I saw lots of depression with and without meds, alcoholism, and eating disorders in female jdubs in my twenty years. Seems to be getting worse among those I see (infrequently).
JoinedPosts by cultBgone
Mental Health Issues in JW Women
by Seven inhere's a click to the cultic studies journalissue concerning jw women.
[url] http://www.csj.org/pub_csj/csj_vol14_no1_97/abs_wifely.htm#top[/url]
What was your out of control, sobbing moment with this stupid religion?
by ctrwtf ini have often laughed at public outpourings of emotion.
just google mike schmidt"s retirement speech in which he loses it and blithers on about his career.
completely douche chilling.. but to be honest, i had a moment recently when i literally balled my eyes out.
Wasanelder, sorry your lovely Mom was treated so unkindly even by those she had assisted many times. She surely didn't deserve that dose of UnLove.
Reopened, taking care of the struggling one was so kind and loving in the true sense of the word. Sorry you and he were not treated the same.
There are many of us who soldiered on, laboring for others but being treated like pariahs by those in the cult. Sadly, when unconditional Love is not taught or rewarded, most jdubs never learn it until they leave the mind-controlled environment.
The Focus / Prominent Bethelite Topic
by Focus inhello, i am focus.. yes, that focus.. is there anyone here who remembers me from the "good" old days?.
my sig may provide a jog to the memory.. my vision is undimmed, my views unchanged and my claws are sharper than ever.
the filthy old whore is to be taken down with maximum prejudice.. focus.
Nothing wrong with some feisty intelligence! Welcome back, Focus. Methinks they'll be some fireworks and smiles in our future...
Kate Wild
by quellycatface ini've been given permission to post news of our friend.. kate hasn't been very well.
not well at all.
i think much of it has been a delayed reaction to her df'ing, the general fallout when leaving the wtbs and family issues.. i just wanted to give you guys the heads up and give you a chance to show how much we care about her.. thanks for listening..
We love you Kate!! Take good care...
by hildebrando inall classes, all questions, all anwers, all 9 subject!
all leaked for do in spanish!.
Saving this
What is the JW Mindset?
by losingit inis it based on gullibility, naivete, the ability to suspend all logic and reason in order to hold onto fantasized "realities" of a paradise earth where all humanity will be perfect, where all wars and violence will cease?
is it a personal preponderance to the extreme-- whether it be in judgmentalism, cruelty, rigidity, negativity, and/ or righteousness that lends itself to extreme closemindedness and shortsightedness?.
how do you define it for yourself?
Perhaps the single thing unique to witnesses is their belief that they alone:
1. Know and use god's name 2. Understand the true meaning of the bible 3. Have a special protected relationship with the creator of the universe
Are the other traits really unique to jws or are they the result of the finely-honed mind-control tactics employed on the jws themselves?
Throwing attention to the other religions who have major scandals is a common technique used by every control-freak manipulator walking the planet. It's not unique to jws but it's a shoddy tactic used to draw attention away from their own horrific actions.
Are they selfish in the sense of not wanting to help others on the planet, or because they want the "paradise earthâ„¢" all to themselves? It's an interesting concept and dilemma. I don't know that I ever met a jw who participated in service out of a great love of people, wanting to share paradise with them. Instead service was either perfunctory and boring OR an activity used to gain status within the borg.
Wish I had more time to participate...off to work but will check back this evening. Good thread!
..A New TV Show About exJW`s??!!..
by OUTLAW in.. do you want to be on tv?.
reposted to help tv producers of ex-jw series: my name is shauna woods and i work for hot snakes media, an acclaimed television production company based in new york city.
we have developed and produced hit content for tlc, discovery, and travel channel among many others.
Perhaps those in the know should email Hot Snakes to explain reservations about certain exjws and that they don't portray 99.9% of real people...then suggest some reputable exjws be contacted for representation, starting with Cedars.
How Would Your Being Disfellowshipped Affect You?
by minimus inwould you care?.
would there be any repercussions?.
Not much would change as all those who were my "friends" already shun me just because I no longer attend meetings.
received text from my mom
by GoUnion inso my wife and my parents are at their convention today.
this will be the first time in my life that i will not have seen a drama or baptism.
i will miss the public address, i will not see many of my lifelong friends that i have moved away from.
Skeeter, nicely done! GoUnion, kudos to you for standing up for your true beliefs. Win your family over with your Love and Kindness and don't allow them to guilt you. They can't help themselves but you can help them get out. (((hugs)))
The Apostasy Within
by Ultimate Axiom inin the latest watchtower (july 15, 2014, page 14, paragraph 10) it says; today, jehovahs people are not often confronted with apostasy within the congregation.
still, when exposed to unscriptural teachings, regardless of the source, we must decisively reject them.. so, not often, but occasionally jws are exposed to apostasy within the congregation, and they are instructed to decisively reject it.
as we all know, the vast majority of the apostasy they are exposed to comes from the governing body.. i am meeting up soon with an old friend from the 1970s who i havent seen for decades, who is still an active jw, and who would really like to hear what i think about things.
Thanks for the follow up, we look forward to your further adventures teaching TTATT!