Congratulations and (((((Julia)))))
JoinedPosts by cultBgone
OMG I'm so happy!!!!
by Julia Orwell inyup, the apostate is happy.
i shouldn't be, right, because my life is empty without "jehovah" and the organisation.. but i just got a job at one of the best theme parks in the world, which is so what i want to do, and it's the first permanent job i've had since i lost my government job in 2012!.
the job pays minimum wage but i don't care because working in tourism and entertainment is what i want to do!
by The Searcher inthe lawyers acting on behalf of the wtbts/g.b./'mother' during a paedophile case a couple of years ago, have stated on record that - .
a) "field ministry is not controlled or monitored by the elders, the congregation, or watchtower".
b) "an individual publisher's field ministry activity, including the time and manner it is carried out, is a personal matter between the publisher and his god.".
Great find, thanks for sharing this!
which other JWN members have you met ?
by bigmac inas the title asks---which members on here have you actualy met ?.
ive met.
cantleave and nuggett.
So far I've just met Gypsy Sam, who is a wonderful person btw, but I hope to meet a few others in the near future.
30th Anniversary of THAT classic 1914 WT front cover
by wizzstick in.
please join with me, and celebrate the 30th anniversary of the classic wt with the front cover which boldly proclaimed that the generation of 1914 would never pass away.. the cover date of the that wt is infact this very day so let us raise a glass to this clear sign they have god's backing:.
in this the 100th anniversary of our lords return (invisibly of course brothers) it is a fine and appropriate thing to do..
Now THAT would make a great anti-jw ad! Have that popping up on a search page for the jw website would be the best!
Anti JW Internet Banner Ad Campaign
by kneehighmiah ini would be willing to donate if some of the big anti watchtower activist worked together to create an anti-jw internet banner ad campaign.
one click could change lives.
for example the material on jwfacts could irreversibly damage the faith of even the strongest jw in under an hour.
You could use gofundme or a similar site for funding the project.
My apologies to everyone.
by DATA-DOG ini just wanted to openly apologize to anyone that i have ever offended on this website.
i have been thinking about this lately.
we all seem to go through the same various stages of learning ttatt, anger, sorrow, frustration, bible champion, agnostic, atheist, ect.
DD, love your posts! And who of us here hasn't posted when our emotions were running high? Keep up the good work!
once again I am convinced these people are deranged
by franticfran injust heard from my daughter,her husbands mother has just sent him a text to tell him his grandmother has died.
no telephone call,no visit.
his crime?
Ocean has a good point. Most of us were also controlled by the wts and did stupid things to our friends and family. it would have done nothing but make our faith stronger if we read the negative comments about how terribly we treated people...remember, we were Brainwashed into thinking we were good religious folk doing the will of god.
While our pain may come from those who are Brainwashed jws, our anger should be directed toward those who DO the Brainwashing...the gb and any who knowingly lie to the rank & file.
Nicely done! Thanks for sharing these.
First Post - Emotionally Torn
by scaredtospeak ini haven't been on here long but i found this site a couple days ago and quickly realised it had a lot of posts by people going through similar experiences as me.
i read some of the answers and it helped relieve some inner anguish i've been carrying since everything i came clean to my parents about everything i've been reading about.. .
i just have been going through a rough patch right now; that might be an under or overstatement depending on your own personal experiences with this kind of stuff.
What I really hate....
by Perversion of a truth inis that i was born into this cult, taught and believed that i was going to live forever, , that i was never going to have to die.
now i am in my mid 30's realizing that this life is all there is and that after that i am dead forever and i am terrified.
i don't want this to be all there is, , i don't want to just live a few years on this beautiful planet and then become non existent forever!
when I realized that I maybe had twenty years left on this earth, if I actually took care of myself...I was soooo depressed! When MORTALITY hits your brain it is just so hard to fathom, when you've been taught that you will Live Foreverâ„¢.
the good news is that you move past that, and you'll decide to relish the years you have left.