The perfect gift for that someone special in your life!
Already got american pie? Try WACKY WEENIES!
You've been a BAD boy, go to MY room
the perfect gift for that someone special in your life!
already got american pie?
try wacky weenies!
The perfect gift for that someone special in your life!
Already got american pie? Try WACKY WEENIES!
You've been a BAD boy, go to MY room
only you fried-day, (that's "yad-deirf" in your bass-ackwards prose).
would try to mess up someone's birthday with a rotten post.. i speak of yesterday - gwen's (somebody) birthday.. you're about as much fun as a rained-on potato chip!.
party poop!.
Go Tally, Go Tally!!! (Pom Poms and perky breasts).
Real JW's don't judge....I guess there's not too many of those round huh?
Yardiff/Y-A-D-I-R-F/Whateva - get over yerself!!!!!!!! If Gwen is anything like me she woulda bin miserable on her birthday, and your thoughtlessness made it worse. What eva happened to the compassionate jw, the jw who manifests the fruitage of the spirit?
from the encyclopedia of heresies and heretics by leonard george.. under the section on jw's.... some members have seriously considered the possibility that popular singer michael jackson (who was once a jw himself) is the archangel michael in (very effective) disguise, preparing to inaugurate the end of history.
No, actually, my mate Mick is the son of God. He told me so himself!
He said: "I am the arch-angel, number one! Is there footy in heaven?". When I told him no, there was no footy in heaven, he resigned from his position.
You've been a BAD boy, go to MY room
i've finally made my decision to go cold turkey and quit the vile weed habit!
today is my first day....i've got aways to go, so i need all the luck in the world.. i'll let you know my progress and whether this is an easy thing to achieve.
many of you will laugh at this comment i know!!!!!!!!!!!.
Thank you so much for your support guys! With all the support and backing here, Bitter Mango and I will be green free in no time!!!!!
You've been a BAD boy, go to MY room
i have frequented this site quite a bit, but i now have finally joined.
since i seen many other people's posts i will tell.
i grew up with my mother in the "truth" but my father was not.
A big warm, friendly smile and hug! Hope you enjoy yer stay here!
You've been a BAD boy, go to MY room
i've finally made my decision to go cold turkey and quit the vile weed habit!
today is my first day....i've got aways to go, so i need all the luck in the world.. i'll let you know my progress and whether this is an easy thing to achieve.
many of you will laugh at this comment i know!!!!!!!!!!!.
I've finally made my decision to go cold turkey and quit the vile weed habit! Today is my first day....I've got aways to go, so I need all the luck in the world.
I'll let you know my progress and whether this is an easy thing to achieve. Many of you will laugh at this comment I know!!!!!!!!!!!
Please send out all your good vibes...I need it!
You've been a BAD boy, go to MY room
at the hall i used to go to started to notice certain men volunteering all the time to do talks and helping others with needs in the hall.
though there was nothing wrong with that i started to become suspicious because they were not like that previously.then some months later these men became elders and some became ministerial servants ,and guess what did they volunteer for talks as much maybe be as helpful as much well i will leave you to guess the question is why such a change of heart after the promotion,what were they really after did they want to fit in or want authority over others.
Reputation and service is so important to'd think he'd keep up his pretense as most are bound to get suspicious and think the same way!!!!!!!!
You've been a BAD boy, go to MY room
what physical humiliation did you suffer in field service?.
i froze my little hands off in the winter and sweated until i got headaches in the yelled at if i complained about it....even if i was so hot or cold that i got sick afterwards.. at times it was like calculated torture.. you?
Sorest feet eva. I often had to go out with an elder (had to break us three kids up - we were terrors together!), so we'd be at a door for at least a half hour each time!!!!!!!!!
Boredom was another torture, but I usually compensated for that by kicking dirt around or playing with the potplants on the landing...
Thirst, hunger, stress, sunstroke, nastiness. I don't think a child should be subjected to constant slamming doors, insults and abuses and just out and out rudeness at the hands of adults...makes not wanna grow up!!! Oh, I just realized my own self-enlightenment.
i was thinkin lately about the use of titles and how they can be problematic such as the ones used on here such as jedi member,emperor class etc.think why r these titles put into effect is it maybe to encourage others to stay committed to and thus strive for a better title or prominence or even to the advantage of the owner of this website to remain loyal to the website and to keep the number of visitors see if any of you who are previous witnesses well know how the use of titles can serve to no advantage titles only cause envy,division,etc "thats what i think"
You've been a BAD boy, go to MY room
i was thinkin lately about the use of titles and how they can be problematic such as the ones used on here such as jedi member,emperor class etc.think why r these titles put into effect is it maybe to encourage others to stay committed to and thus strive for a better title or prominence or even to the advantage of the owner of this website to remain loyal to the website and to keep the number of visitors see if any of you who are previous witnesses well know how the use of titles can serve to no advantage titles only cause envy,division,etc "thats what i think"
I agree but in this day and age everyone is categorised, labelled and filed without further thought.
Black, white, man, female, french, german, welsh, blue eyes, green eyes, blonde, brunette, egg lover, allergic to the little white bastards! The list is endless. It only causes a problem when people use those destinctions to discriminate against or to be prejudiced for their own selfish reasons.
I have an aboriginal friend who can't get past the black/white issue. I keep telling her, hey girl, we're from the same race, the human one. I've got two arms, two legs and a heartbeat, there ain't much difference from me to you. There's thousands of types of apples in the world, but they don't each have a different name (except for the region they come from), we still refer to them as APPLES! It's just cause one may be green, one pink, one red, and one multi - still tastes like a damn apple to me. It's the same as humans, might be, black, white, red, yellow, or pokka-dotted for all I care!!!! Our biggest mistake was making distinctions and trying to find a place in a world where it's norm to be part of a group, and not an individual!!! Ahhhhh, that makes me so mad!
Sorry for rambling.