I would. It's not like your going back to worship as a JW. In the event of a funeral, I would be going to pay my respects. In the event of a wedding, if someone thought enough of me to invite me, then I would go and have as good a time as possible. In either case if someone tried to ask me where I've been or what my problem is, I would just repsond that now is not the time for this discussion. We're here to pay respects/witness a joyous occasion. Let's leave it alone.
JoinedPosts by undercover
Would You Go Back To A Kingdom Hall For A Funeral or Wedding?
by minimus inlet's say one of your relatives either died or invited you to a wedding at a hall, would you go?
jehovah's witnesses can serve as police??
by candidlynuts ini know this is from 2003 but i havent been here that long.
anyone recall this or comment?
secret order banishes religious minorities from police.
we can no longer regard as exemplary a brother who continues in armed employment. He could be allowed six months to make a change. If he does not make a change, he would not be in a position to hold special privileges of service and responsibility in the congregation.?
This proves my point. Here the WTS says that someone has six months to find new employment or be "no longer regarded as examplary".
Here's what the Colonel guy said:
"Your being a Jehovah's Witness and working in the police is incompatible," Colonel Budagyan reportedly declared.
So, what's the difference? The WTS says it's incompatible and this Colonel says it's incompatible.
The JW gets fired and the WTS screams discrimination. A JW takes a job as a policeman and the WTS fires him from being an elder. Where's the outrage now?
Did you wear your badge outside the convention, so as to "give a witness?"
by truthseeker inthis year at the dc, we were expressly told to wear our badges at all times, even when going to a restaurant or some place else, so we could "give a witness.".
did any of you hear follow through with this arrangement?
did you have one of those "fantastic" experiences, when someone commented on your badge?.
I didn't wear it before, during or after. I hate name tags. Even in work and social situations, I'll try my darndest to not wear one.
Count me in with the bunch that went straight to the hotel to change clothes after the afternoon session. I never wore "meeting" clothes out after the session. It was interesting to see some of the looks we'd get when more "zealous" types ran into us in the restaurants still in their dress clothes and badges. It ranged from disgusted to envious.
jehovah's witnesses can serve as police??
by candidlynuts ini know this is from 2003 but i havent been here that long.
anyone recall this or comment?
secret order banishes religious minorities from police.
"Your being a Jehovah's Witness and working in the police is incompatible," Colonel Budagyan reportedly declared.
Isn't what this Colonel said exactly how the WTS feels about working in a police department?
Is it not hypocritical for the WTS to claim discrimination when the police fire an employee for being a JW and then turn around and discriminate against the JW who joins the police?
New! SATANIC IMAGES in Knowledge book! What do you think?
by Dogpatch in.
i have friends who have put together this page, i would like to know your opinion on it.. http://www.fortunecity.co.uk/jodrellbank/hyperdrive/479/knowledge_book.htm.
(Dr Evil voice)...mmmm riiigghhhttt...(Dr. Evil voice)
Invitation To Americans To Find Fault With The British..
by Englishman in.
i thought we ought to even things up a little... go for it!.
no obscenities please.
I haven't read every post on this long thread, but here's my input:
I have always admired and liked the British. I went on a whirlwind tour of England, Scotland and Ireland. I loved London. Great city. It was exciting to see so many historical places that are centuries older than our entire nation. The people were friendly and nice, but a little stuffy. The Scots were by far the friendliest. The Irish were nice once they decided to trust us.
I could list the faults of the British along with a lot of other nationalities, but who am I to critisize another? I'm an American. While I'm proud to be American, I don't think I have any room to find fault with any other nationality knowing that I and my countrymen have so many faults ourselves.
I did notice this quote below and just had to say something:
That's because we travel abroad much more than the Americans do.
That's because you live on a freaking island. To visit anywhere you have to go abroad. -
POLL----Will The Witness Religion Ever Cease To Exist?
by minimus ini think jws will be around forever.
i do believe they will, as time goes on, lose many or most of their members.
but i do think that there will always be some around to continue the religion....maybe years from now they'll become more mainstream, i don't know.
Do people still believe there was a global flood? Do people still believe that Jesus was God walking among men? Is the Catholic Church still around? Do people still believe there are WMD in Iraq?
Point is, people believe all kinds of stupid shit. No reason to think that 6 million people will all wise up at the same time and say, "Hey! We were duped!".
It is apparent though that people are leaving the JWs in record numbers. The GB knows it. The lawyers know it. Many others down the line know it. The GB may be reluctant to change, but the lawyers know what to do and they'll do it as soon as they gain control. Just as Joe Rutherford wrestled control to turn Russells little crackpot religion into a money racket, so too will the lawyers will make the needed changes to revitalize the religion once the GB dies off.
who owns Kingdom Halls?
by Dogpatch inhas there been any change in who owns the kingdom halls?.
last i knew it was the watchtower who owned them all, but the pubs had to pay the rent and mortgage.
are any or all of the halls in the names of local elders?
Anyway you look at it, the WTS maintains control of the property. Whether it's deeded locally or to a local non-profit group, if anything happens the WTS can take the property and do what it wants with it.
Building KHs is the same as if I owned my own property, borrowed money from the bank to purchase building materials, built a house with my own labor, paid my mortgage payment back to the bank, with interest and then after I decide to move later on, I give the building to the bank. Of course for my next house, I'll do the same thing. I'll never own, I'm only leasing, but with all the headaches of full ownership, like repairs, upkeep, landscaping, etc. etc.
It's a nice little real estate scam. And perfectly legal.
State Trooper
by RR inthis is a few years old, but has anyone ever seen this?
i didn't know jw's could be state troopers.. rr.
jehovah's witness won't be a state trooper.
Anyone who thus continues to carry personal arms or otherwise equips himself to become "a smiter" would cease to qualify for special privileges in the congregation . .
Well, then, shouldn't have the apostles been removed? They carried weapons.
587 BC for Total Dunderheads
by Farkel inif you're a dunderhead on neo-babylonian history (like me) you've probably remained totally clueless whenever the subject of the chronology leading to back 607 b.c.
since i had nothing better to do today, i decided to finally take the time it takes to understand why dub chronology on that date is wrong.
this piece of information alone should give you a clue about how bored i am!.
Therefore, it is easy for even a fool to see that "7 times" REALLY means "7 years" but which really means "7 years of days", but which then really means "7 years of days which aren't really days, but years", or simply stated "7 years of days of which days are really years". To put it even so a child can understand it, it means that the "times" aren't "times" at all, but are "years", which aren't "years" at all, but are "years of days", which aren't "days" at all, but are "years" AFTER all, even though they were originally CALLED "times"!
I think I saw that in a movie one time:
"Now, a clever man would put the poison into his own goblet, because he would know that only a great fool would reach for what he was given. I am not a great fool, so I can clearly not choose the wine in front of you. But you must have known I was not a great fool, you would have counted on it, so I can clearly not choose the wine in front of me."
"You've made your decision, then?"
"Not remotely! Because iocaine comes from Australia, as everyone knows. And Australia is entirely peopled with criminals. And criminals are used to having people not trust them as you are not trusted by me, so I can clearly not choose the wine in front of you."
"Truly, you have a dizzying intellect."
"Wait till I get going! Where was I?"