Wow, frazz, thanks for the update. Guess I should have read farther but there were pages and
I cannot imagine even walking into a kh feeling the way I do, knowing ttatt. How screwed up would it make you to go back as an elder? Sheeze.
finally said it out loud even though my actions have been showing it for quite some time.
a fight ensued and now she isn't talking to me.
the wierd thing is when i just didnt go she didn't say much (she hasn't been for over 2 mos for a medical reason) but god forbid i should actually vocalize that i don't want to go... i didn't want to give her any fuel to call me an apostate so i just blamed discouragement and my dislike of the elders which she already knows.
Wow, frazz, thanks for the update. Guess I should have read farther but there were pages and
I cannot imagine even walking into a kh feeling the way I do, knowing ttatt. How screwed up would it make you to go back as an elder? Sheeze.
does anyone know what is going on with this?
i am on the court mailing list but there has been a deafening silence on the subject.
i know the wheels of the legal process grind slowly but has anyone got any insider info?.
It's absolutely amazing how nasty the comments are on Ms. Condi's fb page. The wts is pretty good at teaching people how to hate, apparently.
finally said it out loud even though my actions have been showing it for quite some time.
a fight ensued and now she isn't talking to me.
the wierd thing is when i just didnt go she didn't say much (she hasn't been for over 2 mos for a medical reason) but god forbid i should actually vocalize that i don't want to go... i didn't want to give her any fuel to call me an apostate so i just blamed discouragement and my dislike of the elders which she already knows.
I'm sure the rest of your story is on the boards but I don't have time to go through so many posts, so...
Can we get the updated story? Would love to know what's happened over the past seven years!
this is what a friend of mine told me who has a bethelite in his hall.
he got invited to the annual meeting by this bethelite and of course my friend is all excited and can't wait to be "fed spiritually"
LOL! From the Title you'd think this was a current post....but for any of you Doubters and Lurkers, this same cycle has been routinely repeated for DECADES! The same nonsensical "Announcements" and "New Light" and such...WAKE UP!!!
Nothing is getting worse in the world except for the wts.
are molesters always allowed to go out in the ministry door to door after they are reinstated (if they were df'ed)?
doesn't the wt give them some sort of restrictions?
Nina's comments are all too familiar:
The 14-year-old boy sexually assaulted a 4-year-old girl who also attended the same congregation. He got caught -- this time. I was told he'd done it before with another child but it was hushed up.
I saw this ten-year-old thread and it made me NOT want to do the math on how many more innocent children have been molested by all the pedophiles and perverts protected by the wts. The probelm is horrifying enough without the massive criminal cover-up of the org claiming to directly represent god.
i know this type of thread has been done before but i am sure not all the stories were mentioned.
anyone have any good ones?
any elders, co, do, gb, etc.
This could have been a fun thread....hey, we don't have cable!
i have posted other threads about my studies with an elderette, that began a few weeks ago.
we live in the territory of a kh in another zip code, but when we moved here we did not realize that.
we went to the kh that shared our post office.
Hi, Faithful, it's not so much that they keep records officially on you, but they gossip and love to share any opportunity for a return visit or a "call" so they can run up their numbers and not have to go door-to-door cold calling. I know a case where an out-of-state jw wrote a letter about their non-jw family member they wished to be contacted, and that letter got passed around from sister to sister until it finally hit the correct congregation for the territory in which the family member lived. They started a study with that person.
If you want any privacy for your situation, please do not give them specific info or tell them where your mom lives. Remember this: in jw-land, YOU are the outsider and THEY are all in. You have no rights of privacy or loyalty from them.
And Searcher is right, they do recognize "apostate"-speak. But some may find you a challenge nonetheless, one that they think they can mold into a jw because of their superior knowledge and skills. Plus I've seen sisters continue studying for years and years (we're talking decades) with women who never came to the kh; they just studied for socialization and to be polite. Even though the sisters realized there was no baptism forthcoming, they refused to stop the studies. It was their routine and how they counted their time as leading piousneers in the cong.
a few yrs ago i posted about my daughter in law ........
she has been such an inspiration .
she has studied hard and next week will be recieving her associates of science degree with honors !
So beautiful. Wishing her all the best!
Thank you for sharing this inspiring story, her words are powerful and will keep me in a happy place all day.
1) god makes no distinction between his own people and pagans.
(leviticus 19:33, 34; mathew 5:44-48; acts 17:26, 29; galatians 3:28).
2) people who know the will of god will be judged, on the basis of that knowledge;.
How cruelly these lovely ones were treated. It really is a borg, a cult. Their insensitivity to little children molested by their members harmonizes with this cruelty. Wish we had the power of cnn or bbc to make the realities known to the world.