Well, looks like the mods there did delete the post. And brucejw is no longer registered... hmmmm
That right there is as good a reason to distance yourself from this crazy religion as any. No negative, independent thought process allowed. No dissenting opinions allowed. No disagreements allowed.
As soon as non-conforming, negative, questioning viewpoints started to be posted, the topic was squashed and the messenger was killed. Maybe this guy was an infiltrator, but he did not post anything "apostate". He posted factual information without condemning or accusing anyone of wrongdoing. Factual information, despite its origin is still information and knowledge. Just because it "might" come from an unapproved source does not change what happened. The WTS has conditioned its followers to not listen to anything negative from any source. In doing this, its followers are sticking their head in the sand when it comes to what's really happening around them.