I tend to give 3 children the benefit of the doubt!!!!!!! rather than a conniving adult. Children generally don't come out and accuse someone of abuse if there is no reason for it. Yes, my cousin's in-laws coached their daughter into accusing him cause they were gunna lose custody of her to him cause of neglect. The court could clearly see she was copying her parents and the case was thrown out of court. That is an example of one child and her parents. Have these girls parents interferred with investigations or was it lovely innocent granddad, who'd never even think about touching a single hair on his little girls heads.
I will always believe a child. Look at the child, see how it reacts to the situation, to the verdict. You can generally tell from body language or even behaviour if someone has interferred with your kid. There are the classic signs and then there are the subtle signs where you have to open your eyes and quit being so self-centred and actually take a look at your kid and focus on how they are feeling and reacting to life around them. Then you'll know whether a person is guilty or not of touching a child.