Actually, if you can get a Watchtower from December 15, 2001 and check out the Questions from Readers article, they have softened their position on Christmas (actually they say "holiday") for JW wives who have an unbelieving spouse. The JW wife of an unbelieving husband can now buy gifts on her husband's behalf, buy gift wrap on her husband's behalf, wrap gifts on her husband's behalf, prepare a special meal that he requests, visit his non-JW relatives and enjoy their company, etc etc, provided she does not participate in anything that would be considered an act of false worship.
Isn't that comprimising one's faith? I mean, if it's a pagan holiday, it's a pagan holiday. A true Christian would have no connection with it.
They also made it ok for wives to vote if required to by their husbands. Again that's comprimising your faith.
What happened to we'll obey god rather than men?
What if your company requires that you raise the national flag every so often(let's say all employees take turns). If you're doing it at the behest of your boss, then you are not worshipping the flag, you're just a slave doing as his master instructs. Think they'll go for that one?