quote from Troubled:
My husband and I were on vacation when we heard about the disasters at the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. We cut our trip short and returned home.
Did you fly home that same day? How hard was it to get flights out? You must of been pretty nervous to be on a plane after that had just happened. I feel your pain and sadness ((hug)). I'm glad you and your husband made it home okay.
My thoughts after talking to my JW dad and reading posts from current JWs is that there are many Witnesses who feel truly awful about what happened on Tuesday. Going out in field service, they honestly feel they are doing an important work in comforting people.
That makes me the saddest of all.
To think that there are JWs who are encountering people at the doors and in light of what has happened this week--because people who don't know their bibles can't tell false from truth--they might be caught up in this false religion. Jesus makes that very clear in the bible--you need to receive Him in order to have etneral life. And knowing that people might be taken in by JWs at this emotional point in our history and not going to the true Jesus makes me want to cry all over again.
My hope is that people who are looking to God for answers not get caught up in the emotions of the moment, but do research and investigate what who the true God is and put faith in THAT God. I'm so sad my father is in a false religion, a cult, which is full of good people who don't understand (or care to investigate) truth.
If you have the right Jesus, you're right for all etnerity. If you have the wrong Jesus, you're wrong for all etnerity. Make no mistake about it. The JWs have the WRONG Jesus--as a Christain ex-JW, some days my heart is so heavy when I think about that that it makes me sad beyond words. Lives are at stake in our beliefs, because there is life beyond this earth.