I hope they are watching. Right now I'm sitting in my house drinking till I'm smashed with a woman on my lap, smoking and watching a porn video. That'll freakem out!
LOL, obiwan. That is so Krusty like. You chose your avatar well.
i was just wondering if this was the largest xjw forum on the internet.
what other large ones exists?.
if this is the largest xjw forum, watchtower people in brooklyn and even elders must have a look at this site quite often..
I hope they are watching. Right now I'm sitting in my house drinking till I'm smashed with a woman on my lap, smoking and watching a porn video. That'll freakem out!
LOL, obiwan. That is so Krusty like. You chose your avatar well.
ok has anyone heard or watched the new cartoon with pam anderson called "stripperella"?
this cartoon witch pam anderson does the voice over is supposed to be a stripper at night and later that night she fights crime and is some kind of superhero.
lol she gave a small interview about the show and said that the only thing she wanted was to make sure the cartoon didn't show her boobs....what the hell was stan lee thinking?
Stripperella isn't all that good, but I'll watch it again I'm sure. Live, taped or cartoon, ya can't turn off a stripper on TV.
But in TNN's favor, they brought back Ren and Stimpy!!
i've been thinking about the part at the dc on "beware the voice of strangers".
they mention three areas to watch: any dissenting talk against the organization, the internet and the media(as in newspapers, news-shows on tv, etc.).
there's been quite a bit of talk already on this board about the internet part of the talk.
I've been thinking about the part at the DC on "Beware the Voice of Strangers". They mention three areas to watch: Any dissenting talk against the organization, the Internet and the media(as in newspapers, news-shows on TV, etc.). There's been quite a bit of talk already on this board about the Internet part of the talk. To me, that was expected and unsurprising, though filled with propoganda and paranoia.
The part that really surprised me was the part on the media. The audience was admonished to be wary of the media. The media has an agenda, the media mis-qoutes, the media misrepresents and the media tells half-truths. An example was given of how a story changes over the course of several days, so therefore how do we know what the real story is? A cursory glance of a couple of headlines or stories will not tell us the whole story or give us definitive facts. Now, the more I think about it, the more I have to ask, who should know better than the WTS about half-truths, mis-qoutes and misrepresentations? They are the masters. If we can't trust the media because they wittingly or unwittingly do all these things, then can we trust the WTS? If you research their material, you will find the same thing. A modern WT will claim that as early as 1880, the WT warned of the trouble to descend on the world in 1914. That same modern WT claims that Jesus returned in 1914 and the Gentile Times ended then and Armaggedon is due anytime. If you look at that 1880 WT you will see that, yes, they did mention the trouble the world would see in 1914; that Armaggedon would start then. That 1880 WT claims that Jesus had already arrived in 1874. A mis-qoute, a misrepresentation of facts and a half-truth is present in the modern WT. An agenda is also present in the modern WT; to fool people into believing that JWs are the only true religion(or to get money or both). The WTS is no better than the media that they have slammed at all the District Conventions this year. Yet they put themselves on this pedestal as God's earthly, righteous, organization, publishing and preaching the good news of God's Kingdom. The media, despite it's faults has never done that. So who is more guilty?
did they release any because, the wife came back and there isn't a new book in site!
One book and one brochure - "Learn from the Great Teacher" and "Look! The Beautiful Country!"
I think it's called "Look! The Good Land". It's a brochure of maps of the Bible lands. It was implied(though not outright stated) that these maps are more accurate than others available. The "black dot" for the center of Rome is actually at "the center of Rome". Whatever.
The "Learn from the Great Teacher" is a new childrens book. Aimed for kids between 6 to 10-12. It fills in the gap left between, Listen to the Great Teacher and Young People Ask.
They announced a new Pioneers manual(or whatever they call it) available later in the year. For Pioneers only of course.
i've only learned the truth about this society over the last 5 months or so, so i'm not sure what the difference is to say - 2 years ago.
do you think the society will now get even more cultish in it's methods of teaching and more heavy handed if they feel things are slipping?
i don't feel i'm being over the top here because i've experienced very heavy handed talks at the assemblies and kingdom hall in the past that are just plain scare tactics but this just makes people ask more questions ??
that scintilla of interest sparked by a JWs comments at the door all too often leads the interested householder straight to the internet; the fun begins mere secons after he types ``Jehovah's Witnesses" or ``Watchtower" into his favorite search engine.
This will discourage most people from ever pursuing anything with the witnesses, but there will be some that say, "why so much against them?" and then ask a JW personally and then the propoganda from the WTS is used on them. Some will see through it, others will not and be converted. And those will be even harder to reason with because they think having seen "the hatred" themselves on the 'net before becoming a witness, that they know they are right, no matter what.
coming at this as a householder rather than an ex-jw, i'd love to hear from any of you about comments from householders that made an impression on you, back when you were active in the door-to-door work.
since the jw's first knocked at my door 13 years ago, i've done my best to give them something to think about every time they knock at my door.
i always introduce myself by name and try to get their names.
I remember one of my proudest moments as a dub in service; a guy came to the door with a book in hand(he saw us coming down the street). Some book about greek and bible translations. He was all ready to defend the trinity. We got into an argument about it. He was kinda of obnoxious, but hey, it was his front porch, not mine. I remember asking him that when Jesus was baptized, who's voice from above said, "this is my son....". The man answered, "God's". I replied, "No, God just got baptized, remember, because Jesus and God are the same by your definition". He went ballistic. He said I was a blasphemer and was going to hell and that he wished me ill. I had somehow managed to keep my cool through all this and I simply stated that as a Christian, that I would not wish ill on anyone whether they were in agreement with me or not. That really got him. He ended up apologizing and retracting his statement about wishing ill upon me. I was so proud that I had caused this guy to lose his cool and react so angrily. I thought that I had vindicated God's name somehow. Actually though, looking back on it, all I did was invade his privacy, provoke him into an argument and cause him to lose his cool.
i've only learned the truth about this society over the last 5 months or so, so i'm not sure what the difference is to say - 2 years ago.
do you think the society will now get even more cultish in it's methods of teaching and more heavy handed if they feel things are slipping?
i don't feel i'm being over the top here because i've experienced very heavy handed talks at the assemblies and kingdom hall in the past that are just plain scare tactics but this just makes people ask more questions ??
1) Trying to scare people away from the internet. Demonizing it to the core.They chose option one.
That was apparent at the DC this year. The part on "Beware the Voice of Strangers" was heavy handed indeed.
There were three distinctive areas that they covered:
1. Do not listen to any dissention or negative talk about the WTS. If it does not build up, it is not worth consideration.
2. The internet is evil, evil, evil. Sites are created just to lure people away from the "truth" and organization. Lies and smear campaigns litter it to create doubt and confustion. Flee from it.
3. Do not trust the media. The media is full of half-truths, misqoutes and outright misrepresentations.
It has to make any normal thinking person wonder: Any person, group or organization that is afraid of information and what someone might find out, must have something to hide. This part was so blatently ovbious that the WTS is trying to control how the dubs gather information. Looking at it from the outside in was scary. The propoganda machine was in high gear for this part. And what was scarier was that the dubs ate it up. They swallowed it hook, line and sinker. I overheard several talking about what a great part that was and how there must be a problem with apostates spreading lies. You just wanna shake em and say, "Wake up! How do you know what is truth if you're only allowed to see one side of the story? How can you decide for yourself what is right if you're not allowed to see both sides of the issue? If the "truth" is the truth, how can real information from any other source make it false?" I have always avoided using the word "cult" to describe the organization, but after this DC, I'm seeing it more like one than ever before.
as most of you probably already know, from time to time the watchtower society likes to use district conventions as a platform for adopting silly resolutions, which more than likely are forgotten by the people who gave their approval to it by the time they leave the parking lot of the convention.
this year, during the final talk of the convention (talk entitled: "keep bearing much fruit to jehovah's glory"), a ten point resolution was adopted, with all the baby seal-like clapping following its adoption.
here's the main jist of the ten points (i didn't copy it word for word):.
8) Give god glory by reading his word daily. Reject propaganda that is not with his word; make sure statements conform to the pattern of "healthful words".
I did just that after the DC. I pulled out the indexes and looked up "1914" and "generation". May 1 or 15th(already forgot) 1985 WT that talks about the generation that saw 1914 would not pass away. Read those articles. It kept emphasizing that Jesus promised that "the generation that saw these things would not pass away" and that it was due anytime because of that promise. Then I went to a newer WT. One in 99. Generation no longer means the same thing. Generation is a group of people who see the things that happened since 1914. No longer is the promise that this generation will not die there. It gives some roundabout reasoning about how Jesus used the word generation. It emphasizes that they don't know when the end will happen. So one of these WTs was in error. It was not "truth". New light or light getting brighter does not work. One of these WTs was false.
Well, what does the Bible say about false prohpets. What does the WTS say? Isn't the WTS or FDS providing information from God today? I looked up "anointed". It referenced me to "congregation of god" or something like that. Read the Reasoning book's explanation of false prophets. Saw it in a WT also. Those that "prohecy" or predict in "God's name" and it does not come true are false prophets. If they don't do it in God's name, it is not false prophecy. The WT article I found had a lengthy footnote on how that even though the WTS had in the past made wrong predictions, it was never done as coming from Jehovah. So therefore the term "false prohet" cannot apply to them. I looked up a couple more references. In another WT, the claim is made that the modern day FDS is God's "channel of communication" and the WT is the instrument used to dispense this to the faithful. Once again, one WT is false. They are in complete contradiction of each other.
These statements do not conform to the patten of healthful teachings, therefore they cannot orginate from God. So by the WTs own criteria, they do not stand the test of their own resolutions.
coming at this as a householder rather than an ex-jw, i'd love to hear from any of you about comments from householders that made an impression on you, back when you were active in the door-to-door work.
since the jw's first knocked at my door 13 years ago, i've done my best to give them something to think about every time they knock at my door.
i always introduce myself by name and try to get their names.
I remember one elderly woman who listened patiently as we gave our prepared sermon. We asked her who she thought was responsible for all the worlds woes. Her answer? The Beatles. The world was normal till they came along and then everything changed. And all this time I thought that the world had changed in 1914.
One other experience that has stayed with me all my years: Me, age 16, and a sister, aged 15 who was killer cute and I was just proud as a peacock to be seen out in service with her, got a door together. The "lady" of the house came to the door wearing a see thru negligee(sp?). As I commenced on my sermon, the lady reached up and pulled loose the bow that was holding it together in the front and it fell open for an excellent view. I pretty much forgot why I was there at that point and just stammered and stuttered my way through the rest of it, much to the amusement of the pretty little thing I was with. I'd do go back to the field service if I got that response more often
just wondering how many people here feel that the seat belt law is mandatory for safe motoring.
i can't stand this law myself as if you only forget to put one on the police are happy to pull you over and detain you and write you a ticket.
this is one of those things that i think if there were a public vote over, it would not exist .
The CO at the last visit I went to mentioned dangerous activities; skydiving, parasailing, bungee jumping and then after a pause, motorcycle riding. There are a couple of brothers in the hall that ride. It was a sly way of condemning that activity by throwing it in with other more dangerous activities. Riding in a car is dangerous, why not list that. So is riding in a plane. Or playing with matches. The list goes on and on. Here is the WTS again trying to dictate what is and is not acceptable for "Christians".
The same with seat belt and helmet laws. Why limit it to that? Why not make it a law that you have to wear pads when rollerblading? Where and when does it stop? I'm an adult. I can decide when I want to wear a seat belt or a helmet. I don't need the government telling me that I "have" to. Laws for children wearing them is ok but for adults, let us decide.