comments to reporters were that she was: "raised as a jehovahs witness in richmond, calif., she said her mother, fayette elliott, does not acknowledge the flag and raised her children to believe they could choose not to as well.
That sure was a lot of information. Information that does not change the definition of pacifism.
Witnesses are in opposition to war or violence as a means of settling disputes. Witnesses refuse to bear arms on moral or religious grounds. Witnesses are not to own guns even in self-defense. If persecuted, Witnesses are not to fight back. They can print what they want and deny what they want, but pacifists they are.
JW's NOT Pacifists!
by pettygrudger in
there are news reports at the moment going around about a women basketball player that turned her back on the flag to protest the iraq war.
her comments to reporters were that she was: "raised as a jehovahs witness in richmond, calif., she said her mother, fayette elliott, does not acknowledge the flag and raised her children to believe they could choose not to as well.
There is a good article in the w2/1/51 that stated rather forcibly
“The smearing of us as extreme pacifists is without foundation and is a deliberate lie to provoke prejudice against us and this international assembly. They have done as the Scriptures prophesied, ‘framed mischief by law.’—Psalm 94:20. Extreme pacifism is not our preachment. We are not pacifists. . . . To charge that we are extreme pacifists is a lie.”Websters definition of pacifist:
Main Entry: pac·i·fism
Pronunciation: 'pa-s&-"fi-z&m
Function: noun
Etymology: French pacifisme, from pacifique pacific
Date: 1902
1 : opposition to war or violence as a means of settling disputes; specifically : refusal to bear arms on moral or religious grounds -
JW's NOT Pacifists!
by pettygrudger in
there are news reports at the moment going around about a women basketball player that turned her back on the flag to protest the iraq war.
her comments to reporters were that she was: "raised as a jehovahs witness in richmond, calif., she said her mother, fayette elliott, does not acknowledge the flag and raised her children to believe they could choose not to as well.
There are news reports at the moment going around about a women basketball player that turned her back on the flag to protest the Iraq war. Her comments to reporters were that she was: "Raised as a Jehovah’s Witness in Richmond, Calif., she said her mother, Fayette Elliott, does not acknowledge the flag and raised her children to believe they could choose not to as well."
So what was she doing on an organized basketball team?
This is the first I've heard of her having any connection with the Witnesses. Since when are Witnesses to turn their back on the flag?
JW Discussion Boards
by teejay incan someone point me in the direction of a couple (or five) jw discussion boards?
you know where real jws post their mind-numbing thoughts about how terrible the world (and "worldly" people) are and how great it will be when armageddon comes to destroy the wicked?
i'd like for some of my workmates to see what their loving jw neighbors really think about them.
I checked out PLN and JWZone. What pathetic sites. I tried looking for deep, spiritual discussions, to see how they justified certain doctrines(dogma). Nothing much there. Just a bunch of dribble about nothing basically. I see deeper discussions on this board(I guess because opinions and disagreements are allowed). And what the heck is this Star Trek stuff at JWZone? So the creator of JWZone is not only a dweeb dub, he's a nerd trekkie too? I just don't see the elders, CO's and GB being all that thrilled about a supposed JW site that uses Star Trek references and names. Even if I was still active, I would be embarrassed to be a member there. What a bunch of losers.
You should start saving for retirement!!!
by LDH inthis was the advice given me on sunday by my jw dad.
i was telling him about a chance i have take a paperless stock option.. he encouraged me to put money in a safer investment, so "i would have enough to retire on.
" i told him i started saving around 95, after the generation change watchtower.
There was a Watchtower article in 2000 that encouraged all JWs to start saving for a pension or at least have a retirement plan.
Does someone have the exact issue and page number for that article? I haven't read a magazine in a few years and I'd like to see that comment in print. Thanks.
upcoming elder visit, need help
by greven ini have been inactive for quite a while since i started to do research on the society.
the elders knew about this and even encouraged it, until i started to ask the wrong type of questions, mostly of the kind: "can you provide verifyable evidence for that?".
anyway, they wanted to meet to discuss my current position towards the religion and towards the bible.
This doesn't really help with how to reason or prove to the elders about any "apostate" doubts, but I thought of a way to get rid of any meddling elders or any dub who tries to "help" spiritually.
Almost always they ask, "how have you been?" Well, instead of saying, "fine" or "OK", which is how most people react, tell em the truth or even embellish the truth. Heck, make up stuff. "How have you been, Brother Weak?" "Well, Brother Nosy, I am really embarrased to say this, but, I've lost my job, can't find another one, I lost my insurance and the baby is sick. I can't afford the medicine. My wife's mother is having to move in with us. And as you know, she requires daily assitance, which I can't afford now. And to top it all off, the roof has started leaking, and I can't afford to hire someone to repair it, and you know about my bad back, the doctor won't let me climb ladders, so I really could use some help to repair that. It would be great if some of the sisters could schedule it to sit with my mother-in-law, while I'm out looking for a new job. I know that Sister Gossip is a nurse. You think she could help with the baby? Did I mention that the car broke down? Of course the mechanic said it would take over a thousand to fix it. Do you think Brother Junker could take a look at it? It's the four door car and without it I can't get my family to the meetings. I really do need my brothers and sisters right now. I'm so glad that you came by. It's like a prayer has been answered. Thank you, Jehovah for sending help.
Watch em hem and haw and stutter and stammer and make an excuse to leave. Another reaction may be that they actually try to turn the conversation around to why your "service to Jehovah" has slackened and what can they do to help you spiritually. That reaction shows their true colors. They aren't concerned with you or your family. They just want to have a good report for when the CO comes back around. That's when I would be tempted to cut loose on them. This talk of true Christianaity and here someone has shown a need for charity and yet it's ignored and a lecture about meeting attendance and field service hours is more important to them.
A Challenge for the upcoming Memorial
by joe_from_kokomo inhelp prove that the wts prophecies are balderdash, hogwash and poppycock... become a partarker in your own congregation.
you deserve the notoriety.
have a sip, take a bite and become a partaker.
Can anybody tell me...
When is the memorial?
April 16th.
How quick will attendance figures be released after the memorial?
Witnessing in extreme conditions
by undercover ini talked to a jw friend in another city yesterday who told me of an ice storm that hit where he lived.
he told me that 70% of the city where he lived was without power friday.
there were tons of trees down in the area including some in his yard.
I talked to a JW friend in another city yesterday who told me of an ice storm that hit where he lived. He told me that 70% of the city where he lived was without power Friday. There were tons of trees down in the area including some in his yard. He then mentioned how many people they found in service Saturday morning because the people were all out cleaning up their yards. I didn't say anything at the time, but my immediate thought was "how can you justify going out in service, when the majority of the community is without power, and people are trying to recover from the damage?" The more I thought about it the less sense it made. He should have spent Saturday cleaning up and cutting up trees instead driving around, getting in the way of clean-up efforts. But the JW logic is "come rain, sleet, snow, hurricanes, tornados, gotta get that 2 hours in to keep that average up". I wonder what opening line he used that morning? "In God's new system we won't have to worry about these things. It will be a paradise. Men will not be allowed to run electrical power lines overground then."
Do u feel u missed out being a JW Teen?
by Shytears indo you feel that you missed out on the social part?emotional part?how do u feel your parents handled it?were they strict,let u do anything?
i just have alot going thru my mind,just wanted to hear some of your comments
I feel like I missed out on youth in it's entirety. School plays, dances, proms, ballgames. The other witness kids in my school were such nerds. I was a nerd too, but I wasn't nerd enough to hang out with other loser nerds. I was a loner nerd.
I wasn't allowed to wear jeans to school. Always dress casual. So nerdy.
I had to ride the bus in senior high. Couldn't get rides from the girl next door, same class, same homeroom. She was worldy. No, can't drive when you can ride for free. Do you know what gas costs? (during the oil crisis) Besides that you shouldn't be alone with her in the car. Like she wanted to get it on with me, sheesh. It was special of her just to offer the ride. I think she felt sorry for me.
I wasn't allowed to go to the prom. Worldy kids dancing erotically and taking drugs behind the gym.
I wasn't allowed to go to the games. Worldy kids again. Competitive sports is not necessary for school education. Football games were on Friday. "You can't go anywhere on Friday. We have service in the morning. Have you prepared your presentation?"
I wasn't allowed to date. "Are you ready for marriage? Well, then, you don't need to be dating."
I wasn't taught any social skills. To this day, I feel anxious whenever in a social setting involving meeting new people or dealing with business associates. My wife taught me proper table manners at fine dining establishments. Hell, I'm surprised I ever got married.
I hated school. I hated everything about it. I thought. But actually I disliked myself. I couldn't fit in and be part of the experience and it made me unhappy. Looking back at being a witness and I see that I never liked myself as a witness. I feel better about myself now after fading away then I ever felt before. I can be me. I can speak my mind. I can think for myself. I don't have to fear a group of men who hide in a big city dispensing my life decisions for me. And I am starting to like myself.