Nah, twas my fault...I always post links to the damn thumbnail...
Anyway, all fixed now....sorry.....
Mad Cow signing off!
i bought a water purifier last nite and well i was given complimentary tea with it, problem is, i'm a little scared to drink it: .
images of floating, furry, half-gnawed penises just keep flashing in my mind for some reason .
Nah, twas my fault...I always post links to the damn thumbnail...
Anyway, all fixed now....sorry.....
Mad Cow signing off!
i bought a water purifier last nite and well i was given complimentary tea with it, problem is, i'm a little scared to drink it: .
images of floating, furry, half-gnawed penises just keep flashing in my mind for some reason .
I bought a water purifier last nite and well I was given complimentary tea with it, problem is, I'm a little scared to drink it:
Images of floating, furry, half-gnawed penises just keep flashing in my mind for some reason
Mad Cow signing off!
my favourite vegetable: beans.
my favourite fruit: bitter mango.
my favourite town: beck_melbourne.
My favourite vegetable: Beans
My favourite fruit: Bitter Mango
My favourite town: Beck_Melbourne
My favourite animal: Gopher
My favourite cat: Fredhall
My favourite regulator: Simon
My favourite debator: Farkel/Yadirf tie that one
My favourite nutter: Plmcrzy
My favourite unpronouncable: Picosito
My favourite flower: Lilacs
I hope I haven't missed got any favourites to share?
Mad Cow signing off!
presented without comment or prejudice....
survey finds rudeness is getting worse and people are getting sick of it.
n e w y o r k, april 3 people say you're rude.. you walk around bleating into that cell phone as if you're the only person for blocks.
Just last nite I abused an arsehole who pushed in line before me at the ciggy counter in the shopping mall. I revved him one! Told him he was rude and that he should gets some manners. He told me to grow a brain. I said, Don't speak to me like that!!!!
To which the service-chick turned to me and said 'What would you like Maam?'. Aaaahhhh....a sigh of satisfaction escapes me and I grin triumphantly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mad Cow signing off!
in memory of kristian raymond wright 1975 march 2002 .
it was 2am when we got the distress call.
Oh, Beck, how can I express my sadness!!!!!!!!!!! I've been touched personally by suicide, once I attempted it myself, and once my friend Dave attempted it...he succeeded where I failed...and left a huge, gaping hole in my life.....
Can anyone truly say this world is fine when acts of desparation such as this occur everyday because these individuals cannot conceive a way out of their situation.
Beck, I hope you are doing well and please drop me a email if you need to chat or just need some support, a bitch, a cry, a moan, a complain, I'm here for you babe....
Give your whole family a huge bear hug for me and let them know they and Kris will be in my prayers.....
ok, don't think i'm nuts, but i have a rather personal question to ask you.
it's just that i saw a kid do this and i've never seen it in my life, and then a friend told me it happens to her too...every time.... ok, so the question is:.
do you shed tears and get a runny nose when doing number two?.
Nah, this kid's already got a really healthy diet.....going by her nappy....I ain't never smelt anyting like that in ma life.....
Oh maybe that's why she was crying...cause the stink burnt her nostrils?
Mad Cow signing off!
i have been part of the 'alternative music scene' since i was 15. i should know backstabbers, it's part of the scene.. i was molested and shot at at 6, i remembered my abuse and the near death experience under the knife at 14, accused of being demon-possessed, prayed over and my cd's and books burnt at 15, i became an alco and depressive/agoraphobic and got in a lot of trouble with people at 15, i was accused of things i don't want to mention at the moment at 16, my own older sister stabbed me in the back and i was left homeless at 17, i received counselling for the abuse at 18, my little sister told me she had been abused for 8 years by my little brother and i had to carrying this for over a year at 22, i started studying the bible again at 23, and i have been critisized eva since for trying to better my life...... and i had to deal with family ridicule because i was 'weird, black witch/death' whateva they decided to call me at the time.
my sister was also critisized by family because she was weird.
when they found out what had happened to her, they were willing to accept her for what she was, a mixed up, miserable, alone girl.
Marilyn, continued:
I'm not alarmed about this board's feelings towards the wt. They are blinded by their own personal experiences and have filled their hearts with bitterness. Some, I agree, have been treated absolutely dispicably by the org, yet they hold onto grudges and therefore the healing process cannot be completed. So they go in a vicious cycle, never really getting over their pain, because they are too short-sighted to realize they've got to work out their problems and not just accuse an org who isn't going to listen anyway...
The bible states that once apostates have given themselves over to their selfish thinking, they are blinded...and have no hope....
Have any of you real apostates actually thought that satan has led you away, by the thorn in your side - a very useful tool for him, cause he can get right under the skin and jab and jab and jab away at your doubt, or your pain or your granoise ideas....
As I grow and mature and rationalize all information that passes between these ears, I come to a realisation that what I'd given away in the past was absolutely priceless - there is a sense of community, there will always be one with the jw's.
People here are hypocrites. They blast the jw's because they couldn't give personal opinions or interpretations of the bible, or because they disagreed with the way the org was dealing with something. Then you come to this board and the same thing is happening. There is bitterness, anomosity, ridicule, rudeness, arrogance, blatant lying, hardheartedness, unwillingness to change or become open to change, ostracisism, class're worse than any active jw!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mad Cow signing off!
ok, don't think i'm nuts, but i have a rather personal question to ask you.
it's just that i saw a kid do this and i've never seen it in my life, and then a friend told me it happens to her too...every time.... ok, so the question is:.
do you shed tears and get a runny nose when doing number two?.
So has anyone eva seen a kid do this?????????????
Mad Cow signing off!
ok, don't think i'm nuts, but i have a rather personal question to ask you.
it's just that i saw a kid do this and i've never seen it in my life, and then a friend told me it happens to her too...every time.... ok, so the question is:.
do you shed tears and get a runny nose when doing number two?.
Ok, don't think I'm nuts, but I have a rather personal question to ask you. It's just that I saw a kid do this and I've never seen it in my life, and then a friend told me it happens to her too...every time...
Ok, so the question is:
Do you shed tears and get a runny nose when doing number two?
I thought it was hilarious and I'm curious as to know why the human body reacts this way and whether anyone else has the same just cracked me up...the face and shiny nose.....
Ok, so if yer willing to let everyone on this board know yer movement habits, feel free to answer....I know this is a damn weird question...but this cat is curious....
Mad Cow signing off!
the site has been down over a week already.
does anyone have any insight to what is going on?
is it ever going to be back up?
Restructuring for more efficiency especially for us!!!!
Ain't they sweet....wish they'd bloody hurry up though!
Mad Cow signing off!