Yes, the Society does base it's teachings on the Bible, that is not the argument here. But, maybe it is THEIR interpretation of the scriptures, not necessarily the absolute meaning. I have always wondered how the society arrives at the conclusion that they and they alone are the only group in the entire world that is able to accurately interpret Bible. How do they really know for sure? Every organized religion in the world feels that they are THE true one. And they can all use scripture to back up their position.
I am struggling with this issue as an inactive JW. I have seen and am currently experiencing much injustice all in the name of God and the Society. The Bible clearly states not to add to the things written. But, in my opinion, the Society puts their own spin on scriptures. They can justify anything they want to by quoting a scripture whether or not it directly means what they want it to. Personally, my belief is that God put in the Bible what he wanted us to understand clearly, such as commandments, etc. But there is so much to the Bible that is speculation, I think that as mere humans, we are just not qualified to understand everything 100% in the Bible. So much symbolism. Yes, I do respect the Bible very much and follow what I do understand. But maybe God will allow us to know more in His due time. Maybe we all should stop judging one another on issues maybe we don't completely understand yet.
Just my thoughts.
Thank you.