Hi BibleExaminer,
In your first quote from the Awake! magazine, is the author quoting someone else's
writing? If so, do they give the proper reference?
I ask this because I did a web search for the quoted phrase, "The purpose for making this
page is to help the young members of the white race understand our fight"
I found a page containing this sentence at:
< http://www.media-awareness.ca/eng/issues/internet/safety/hate/recruit.htm>;
which also contains the material from the Awake! verbatim!!!!!!
See footnote below.
Has plagiarism occurred?
I also found the sentence at the web sites:
In this page, the word "fight" is replaced with the word "plight"
Footnote: So there is no mistake, here again are the quoted sentences
which also appear at the first website that I mention above.
When kids are surfing the Net for music, they can happen upon links to sites
selling hate music, or offering it free for downloading. Hate music is usually
loud and violent, with lyrics expressing strong racist messages. Web sites selling
hate music often provide links to brochures, pamphlets, newsgroups, chat rooms
or web sites promoting hate.
Some hate sites offer special sections for kids containing games and activities.
A dramatic example is the "Creativity for Kids" section of the neo-Nazi World
Church of the Creator web site, a site that uses the Bible to justify racism and
anti-Semitism. They've created a web site called "Creativity for Kids". This
site offers, for instance, crossword puzzles with racist content. Its purpose?
"To help the young members of the white race understand our fight."