Hey welcome to the community. We laugh, chat, discuss, reason, try to help, make friendships, love, and yes we argue and fight some too. Don't be surprised when you see it. We also have nutjobs and wackos on a pretty regular basis. At first when I came here it scared me. Because I thought, you mean I am at a place with this nutjob wacko idiot? But, you will quickly learn that the nutjobs are few in number and get banned usually before too much damage is done. Heck, I really enjoy a good wacko nutjob post every now and again. I just read it and really want to know if they are on drugs or insane. BUT, we all have a bond I'd take any day over the old JW life. (except for the nutjobs) Even the people I've argued with the most would be so fascinating to have coffee with and commiserate on our experiences.
I can't tell you how good it feels to make my own decisions on what I should or shouldn't do. I have one child so can't imagine the added work/fun and stress/love of 5. :) But, I know how happy I am to allow my child the chance to grow up with a normal life. My child is my contribution to the global community. I can raise someone who will contribute to the world and be a part of wherever mankind is going.
Others have said it, I'll repeat it - Go slow. For years you have been worked into a frantic pace and told "the end is near". It isn't! There may be an end someday if we destroy ourselves. But, it isn't happening anytime in the near future, and it isn't going to be a judgement day from god. Would a loving god kill people in India or China during an armageddon who have never heard a msg? Is there any chance you could preach to all the people on earth? A loving god wouldn't. You are going to be just fine. Actually you are eventually going to be fantastic. Don't stress about the doubts you will have on your doubting. Another poster said it all ready, but I can confirm I had almost constant attacks of worrying I was being foolish and making a mistake. Until the brainwashing is cleared you may have the same. What worked for me was having a couple core things I knew for certain. Every time I had overwhelming doubts I'd end up falling back on those core things I knew and they got me past my anxiety and fear of being wrong. Now I know beyond a shadow of a doubt I made the right decision.
Take your time with your husband. With my wife, at first she would have missed any meeting I would. But, once she saw I was doubting she started trying to get us to meetings. Just go real slow and find reasons to stay home. 5 kids and I could have one of them with some condition preventing a meeting for sure! :)
Keep replying and posting and being a part of the community. Don't be afraid to comment because some posters know so much or seem very quick to reply or question you. It is part of growing and challenging all beliefs to stand up to facts. Growth and learning is what this community is about. It will be a comfort over the next year. Best of luck!