Ok, hope this works now:
You've been a BAD boy, go to MY room
ok, hope this works now:.
you've been a bad boy, go to my room
Ok, hope this works now:
You've been a BAD boy, go to MY room
i know its shamelessly and selfish to post but i'm really depressed.
someone pls try to cheer me up?
tell me a joke or something?
That didn't seem to work....Damn it!!!!
You've been a BAD boy, go to MY room
i know its shamelessly and selfish to post but i'm really depressed.
someone pls try to cheer me up?
tell me a joke or something?
Here's a few happy snaps...always good for a chuckle...
Cheer up Hun, we still luv you dearly.....
I crack me up.......
That has me foaming at the mouth!
I cry many a stinging tear at his lack of affection!
And I'm blow drying them now!
i took this test some months ago and got a score of 37. i retook it today and only got a 22!
i didn't think i changed much, but i guess i did.
here's the test link:.
I GOT 79!!!!!! A questioning believer?
You've been a BAD boy, go to MY room
I luv yer words of wisdom!!!!!
Ok, that's all I wanted to say
how does your "on screen" sexual-personality line up with your "in person everyday" one?.
for example: some posters are very liberated & graphic on-line when discussing sex, but to their mate or to the average person on the street they may seem like "old-dubs" or just very conservative.. please answer honestly & give me a break, this might be my first "fluffer"
What you see is what you get with me!! There's no deceiving on my side, I'm as open as they come!
The best way to be in my books.
You've been a BAD boy, go to MY room
when young children are manipulated and controlled by induced fear programming, this causes enormous suffering for many resulting as we know in emotional development trauma and a great unbalance within, where everything feels like its disjointed.. many of you were in this stage once, many of you are still going through painful recovery stages.
from wherever you are right now, what positive mind tools and communication do you use with yourself to help generate and keep going the positive, healing processes?.
how many of you have discovered your scripts in life, those things that hold you back, from accomplishing fully who you yourself know yourself to be?.
Lady Lee: you are very well read my dear!!! I'm glad you mentioned the best book of all...same as me!!!!! It is a truly powerful tool.
You're collection sounds alot like my psychologist-in-the-making buddy, Zed, she's a riot and a half....takes common shrink terms and adds a complete new twist on them to suit her experiences and the experiences of the aboriginal community around her! She is an inspiration as we need this sort of psychologist....an indigineous one...but they'll have to wait another five years for the best one they'll eva have. WTG ZED!
You've been a BAD boy, go to MY room
i nominate myself as dominatrix of fluff, queen of the sex threads, with nothing theologically worthy or biblically challenging to say, unless it has to deal with sex, sex, and more sex.
yes, i live for those sex threads i post so freguently, if it's not snow sculptures of penises, it's does looks really matter, so i crown myself fluffiest poster on this board.. lara
LMAO at Beck!!!!!
Now that you put it that way....
You've been a BAD boy, go to MY room